super biofactory

Chapter 1 Bioprocessing Plants

Chapter 1 Bioprocessing Plants

"Did you make a mistake!?" In Pushi, in an ordinary single-person rental room, the young Chu Feng was fiddling with his mobile phone, and then looking at the applications in the mobile phone in his hand, he couldn't help complaining.

Chu Feng is a young man who just graduated from a general college last year. His major is electrical automation technology. Although this major is in great demand.

However, it is not easy for an ordinary undergraduate to enter the power grid, and there are still certificates and entry exams. What's more, it is just a specialist who can't learn everything well, but unfortunately, he has to learn it all over again.

So after the end of his sophomore year, Chu Feng went to work in a large state-owned electronics factory through school recruitment, wasting more than a year, from an intern to an experienced intern, and finally successfully obtained the school's diploma and left the university campus.

After he resigned, he came to Pu City and rented a single room with the only money he had.

Now he was going to wake himself up and calm down at the same time.Originally, he had nothing to do. After quitting his job in the factory, he couldn't find any other job suitable for him in Pu City, so he considered living a short-term stay-at-home life.

The reason why he complained was because he discovered that an app named [Bioprocessing Factory] appeared on his mobile phone for no reason.

He operated the mobile phone to delete the software, but he couldn't delete it, so he vomited in anger, and he frantically pressed the application like a madman.

And then, what Chu Feng didn't expect was that the mobile app actually displayed: [Is it bound to the host? 】

There are two options on the interface: one is to confirm and the other is to exit.

Chu Feng smiled, thinking that this crap thing can still make this thing, it's a bit special, this shows that it suddenly made the boring Chu Feng interested in the biological processing plant.

He first went to the toilet to wash his hands, then rubbed his hands, held up the phone as if worshiping God, and clicked OK with his thumb.

A second later, the phone suddenly emitted a white light, and then turned into a laser and shot a white light, hitting Chu Feng's forehead.

Chu Feng was startled by the white light, he couldn't help but dropped the phone to the ground, and then touched his forehead, thinking that he didn't feel it.

Then he looked at the phone that fell on the ground, picked it up, pressed the power button, the screen went black, he continued to press the power button again, the phone still didn't respond at all.

"Depend on!"

Chu Feng was suddenly a little depressed. If he was asked to change his mobile phone, even if it was only a smart phone worth a few hundred yuan, it would be enough for him to feel distressed for a long time.

After all, he doesn't have a job now, and he stays at home every day to save food and drink.

You must know that one day of living expenses is one day less of living expenses. If he changes to a new mobile phone, it means that he will lose more than half a month of living expenses, so this is also the reason why Chu Feng feels distressed.

"Don't crash the phone, you only used it for a few days, you still have a few years to live, light it up, my cell phone master!"

Chu Feng pressed the power button again, closed his eyes and kept calling Nanami Buddha again, to try to see if it could be turned on.

One second, two seconds... When the fifth second was counted, the phone finally responded, and a clockwise, non-stop rotating circle appeared.

Finally started!

Fortunately, it was able to turn on the machine, and Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, the interface on the phone suddenly changed, and a strange prompt appeared: [The system has successfully bound the host and is in the process of intelligent identification. The identification is completed. Do you want to call it out? 】

Ever since, Chu Feng was stunned...

"When did my mobile phone still have such an operation?"

But until now, Chu Feng didn't think too much about it, he thought in his heart that binding is binding, it can be recognized intelligently, and it can't be used as a 6G mobile phone, as long as it can be used, it is enough.

Chu Feng clicked on the application with his index finger, and then called up the data. After waiting for half an hour, the loading progress of the mobile phone was completed, and then Chu Feng looked at the data that was called up.

【Host】: Chu Feng
[race]: human
[Summonable Creatures]: Life Worm, Virus Separation Worm, Cave Worm

Chu Feng was stunned, and thought to himself, what the hell is this?There are also such things as life worms and virus separation worms. Is it possible that the traversing hole worms are worms that can pass through? Have you seen too much Doraemon?
However, Chu Feng didn't care about these meaningless things, he showed a wave of random manipulation.

