Chapter 1 Father and Son
Xiande seven years, the first month.Kaifeng City.

A group of black and thin men with their upper body bare, wrapped the thick and thin rope around their waists round and round, and then passed it over their skinny shoulders, chanting loudly in unison, struggling to use the huge monster on the river The flesh and blood dragged up.

Generally, during the first lunar month, people don’t have land to grow, and they all stay at home, thinking about whether to tear two feet of floral cloth to make new clothes for the children, or to buy a big buttocks to satisfy the whole family. insect.

But these trackers did not have such a good life. There was little precipitation in winter, and sometimes the river would freeze. It just so happened that this year was a busy time for water transportation, and they could not rest for a moment.

Be busy. If you are busy, you can earn money. People in troubled times have no life to enjoy life. Happiness is to earn a bite of food to feed the whole family by working hard.

A gong sounded, but there were two people, one big and one small, standing in the middle of this group of coolies, singing and talking in unison.

The younger one looks to be only about four feet tall, and he looks to be no more than six or seven years old. The older one looks to be in his 20s, and they look similar in appearance. They should be a father and son, judging from their posture. He actually wanted to perform on the street.

The coolies around were not surprised by the father and son. Apparently, the father and son had been hanging around here for not a day or two. They talked about a new thing called cross talk. Seeing them beating the gong, those exhausted and paralyzed Those who have nothing to do in their spare time have gathered here.

The younger one spoke first: "Everyone, my father and son have just arrived in Guibao Land. Many people don't know us yet. Let me introduce you."

The big one said, "Tell me about it."

"The relationship between us is unusual."


"We are a pair of biological father and son"

"Yes, I am Dad."

The little one looked back at his father with a smile on his face and said, "I didn't argue with you."

The big one said angrily: "Is there any point in arguing about this?" He took off his shoes as if he wanted to hit him.

Everyone knew that the two of them were joking, but quite a few people laughed out loud, especially seeing that the little boy was only a little bit old, but his quirky appearance was like a little adult, very cute.

The little one continued: "Come back to business."

"Yes, please speak carefully and don't make trouble."

"My name is Sun Yue, please take care of me in the future."


"The one standing next to me is my father, his name is Sun Xiaoyue."

Pfft~, Speaking of this, the audience around is already laughing into a ball, these people have never heard of cross talk, they can laugh a lot with just a little shake of the burden, this kid is really too skinny, whose family ranks the most It's in line.

Sure enough, the big one became anxious upon hearing this, picked up the sole of his shoe and slapped his butt.


Naturally, there was no cross talk in the Northern Song Dynasty, so the two people, one big and one small, are naturally time travellers.

The younger one’s real name is Sun Yue. He was originally a promising young man in the 21st century. He just graduated from the 985 prestigious master’s degree this year. He has a great future and a splendid life that he hasn’t had time to enjoy yet. He drives a new car provided by the company to pick up his dad. In an unexpected move, he was suddenly hit by a big truck and arrived 1000 years ago.

Others bring golden fingers when traveling, some bring Gatling, some become emperors, some simply bring a big warehouse, and some shameless people just bring a system or something. And bring a dad.

dear father.

The truck also hit his own father, Sun Chunming.

I don’t know what scientific principle is used to achieve this time travel. Anyway, when the two of them opened their eyes, they both seemed to be more than 20 years younger. Dad became a young man in his 20s, and he himself became a young man in his [-]s. A child of six or seven years old.

It's fine if you don't have a golden finger. Anyway, you have traveled to the Song Dynasty, which is the most popular among traversers, but this time is a little earlier, seven years after Zhou Xiande.

This year, Zhao Kuangyin was still the inspector Taiwei, and people all over the country were still wearing mourning for Chai Rong. There were Northern Han and Khitan in the north, and Southern Tang and Houshu in the south. Anyway, the prosperity and civilization of the Song Dynasty could not be seen at all. No one appreciates Song Ci at all, not even the most basic benefits for time travelers.

It is not easy to live in such a chaotic world. Talking about getting into the picture, talking about wealth and glory, you will wake up from starvation after half a day of dreaming. No matter what you do in the future, you have to take a bite first Eat and run around.

Fortunately, these years are full of chaos, and there are no guides. Refugees from all over the country come to Kaifeng City to find a way to survive, but no one cares about the two of them.

