super biofactory

Chapter 24 Glass Processing Plants

Chapter 24 Glass Processing Plants

After the two of them finished chatting about the contract, they ate the fish and meat on the table harmoniously and chatted about some commonplace topics. Li Tenglong was in charge of the audience, Old Man Zhou was in charge of speaking, and Chu Feng occasionally interjected a few words.

After eating, Chu Feng watched Old Man Zhou leave. Li Tenglong ordered a young man to arrange for Chu Feng and others to go back.

When we returned to the villa, it was already 06:30 in the evening.

He didn't even have time to eat dinner, but he called Langshan and Gaofeng to prepare for the major renovation of the factory. The staff recruited migrant workers nearby and prepared for large-scale processing. They were only responsible for all products except the liquid of life.

As for the address of the factory, he only knows one place so far, and he has never been to the actual place.

The liquid of life production line is placed in the basement of the villa and is left to Chu Meihe's research team.

After the instructions were completed, Chu Feng and Chu Xiong were left alone in the living room of the villa. Chu Feng looked at the room and found that there were no vegetables, fruits, or fish. He immediately walked to the basement, carrying a bamboo basket, and walked towards the research room of life worms. go.

The night is beautiful today, the moonlight is like water.

Several combat-type cockroach-headed monsters were also observing in the corners of the villa. Occasionally, a dog rushed over, attracting the attention of the entire villa.

Chu Feng watched in the basement for a while, and after finding that there were no problems, he only took a few fruits, left the basement, ate the fruits, then washed his face and brushed his teeth, took a hot bath, and put on his pajamas.

Climb into the soft bed and fall asleep.

Early the next morning, Chu Feng had a few bites of fruit for breakfast. After getting dressed, he went to the underground level. Then he summoned the cave worm and used his mind to convey Chu Feng's meaning to the cave worm.

The cave worm immediately gnawed out a black hole. Seeing this, Chu Feng hurriedly went in.

Until they arrived at the office of a small factory. In the office, Lang Shan and Gao Feng were already waiting for Chu Feng. Chu Feng was almost frightened, but he relaxed after seeing that they were acquaintances.


"Opening a factory is troublesome. There are so many things to do in such a big factory."

Chu Feng sighed helplessly.

Although it is only a small glass processing factory, there is still a lot of work.

The operation of a factory requires workers and technicians, and there is no shortage of workers. There are abundant labor forces in several nearby villages, and you only need to be skilled in operations to get a job.

The key is that technicians are hard to find. These technicians were inherited from the original factory. Originally, the factory was going to close down and be dissolved. It was only after Gaofeng acquired it that these technicians were retained.

Chu Feng has a copy of an advanced glass tube invented by Chu Meihe's research team, an anti-fall and shock-proof glass tube manufacturing technology.

Now Chu Feng came to the factory for the first time. After casually watching it for a while, he felt that his avatar was not enough!

Although two of the five workers introduced by the former boss of the factory could barely be regarded as technicians, they monitored the glass tube production process.

However, their technology was unable to meet the special glass tubes Chu Feng needed.

As for management and product sales, needless to say, although these five workers are not honest, they are not as eloquent as those professional salesmen.

However, the only thing that satisfied Chu Feng was working hard enough.

Fortunately, Chu Feng summoned several technical cockroach-headed monsters. Although the technical cockroach-headed monsters are not real industrial technical talents, they are not a big problem for manufacturing glass tubes.

The task of these technical cockroach-headed monsters is mainly to provide technical support, and those workers are used for labor work. In one sentence, they are coolies!

In order to prevent these workers from being dissatisfied, Chu Feng recruited twenty migrant workers from nearby villages, such as Pigou Village, Shuangcun Village, and Wuyang Village.

Basically between 34-50 years old.

Purchasing raw materials for glass tubes is not a problem. As long as you have money, quartz sand and other materials are easy to purchase.

The most troublesome thing is the management staff.

Currently, only Gao Feng and Lang Shan serve as the company's executives. Even the factory is fully responsible for Gao Feng. Lang Shan is responsible for the financial management alone. However, Chu Feng cannot summon more managerial cockroach-headed monsters at will.

Because the management type cockroach head monster needs an identity!
One or two is not a problem, but a group is.

Originally, Chu Feng's dealings with Li Tenglong were troublesome enough. Coupled with the military cooperation, if there was a problem with this management talent, it would be a big problem.

Chu Feng knew that even with his extraordinary system, it was impossible to do everything in this world, especially in this country under socialist management. Therefore, except for the president and finance, other senior executives were recruited from the public!

Fortunately, the market in this area is mature enough. In large headhunting companies, there are enough high-level management talents for Chu Feng to choose from. Among them, there are many high-end talents with excellent ability and strong execution ability.

The prerequisite is the starting salary that Chu Feng can pay!

Of course, Chu Feng now has enough capital to recruit these high-end talents, but Chu Feng does not need so many high-end talents. He only needs middle-level management talents, not high-level management talents.

What he wants is a company that he can absolutely control!

However, Chu Feng was not in a hurry. He sent Gao Feng and Lang Shan to work, and he signed a working contract with the recruited migrant workers, and there was also a confidentiality clause.

Of course, these farmers cherish this job. Not only is it close to home, but the salary is also high, so they all signed confidentiality clauses.

Others may sneer at this so-called confidentiality clause. What can be kept secret in a small broken glass factory?
But Chu Feng took it seriously. The reason why he bought this glass factory was mainly to load the liquid of life.

His goal is the top people in the world!

Chu Feng did not rely entirely on the contract to keep it secret. This was just his outermost fireproof line. It was not Chu Feng who kept the technology of the glass tube. What he wanted to keep was the secret of the liquid of life!

Next, Chu Feng began to debug the processing equipment.

Instruct a technical cockroach-headed monster to start compiling the production process.

Equipment debugging is a technical activity, and the quality of the product is inseparable from equipment debugging.

After the debugging of the equipment, although the equipment is the original factory equipment, the products produced by it have slight differences after being debugged by the technical cockroach head monster.

Coupled with the ratio of raw materials at the feed port, time, precise scheduling, and temperature differences, some properties of the product have undergone qualitative changes!
The design debugging and precise scheduling involved, even if someone were watching the debugging of the technical cockroach-headed monster, it would be impossible to copy it exactly.

Chu Feng looked at the batches of precision glass tubes and felt very excited. As a biotechnology company, glass tubes containing liquids are also a necessary industrial development for biotechnology.

Even in some aspects, the quality of packaging precision can affect a company's product release!

(End of this chapter)

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