Immediately afterwards, he pressed the main button on the screen, it seems that the application still cannot prevent the function of exiting the interface.

However, what made Chu Feng feel a headache was that when he operated the phone, he found a virus in the phone, and deleted all the original applications in the phone, and even the photo and contact system software that the system had provided could not be found.

There is only one application left on the desktop of the entire mobile phone - [Bioprocessing Factory], other than that, the display surface that can be pulled down is gone, and the signal is gone.

Bioprocessing factory... This is a Trojan horse virus, right?

Depend on!
After such a bizarre thing happened, Chu Feng hated the software application of biological processing plant even more.

What worm creature, what virus isolate worm, ate my phone - it was because of clicking on this app that caused all this!
Chu Feng's eyes were full of confusion and pain. He accidentally dropped his phone before, and now he accidentally clicked on a virus application. All the applications were deleted, and even the system was modified. The good smart phone became a brick machine.

However, maybe... maybe someone else made a little joke on me?
Chu Feng, who had been numbed by the biological processing plant, was looking forward to it. With this thought in mind, he clicked on the only application, and the following interface appeared:
[Biological processing factory]: There are all kinds of insect races here. They are eager to bring various opportunities to human beings in the world, and are good at manufacturing various life gods.

They are exquisite life craftsmen, allowing low-level creatures to accept the transformation of Genesis. Their understanding of the eternity of life even exceeds the longevity of their own life.

Their existence is to lead humans to the starry sky, and the vast starry sky is waiting for humans to conquer.

Being so arrogant and conquering the starry sky, human beings are struggling to even step on the moon, not to mention the vast universe.

Chu Feng laughed as soon as he saw it, he just thought it was a funny introduction to the drama.

Chu Feng continued to click in with his index finger, and the screen quickly turned into a miniature human figure. Looking closely, the figure was actually Chu Feng himself. There were space warehouses and summonable creatures displayed below. The most interesting thing was that there was a Bio store.

The creatures that can be summoned are probably so-called life worms and virus isolates.

So Chu Feng directly clicked on the spatial warehouse, and as expected, there was nothing serious in it, only an icon that looked like a small backpack, and when he clicked on it, it turned out to be a novice gift bag.

[Novice gift pack]: The novice gift pack owned by the newcomer host of the biological processing factory. After opening, you will get two loyal humanoid creatures, a bottle of physical enhancement liquid (excellent), and a first-level biological processing factory gift pack.

The first-level biological processing factory gift pack requires the host to upgrade the factory level before it can be opened and obtained. There are nine levels in total. The higher the level, the richer the functions of the gift pack.

Summon three kinds of creatures and upgrade them to first-level creatures, you can upgrade the first-level biological processing factory, and open the first-level biological processing factory gift bag to get richer gift bags.

Upgrading to the second level, you can get more powerful creature summoning opportunities, and open the summoning opportunities of industrial machine creatures and dark matter creatures.

The level of the bioprocessing plant is zero this time, please make more efforts to upgrade the host.

Now Chu Feng was so full of laughter that he knelt down to read the introduction. He couldn't help but read the introduction carefully again, thinking that this is getting more and more weird, and can he summon creatures?
it's so funny.

However, Chu Feng didn't believe in evil and clicked to open the novice gift package, and suddenly found that the phone emitted light again, and the light was so bright that Chu Feng couldn't open his eyes.

After the light disappeared, Chu Feng suddenly opened his eyes, only to see the mobile phone in front of him was surrounded by smoke, black shadows were moving, and something seemed to jump out of it.

Then, in the smoke, two figures vaguely appeared. As the smoke slowly dissipated, the outlines of the two humanoid creatures became more and more obvious.

When Chu Feng saw it clearly, he jumped up in fright and threw the phone away.


After yelling, Chu Feng rolled over the bed numbly, opened the door staggeringly, and rolled out on his knees.

"My mother!"

A wailing sound made the corridor suddenly come to life, and all the renters stuck their heads out to see which bastard was making the noise.

However, when they found out that the bastard was Chu Feng, and looked at Chu Feng's face full of panic, they thought that there was a murder, and all of them quickly tightened their upper body and closed the door.

(End of this chapter)

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