When they first came here, they didn't talk about cross talk. They had been working in the father's system all their lives. Although they didn't make much money in their lives, they spent a lifetime on face. They could lose their lives or give away their money. This is just the thin skin of two taels. Can not be broken.

As a result, he worked as a tracker with a group of refugees for three days and couldn't take it anymore. Modern people with thin skin and tender flesh can't do this job, not to mention blood all over their bodies. The key is that the three melons they earn are real Not enough to spend.

It just so happened that the two of them were lovers of cross talk in their previous lives, and when they were combined, they did this.

Not to mention, these coolies can’t earn a lot of money even if they are exhausted all day, but most of them will reward one or two copper coins after listening to music.

It's not like modern people who have to find a pirated version to read a novel, let alone a reward.

After talking about the last two paragraphs, the small cloth pockets under the two people's feet had already filled a lot of copper coins. They knew that the consumption power of these coolies had almost bottomed out, so they hurriedly closed their mouths, picked up their wallets and put them down. place to go.

In the first lunar month, they are all happy, and they may have some spare money on hand. It is the best time to talk about cross talk, and both of them know that the good days are only a few days away, and they must hurry up to make money, and they dare not rest.

Because just yesterday, in order to resist the Khitan army, Zhao Kuangyin had already led his army northward to fight the Khitan army. Counting the time, we will be able to reach Chenqiaoyi almost tonight. Well, let’s understand a little bit about what will happen next. We all know the history.

After walking for a while, Sun Yue couldn't help swallowing when he saw a man selling jujubes with a load. I can live with it, but Sun Yue's mouth is already parched.

This peddler is also sharp-eyed. Seeing Sun Yue's expression, he knew that there was a business coming, and he leaned over and said, "Brother, the child's mouth is so rough, would you like to quench his thirst with a handful of dates?"

Sun Chunming was a little hesitant. There were no vegetable greenhouses in the Song Dynasty, and even jujubes were extremely expensive in the winter. After a meal of winter jujubes, the cross talk between the two of them just now would be in vain.

But Sun Chunming gritted his teeth and said, "How did you sell it?"

Sun Yue turned her head and said, "Forget it dad, just pass by Aunt Li's house and ask for a bowl of water."

"Oh, your father and I are useless, so we can afford to buy a few winter dates. We have eaten rough grains for half a month, so let's have a sweet meal to satisfy our intestines. We have to talk about big things tomorrow." It's business."

The jujube seller said with a smile: "Brother, you are really sensible. The big jujubes are three pieces of paper, and the small ones are two pieces of paper. Do you want the big one or the small one?"

Sun Yue rushed to say: "Want a big one, the big one is sweeter, grab twenty big ones for me."


"Don't, don't, I still want the small ones, give me thirty small ones, sweet ones, I don't want the ones with worm eyes."

"no problem."

Sun Yue gave it to Sun Chunming first, and after Sun Chunming ate two, he said he didn't like it and didn't want to eat it, but Sun Yue ate five or six in one go, and couldn't bear the rest, so he just put it on his chest In my pocket, I'm about to leave.

"Hey, hey, you haven't paid me yet."

"What money?"

"Dongzao money!"

"Dongzao is what I exchanged for that jujube."

"Then... you didn't give any money to Dazao either."

"We didn't even eat the jujube, what kind of money do you give me?"

The jujube seller was also stunned, and couldn't figure out what happened for a moment.

On the contrary, Sun Chunming smiled and said: "Don't mind, we father and son talk about cross talk, but we are talkative. Here, this is jujube money. Come and listen to our father and son talk about cross talk when you have time."

The jujube seller saw that he was not here to eat Bawang jujube, but he was also happy: "Okay, I heard that a couple of father and son came here. They said that something called cross talk is very interesting. I have never wanted to see it. When I met, it turned out to be the two of you."

Sun Yue smiled and said, "Uncle, in two days we will buy a shop for cross talk, you can find us anytime then."

"Yo? Shop, this is amazing."

"Hey, look at that, the biggest old Cao's biscuit on the street this time, our father and I will buy this shop tomorrow."

The jujube seller smiled secretly, but didn't say anything, thinking, the old Cao's sesame seed cake is the largest and best business shop on this street, not to mention that they can't sell it, even if they are willing to sell it, it's not worth a hundred and eighty Don't think about it at all, the two of them said that the cross talk didn't last long, and he would believe that he made a little money, but it would be a bit of a fantasy if he said it was a hundred and eighty.

(End of this chapter)

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