Chapter 329
After hearing Murong Yan's words, Sun Yue couldn't care less about her waist, and sat up with a sullen face.It seems that this matter is really related to the Murong family in all likelihood.

"Ma'am, let's get dressed and have a serious talk."

Sun Yue's words were more serious, and Murong Yan was stunned when she heard it, and she didn't look very good when she sat up.

"Why, the Sun family still has the rule that the harem should not interfere in politics?"

Sun Yue sighed and said, "It's meaningless for you to say that. You see, besides me, there are even half of the generals who take their wives to fight? But no matter what, you are the daughter-in-law of our Sun family now."

Murong Yan sneered: "You mean my elbows are turning outward?"

"Today, Han Derang told me that the accounts of the glass factory had a difference of more than 100 million yuan. Do you know how many people are needed to make 100 million yuan disappear? This is blatantly stealing our family's money. Could it be Can't we check it out? Even if it's your third brother, we have to do business, don't we?"

Murong Yan's face turned red with anger, and she scolded angrily: "What did he say? He said that if there is a loss of 100 million, it means 100 million less? Why don't you look it up, one side is my own brother, and the other is The Khitan servant who almost killed both of you, you believe the latter without asking? If it is really my brother who stole money from our family, do you think I can forgive him?"

Sun Yue said angrily: "Don't be a slave, he is Uncle Cao's nephew, he is my own brother whom I have recognized."

When Murong Yan heard that the pillow was thrown, Sun Yue was so frightened that she quickly ran away, letting the pillow fall to the ground and shattered (it was made of porcelain), she couldn't help but angrily said: "You are crazy! Murder your husband."

"He's your own, and my brother is an outsider? Why don't you just say, I'm an outsider too." As she spoke, Murong Yan was so angry that she even wanted to hit him again.

"Enough! Murong Yan, you are usually arrogant and domineering. I have tolerated you for a long time! Do you really think I am afraid of you?"

Murong Yan was so angry that she laughed, "Huh? Are you calling me savage now? What did you say when my mother helped you with military affairs? What did you say when my mother saved your life? For a long time? You bear it?" How long has it been? Tell me, do you still want to write a revision book?"

"You... are unreasonable!"

Saying that, Sun Yue raised her legs and left, and when she went out, she slammed the door hard, leaving only Murong Yan behind, staring blankly for a long time. The little milk that was poured down could still smell a strange smell, and then pouted her little mouth, lowered her head and began to cry silently.

But when Sun Yue went out, when the wind blew, he actually felt a little bit regretful. After all, his trust in Han Derang was largely based on his trust in his character rather than pure blood relationship. He is considered half a Confucian scholar, and judging from the long river of history, he never surrendered Zhao Er under the city of Youzhou, and lived up to Xiao Empress throughout his life. If there is not a layer of national righteousness separating him, this person is actually worthy of the word "loyalty" .

But Murong Yan definitely doesn't know about these things, and even this woman has never read the Four Books and Five Classics at all. They are all things for exam-oriented education. She grew up learning the art of war with knives and sticks. Not to mention trusting, it's almost the same to be on guard against Han Derang all the time, after all, their family almost ruined him.

So on one side is my brother, and on the other side is this thing, I guess it would be the same for any woman.

However, how should I put it, freezing three feet does not happen in a day, and what Sun Yue said when he got angry today is not all angry words, he has indeed endured it for a long time.

This woman is really domineering. If it is a monogamous modern society, it is fine. They are all the masters who dare to cut your penis if you cheat. But in the Song Dynasty under the polygamous system, it is a bit uncomfortable. So what's the matter, man, the way of life is such a thing that the thought declines very quickly.

Why are Zhao Guangyi, Tian Qinzuo, Han Chongxun and the others able to have fun outside all day long, while his wife takes care of her like a good cat?His wife is also a tiger girl, so you are the only one special?

Arguing? At this moment, all the bad things in his mind are on his mind, and he doesn't even think about it. How much kindness Murong Yan has to him, how can it be compared to other wives?Obviously what he loved before was this independent and self-reliant character, but now he has become savage and domineering, red roses before marriage, mosquito blood after marriage, what I want to say should be the current situation.

Anyway, his house is so big, and he doesn't have to worry about having no place to sleep. Thinking about it, he hasn't pampered Xiaodie for a long time. Today, he finally escaped from the devil's grasp. Sleep, what if two people quarrel at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed in two days?
Thinking about it, it's really a little chicken.

Resolutely entered Xiaodie's room. At this time, she was embroidering, and she didn't see him. Sun Yue, who was angry, hugged him directly from behind, threw it on the bed, and began to take off her clothes.

"Master? You... Why are you here? What are you doing? The door is still open, eh? Xiaoqing, go and close the door."

harmonious society…………

"Master, you... What's wrong with you today? You're so fierce."

Sun Yue touched her and didn't speak.

"Master, are you going to sleep with my concubine tonight?"

Sun Yue frowned and said, "Aren't you happy?"

"Look at what you said, how could you not be happy, but, you are arguing with the young lady, if you really sleep with my concubine today, she will hate her to death in the future, you let our sisters, in the future, But how do you get along? Young Madam is indeed a bit impatient, but she is really very nice to you, why don't you come and have a banquet and make peace?"

Sun Yue frowned even more now: "Are you so afraid of her? Can she really kill you? Did she torture you?" As he said, Sun Yue searched around Xiaodie, as if No wound was found.

It's quite normal to say that Xiaodie doesn't dare to compete for favor. Judging from her background, Xiaodie is not qualified to compete for favor, but Te Niang's filial piety is too much!

Could it be that a bamboo stick was inserted between the nails or something?Well, it really is the most poisonous woman's heart.

Xiao Die pushed Sun Yue's hands away, and said with a smile: "Master, you have wronged the young lady too much. The concubine is only grateful to the young lady, but never has the slightest resentment."


Xiaodie stretched out her hand and said, "This bracelet was given to me by the Young Madam."

"A bracelet bought you?"

Xiaodie lowered her head when she heard the words, bit her lips and said: "A few days ago, Young Madam, through the influence of the Murong family, found my father and my younger brother. Arrange for my younger brother to join the new army and become a corps leader."

Sun Yue was stunned when she heard this, and after a long time, she choked out a sentence: "I'm sorry, I am too thoughtful, you have been with me for so long, and you have never asked about your family, she has to think about it ,I am sorry."

After finishing speaking, Sun Yue was ashamed to wait any longer, put on her clothes and left in a disheveled manner.

What the hell, he has completely forgotten Xiaodie's family for so many years.Even though Xiaodie was bought here as a criminal slave and her relatives have long since been separated, since Murongyan can find her through the power of the Murong family, wouldn't the Sun family be able to find her?
We must know that after Murong Yanzhao's death, the power of the Sun family is much greater than that of the Murong family.

This kind of thing has to be thought out by others, and I don't know anything about it. This feeling... I'm so uncomfortable. This Murong Yan is just sick. She doesn't show credit for this kind of thing, and she just plays with it. up.

After thinking about it, it seemed that Sun Yue hadn't had a drink with Zhao Guangmei for a long time, and he had no place to go tonight, so he snorted loudly in Murong Yan's room and went to find Zhao Guangmei.

(End of this chapter)

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