Chapter 459
The so-called one hundred steel making is hard to beat, Sun Chunming is not afraid of Fu Shi's spoiling, but he really can't stand her like this, she is not a grass, she is the wife of a famous family anyway, he can't just watch her just like this. I was tortured to death, otherwise I would have to die of guilt, after all, what the two of them did was not very honest.

It's just that this woman is completely different from the ones he has seen and heard. No matter how much the future generations consult and explode, it is impossible to find a woman like Xian Huicheng.In particular, he knows that this woman has nothing to do with being stupid. A woman who is proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy, calligraphy, painting, gold, stone and jade, and can even write a good Yuefu long tune, even if she can't be called ice-snow smart, it is absolutely impossible. He was fooled by a few words.

People are just female virtues.

This is really worrying Sun Chunming, he has to spend time, energy and thought on treating her in his busy schedule, but unfortunately the results are mediocre.

Until Sun Chun received Sun Yue's letter and learned that Murong Yan was pregnant, Sun Chunming almost didn't even think about it, so he gritted his teeth and showed the letter to Mrs. Fu.

Sure enough, Fu brought up the old matter again, saying that he hoped that Murong Yan could go home and wait for the birth in peace. Sun Chunming was also very moved, so he couldn't help but wrote a letter to Sun Yue himself, the wording was more friendly, to the effect that he The father-in-law is willing to wait for his daughter-in-law to give birth.

Naturally, Sun Yue typed back the letter that day, his place was busy, how could he leave Murong Yan, besides, this is not the 21st century, Wuyang Wuyang, the maid beside him, is there still a lack of a father-in-law?Murong Yan, who is usually crazy, basically doesn't walk on her own feet now, so there is nothing else to serve.

After thinking about it, Sun Chunming thought it made sense, and wrote a letter to Murong Yan himself. Seeing that she really didn't want to come back to raise the baby, he agreed, but only proposed that the baby must be sent back to Luoyang after it was born, little bastard. If you can't get home, your grandson can no longer be taken away.

Fu Shi was very surprised, and couldn't understand why Sun Chunming would indulge Murong Yan so much, even though she was pregnant, he still agreed with her not to come back?You must know that this is the eldest grandson of the Sun family.

Sun Chunming could only explain that he respected Murong Yan's choice. A child is important, but there is no need to ruin her career just because of a child. Now is the most critical time for the construction of Jizhou City, and there will be no one without her for a while. Can top it.

Fu Shi didn't understand. Could it be that for a woman, is there anything more important than carrying on the family line?Isn't the meaning of a woman to bear children?She asked Sun Chunming these kinds of questions, but Sun Chunming took it for granted that she was the wife of a Ming matchmaker, not a concubine. Why did you make it sound like a reproductive tool?

Then, Fu Shi was in a daze, and he was in a daze for several days in a row.

A few days later, Sun Yue replied to the letter. At the beginning of the letter, he rejected Sun Chunming's request confidently, saying that he would never send the child back. It is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. If you don't send it back, you will be unfilial.

For this, Fu felt incredible. She never imagined that there are fathers and sons who talk like this in the world. It didn't look like it was pretending, which made her puzzled, so she began to wait for Sun Yue's reply with special attention.

On the day Sun Yue replied, Sun Chunming happened to be busy with business, so she put it away first. After Sun Chunming came back, he didn't think too much about it, and said directly: "You can't obediently agree to send the child here, what reason are you looking for? ? You just read it to me."

Fu Shi didn't think it was inappropriate when he heard the words, so he opened the letter, but before he read it, he was shocked, his eyes were round, and he couldn't read any more.

Sun Chunming was puzzled, he took the letter and read the first sentence and his heart skipped a beat. Sun Yue pointed out openly that he would rather let his child grow wild than hand over the child to a man with long hair and short knowledge. Woman, that woman has to teach the child badly, and if a girl is born, he wants Sun Chunming to promise that the woman will not see her for the rest of his life.

The woman was naturally referring to Mrs. Fu, Sun Chunming looked at Mrs. Fu embarrassedly, while Mrs. Fu still maintained that shocked expression.

Shock, not anger, embarrassment, embarrassment, etc.

Fu finally couldn't help being less virtuous, and said, "I...I don't understand, I...can't figure it out."

Sun Chunming could only say awkwardly: "Don't be familiar with him, he is still a child."

After blurting out these words, I can't wait to slap myself and myself. Is there a child who is a Jiedu envoy in the world?
"I... I have always known that although you respect me, you have never really loved me. I thought it was because I didn't do well enough. I... I have actually worked very hard."

Sun Chunming was even more embarrassed now, he was so embarrassed that he didn't know what else to say, but Fu Shi simply stopped his mouth, and started to cry while crackling, and the whole person twitched, and he couldn't bear it. With a calm tone, he continued:
"Our family has three queens, so there are many people who come to our house to ask for marriage, but this makes grandfather even stricter on us. I have practiced hard enough, I know how to be educated and reasonable, and I can go to the hall, and I dare not call myself virtuous, but I can also be called a lady. Since childhood, people in my family have said that whoever marries me must be a very good fortune .”

Sun Chunming said: "It is indeed a good fortune, a blessing cultivated in eight lifetimes, and who said you are not virtuous? Let alone meet, I have never even heard of a more virtuous person than you."

Fu Shi was no longer humble, she also had her pride, and continued: "I am proud of the upbringing I have cultivated through ten years of hard work, but you father and son have abandoned it like a pair of shoes. I don't understand, I really I don't understand, I knew who Brother Yue was before I got married. I didn't expect him to treat me like a mother, but I really thought he would like me, and he really did. I thought you would like me, but in the guys like Murong Yan, you are so crazy that you have no tutor! Now you would rather let your children be educated by that crazy girl than let me take care of them? I can't figure it out, I really I can't figure it out, Sun Chunming, can you explain it to me? You father and son, why... Sigh."

Sun Chunming is also helpless, this is purely a question of values, comparing Murong Yan with Fu's family, I am afraid that nine out of ten men will choose Fu's family, but neither father nor son are among the nine, they both He came from later generations, and he has seen all the prosperity, and he can understand the incomparable charm of independent women, housewives. Even if he had a daughter, he would not dare to let Fu Shi meet with his granddaughter, so he could only sigh Said: "Why can't you tell the difference between smell, smell, beauty and ugliness?"

Fu finally couldn't bear it any longer, and said loudly: "Yes."

Sun Chunming thought for a while and said, "Can you do math?"

"Ah? Yes... a little bit."

"I admit that our father and son may indeed be somewhat different from other people. We all believe that women can only be truly attractive if they first love themselves, strengthen themselves, and stand on their own feet. Otherwise, start tomorrow and follow Han Derang to learn how to manage accounts. Well, maybe after two months, you will understand."

(End of this chapter)

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