Chapter 336 Hit the Door
Wang Yanchao was in a bad mood, and said with a confused expression: "Sun Yue? Want to kill you? What happened?"

As the saying goes, the younger son, the older grandson, is the heart of the old man. He was still thinking, if there is some misunderstanding here, and see if he can help mediate. After all, they have retired in Luoyang in recent years Living in leisure, getting along well with the Sun family and his son.

"Sun Yue, with his soldiers, went to Tian Fugui's house in broad daylight and killed Tian Fugui."

"What about Tian Fugui and Li Fugui? What does this have to do with you?"

"He did it to avenge his wife, he did it to avenge his wife."

Wang Yanchao was taken aback: "Did the chaos yesterday have something to do with you?"

"I... I didn't want to make such a big fuss, I really didn't want to make such a big fuss, I just thought, find something for Sun Chunming to distract them, and stop staring at the glass factory all the time. The new Han Derang they sent is too powerful, so I just... I don't know if I will hurt Murong Yan!"

" are confused! How can you do such a thing? Who is Sun Yue, don't you know? He is a peerless murderer who destroyed five countries in a row within a few years!"

"Grandfather, I was wrong, I was wrong, you must save me, Sun Yue is crazy... he is really crazy..."

Wang Yanchao's eyeballs were rolling around. As the saying goes, the old man has come here through wind and rain all his life, and he can understand Sun Yue's current state at a glance. This is so red-eyed.

He himself was born as a Jiedushi, and he was once one of the most powerful Jiedushi in the world. He has experienced this kind of red-eyed state a few times himself, and he knows that at this time, his old face is not enough. No, but as long as he waits for him to pass this time, an old general from his grandfather's generation will come to make amends in person, maybe the matter can still be redeemed.

After all, Murong Yan wasn't dead either.

"Hurry up, let's go, it's useless for you to hide with me now, you go to your grandpa Fu immediately, Sun Yue is young and energetic, no one can protect you today except your grandpa Fu."

"Grandpa Fu?"

"Yes, go quickly, if you don't go, it will be too late."

But a rather cold voice said from a distance: "It's too late now."

Wang Yanchao raised his head in great shock, and saw Sun Yue and his group coming slowly in a formation against the rain, and couldn't help but feel pained.

So fast.

Wang Keyong was so frightened that his face paled, and he crawled behind Wang Yanchao tremblingly: "Grandpa, save me."

Wang Yanchao's face froze, and then he forced a smile and said, "So it's Xiaoyue, but I haven't seen you for a while, your formation today...isn't appropriate."

After all, he was an elder, so Sun Yue bowed his hands and said, "Old General Wang, today Sun came here to kill someone, so there is nothing inappropriate."

Wang Yanchao's face was serious, and he said without anger: "You are so young, you have a big tone, this old man is a generation older than your father, you didn't know where you were when I was fighting Khitan, come to my house Killing people? Hehe, it's so majestic and majestic, hum!"

Snorting coldly, more than a hundred warriors appeared out of nowhere from all over the palace, each armed with weapons, rushed over in a staggered manner, separated Sun Yue from Wang Yanchao, and quickly formed an array.

Sun Yue was not surprised at all by this. After all, he had been fighting all his life. No matter how he retired, he would not have any personal guards under him.

"General Wang, do you want to test the quality of this junior?"

"Sun Yue, I know everything. It is indeed my grandson's fault. Fortunately, your wife is fine. How about I apologize to you on behalf of my grandson? The relationship between our two families has not been smooth all these years. Isn't it good? Besides, it was the child of Murong's family who was injured. This is not an outsider to me. When I was young, Murong Zhang and I were good brothers. Later, I also had a lot of intersections with that child, Murong Yanzhao, and I even supported him. As for him, really, we have some conflicts within our own family, why do we have to face each other with life and death?"

"What relationship do you have with the Murong family? I can't tell you. Murong Yan came into the door of my Sun family. She is a member of my Sun family. General Wang. I have always respected you, and I don't want to embarrass you too much. I Look at it like this, if he hurt my wife with a knife, how about I repay the knife with the knife? If he can survive my knife, I will let him go."

"Sun Yue! You are trying to antagonize me!"

"Fire and fire, are you afraid of you old guy? Open your bow!"

" dare to be so presumptuous in my house?"

"Ha, I'm going to be reckless today, young master. If you want to fight, let's just fight. Guess, will the officials kill me to avenge you?"

"This...Sun Yue, I am also a person who has made great contributions to the country. I surrendered my military power and retreated, but I was humiliated by you like this. Do you think you can escape if you kill me?"

Sun Yue said disdainfully: "There is nothing to talk about the previous court affairs."

These words are the original words of Zhao Kuangyin's second drinking to release the military power, and he obediently handed over the military power after hearing this.

When Wang Yanchao heard this, he really wanted to die. He was so humiliated by a junior who knocked on his door. What a great reputation for a lifetime!

However, he also knew that what Sun Yue said was correct, Zhao Kuangyin might stand up for other old generals, but for him, I'm afraid he really wouldn't, because there was really no kindness between him and Zhao Kuangyin, instead there was some petty enmity.

Speaking of it, it happened decades ago. He and Zhao Kuangyin's father, Zhao Hongyi, were old friends. As a result, when Zhao Kuangyin ran away from home, he brought a letter of recommendation from his father to join him, but Wang Yanchao back then He didn't know Taishan, so he regarded Zhao Kuangyin as a beggar, gave him a few pennies, and then sent him away. Zhao Kuangyin was so angry that he didn't have the face to go home, so he fell into the rivers and lakes and became a professional ranger .

Therefore, Zhao Kuangyin stole cabbage and begged for food, all of which were inseparable from Wang Yanchao. In the end, he didn't realize that the better he was, the better he became emperor.

So, now that Wang Yanchao wants soldiers but not soldiers or power, he still has a little bit of grudge with the emperor, to be honest, he really can't get away with it.

While shaking his head and sighing to delay time, he kept kicking his grandson with his heels, but this idiot had grown a wooden head at the slightest bit, and apart from trembling, it was useless.

You said that at this time, you suddenly stood up and stabbed yourself, wouldn't it be over? Didn't they just want to vent their anger, you f*ck stab yourself, a little attention to propriety can at least save your life.

Alas, there is no successor.

"Old General Wang, you have four sons and six grandchildren, but I have only one wife. If you stop me, everyone will fight to the death, and he will not be the only one who died."

"Sun Yue, does it have to be like this?"

"It has to be."

"Hey...then, it's up to you, old man, old man, now it's your young people's world, but Sun Yue, sooner or later, you will also be old. No one can go well for a lifetime. This enmity, we The Wang family took note."

"Welcome to the descendants of the Wang family, come to me for revenge at any time."

(End of this chapter)

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