Dad, this seems to be the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 140 Cao Jun's Talent

Chapter 140 Cao Jun's Talent

Li Jilong, one of the four famous generals in the Northern Song Dynasty, his historical evaluation is not lower than Cao Bin and Di Qing, Yeluxiu and Li Jiqian are both defeated by him, but these are not important, the current Li Jiqian is just a teenager It's just a little kid, and his temporary identity is just... Li Chuyun's son.

So Sun Yue is right, Li Chuyun's status determines that he can't condescend to trouble Sun Yue in person, because if Sun Yue scolds him face to face, he will be even more difficult to get down, and he can't really put Zhao Pu How about the student, but there is no problem with his son coming over, because Sun Yue scolded Li Chuyun yesterday by being drunk, so Li Jilong beating him belongs to promoting filial piety.

Naturally, Sun Yue didn't have the character of not fighting back after being beaten, so he wrestled with Li Jilong, and the result...

"Hiss~ Take it easy, old man, it hurts."

"Who told you to be brave, knowing that it was Li Jilong, but still dare to fight back. You are a scholar, can you be Li Jilong's opponent? Thank you, he didn't hit hard, otherwise there is no reason to beat your father. "

"Hmph, I grew up watching Liangjian. This is the spirit of Liangjian. Don't look at him as fine on the surface, but I also punched him several times. He suffered internal injuries. By tomorrow, his nose and face will be bruised, his mouth will You’re squinting, ah, be gentle.”

"A dead duck has a tough mouth."

At dinner at night, Sun Yue's face was wrapped in gauze like a mummy. If he wanted to drink some soup, he had to be fed by Xiaodie. If he accidentally fed him, he was so hot that he screamed and pinched Xiaodie's ass hard. Cao Wan was amused.

Seeing Cao Jun limping back from the outside at this time, his head covered in blood seemed to be much worse than Sun Yue's, and the family couldn't help being surprised: "What's wrong with this? You also got into a fight with someone else?" "

Cao Jun said nonchalantly: "It's okay, Li Jilong is much worse than me, I dislocated his jaw."

Sun Yue said in shock: "You went to fight with Li Jilong?"

"Of course, he fought with you, a scholar. Isn't that bullying? I went and beat him up."

Sun Yue and Sun Chunming glanced at each other, quickly stripped Cao Jun naked and inspected it carefully, and found that it was indeed a skin trauma, so he was relieved and said seriously: "You really defeated Li Jilong? You are not bragging? "

"Of course, I rode him under me and punched him hard, but he refused to accept it and asked me to fight again tomorrow night."

"You promised?"

"That is, when did our men ever get scared?"

The Sun family father and son looked at each other in blank dismay, neither of them dared to believe it.Cao Jun has studied martial arts diligently for the past two years, and his peers really have no rivals. They only know that Cao Jun is very talented in martial arts, but they don't have a specific concept. Could it be that he can even win Li Jilong?The internal injuries they mentioned just now are of course all jokes. Twenty years later, Li Jilong will be the real No. 20 fierce general in the Song Dynasty. Doesn't this mean that Cao Jun is actually a general?

"Brother Jun, is your appointment with Li Jilong a one-on-one match or a gang fight?"

"Of course it's a one-on-one match."

"Okay, then tomorrow I will call my friends to cheer you on."

Silent all night.

When she woke up the next morning, Sun Yue felt that her arms and legs didn't seem to be hurting so much, so she stretched out her hands and played around with Xiaodie for a while to take advantage of it, then got dressed and got ready to go to work.

When we came to the barracks, we chatted cordially with Han Chongxun for a while, talked about the situation, organized an army drill together, and cooperated with the tacit understanding of each battalion. light?

"By the way, Brother Han, I'll ask you for leave later."

"What? Is there something wrong?"

"Ah, you know my brother, Cao Jun? He had a fight with Li Chuyun's son. This happened because of me. I have to cheer him on."

Han Chongxun is Han Chongyun's son, and his father, as one of the three commanders, was not on good terms with the Privy Council, not to mention Li Chuyun, and his relationship with Zhao Pu was average, so he didn't shy away from him.

"Oh, then you go, don't worry, I have sparred with Brother Jun, his martial arts are really high, if you don't use weapons, even I may not be able to win, no one in the same age can compare with him .”

Sun Yue couldn't help being shocked again, "Even you can't beat him? What are you kidding!"

It's not surprising that Han Chongxun and Cao Jun know each other. When he is busy recently, Zhao Guangmei always comes to play with Cao Jun. Based on the relationship between Han Chongxun and Zhao Guangmei, they should know each other, but it is too strange that he can't defeat Cao Jun. You must know Han Chongxun He is already 15 years old and has entered puberty. How can he not defeat Cao Jun who has just started to develop?Besides Cao Jun's background, Lao Cao is just an ordinary veteran, and Han Chongyun is one of the three handsome men.

"Ah, Brother Jun should be considered very talented. He has great strength. Speaking of which, have you ever thought of letting him go to the barracks to hone his skills? He is expected to be a general. Anyway, among the generals I know, It seems that there is no one stronger than him."

Sun Yue nodded solemnly when he heard this and said, "Well, maybe I have really paid less attention to him in these years. Such a good seedling has never been noticed."

When the time came, Sun Yue changed into casual clothes and specially called Zhao Guangmei to come to the place where Cao Jun and Li Jilong had an appointment to cheer him on.

The reason why they called Zhao Guangmei was because they were afraid of what Li Jilong would do. If a one-on-one fight turned into a group fight, they would be able to escape safely with him. They didn't believe that Li Jilong really dared to beat Zhao Guangmei.

But it turns out that they are the heart of a villain and the heart of a gentleman. Li Jilong came alone, but they, because three people came, it seemed very disgraceful. Although he didn't say anything, he just gave them a supercilious look. Let them experience it by themselves, but still feel quite humiliated.

Children’s fights are not as fancy as adults’. When adults fight, they may need to chat for two hours before fighting for 10 minutes. Children are more straightforward. Cao Jun and him didn’t say a few words in total. Don't accept it, don't accept it, come on if you don't accept it, and then the two of them will do it.

What they did was fierce, and soon the two of them twisted together. After a while, Li Jilong rode on Cao Jun for two laps, and after a while, Cao Jun pressed Li Jilong under him. Put command.

Anyway, after a while, both of them were bruised and swollen. In the end, it seemed that Cao Jun had better physical strength and had a slight upper hand.

"Are you satisfied?"


DuangDuang punched a few times.

"Are you satisfied?"


Another punch from DuangDuang.

"Are you satisfied?"



Anyway, in the end, Li Jilong was not defeated by Cao Jun. Cao Jun was not a fool. He couldn't really beat Li Jilong. He had retained his strength. Although Li Jilong had a bruised nose and face, they were all external injuries. If the beating continued, he might really Something happened, Sun Yue quickly stopped him and went home to eat.

In fact, Cao Jun couldn't beat him anymore, he was only slightly stronger than Li Jilong, and he couldn't hold on anymore. Excitedly followed Sun Yue and the others.

Li Jilong was beaten for two consecutive days, but he was so aggrieved that he stood up staggeringly, picked up the bow and arrow he dropped before the fight from the ground, and shouted: "Hey! I still don't accept it. , I want to compare arrows with you!"

Everyone turned their heads, only to see that Li Jilong had stubbornly pulled up his bow, and the arrow was pointing straight at Cao Jun.

(End of this chapter)

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