This Reiki revival is poisonous

Chapter 186 The Second Dead

Chapter 186 The Second Dead

"If nothing else happens, the murderer camp is looking for you everywhere so that you can kill you and quickly move on to the next link," Qin Luo said to Qi Wenjin: "But you can't die now, so you don't think you can match up with the killer—"


"We want to avoid the killer as much as possible. There are many ways to dodge, such as hiding in the compartment of a high-speed moving vehicle, or sending someone to scout the road to make sure there are no players from the murderer's camp in front of you before you move on. Another example is We sent someone to guide the murderer camp players in the opposite direction to buy you as much time as possible—”

"In the game, the murderer has an absolute advantage against us, so sending other people to explore the way or distract the murderer will not work, because it means letting the other party die." Qi Wenjin said.

"That's only the first move..."

"The first trick seems simple, but it's actually extremely dangerous. In this killing game, the murderer's abilities are not restricted at all. If the opponent has location tracking abilities or sensing abilities, don't say we hide in high-speed moving It’s like hiding on a rocket and you will still be caught and killed.”

"Then there is no backhand power at all?"

"Yes," Zhu Jin, who had been vigilant about his surroundings, suddenly said, "vote to kill them... But the premise is that we have to win enough player votes."

"In addition to the three of us, I can still win one vote." Qin Luo thought of Zhang Guduo who was sleeping soundly in a certain pavilion.

Zhu Jin and Qi Wenjin looked at each other. They had been in the game for so long and hadn't won the votes of civilian players. How did this Qin Luo win it after he came in?

Suspicious for a moment.

"Is it reliable?" Qi Wenjin asked Qin Luo.


"How sure are you that he/she will vote for you?"

"Seventy percent, we have an agreement,"

While speaking, Qin Luo recounted the incident of meeting Zhang Guduo in the pavilion in the small park, anyway, they will be able to see the clues when the next round of voters, instead of hiding it to make the other party feel that he is not frank enough, it is better to make things clear from the beginning .

After listening to Qin Luo's words, Zhu Jin couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "This auntie is really a strange person. She obviously doesn't know big characters and is extremely vulgar, but she can always answer everyone's doubts again and again. This is the real wisdom and stupidity!"

"Most of the people at the bottom of the society are not ordinary people." Qi Wenjin said: "But it seems that this aunt is indeed more reliable, and she can be regarded as a good ally. In this way, our confidence in the next round of voters will be even greater One thing... Now we are discussing how to avoid the murderer. As far as I know, there are two more murderers, one is Zhao Dabao who has exposed most of it, and the other is unknown. Zhao Dabao is easy to say, but the identity is not yet known. The murderer is a headache..."

"That's right, because we don't know their identities, everyone we meet may be the murderer, and the matter is complicated for no reason," Zhu Jin said, "In this case, we can't lobby the rest of the players as we like, who knows what will happen?" I won't point my back and talk to the murderer,"

While talking, the three of them walked towards the edge of the town one after the other.

There seems to be a place for renting small vans there. Although Qin Luo's proposal is not so safe, for the time being, we can only temporarily pin our hopes on a van that can move at high speed.

The owner of the rental venue is a fat man with beards on his face. After hearing Qin Luo and the others say that they want to rent a car, he squeezed the cigarette in his mouth and squinted his eyes. He took a puff and threw the cigarette butt into the trash can. Then he stretched out his hand and said, "One price, one day including a deposit of [-]."

"Isn't it a little expensive?" Zhu Jinchu, who knew a little about leasing, asked.

Unexpectedly, the owner of the leased place said without changing his face: "You are foreigners, right? When foreigners rent cars, they usually say that they are for moving or something, but who knows what you are using them for? Every time I return the car, my The car has been used for a long time and is dirty and broken, three thousand five is still cheap for you!"

"..." Seeing that he was so forceful and unreasonable, Zhu Jin endured it for a long time and finally decided to call Qin Luo and Qi Wenjin to visit other people's homes.

Although everyone's mobile phone account can be used in this game, it is precisely because it can be used that they don't want to be taken advantage of!

It costs [-] yuan to rent a car for a day, so it's better to grab it directly!

However, Qin Luo shook his head at him and said: "It's unavoidable that something unexpected happened, so let's make it more expensive——"

While speaking, he took out his mobile phone and paid for it.

When paying, I casually asked the owner of the rental venue: "Boss, no one should rent your car at this price, right?"

Looking at the account records on the mobile phone, the boss is happy, "There is no local one, just like you, there is one out of town—"


As soon as these words came out, Qin Luo, Zhu Jin and Qi Wenjin were all stunned.

Qin Luo followed up and asked: "Really? Don't tell me it wasn't the boss who opened his mouth... What does that person look like?"

"Why are you lying to me? That man looks about 35 years old, his face is full of stubble, he is fat... He says his surname is Zhao. If you don't believe me, go back and look for me in the town, and you won't find me! He assured me that Only use it in the town and never go out! Otherwise, I wouldn't give him a fifty-"

Only used in town...

It really is Zhao Dabao.

Affected by the game, players cannot leave the town no matter how they go around, so they cannot leave the town regardless of whether it is guaranteed or not.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Dabao took advantage of this to bargain.

But in the current situation, haggling is the most normal behavior!

When Qin Luo realized it, Zhu Jin had already reacted one step ahead and asked the boss: "You gave him a cheap price? We can't guarantee that we won't get out of the town, why don't you give us a cheap price too—"

Then it was a lot of torment.

Anyway, Zhao Dabao has already left, so it won't hurt to smudge here for a while.

In the end, the boss couldn't stand the torture and moved two pieces of cold beer into the van they rented, which made Zhu Jin calm down.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Jin stopped and Qin Luo started to raise conditions again, saying that he had to rent the work clothes of the van together with him. In order for the boss to cooperate well, he repeatedly stated that money did not matter.

I heard that there will be an additional [-] yuan, and the owner who rented the venue didn't have any ink marks, so he got up and went back to the house to find clothes.

When the boss came into the house to look for clothes, Qi Wenjin said to Qin Luo: "Although you don't seem to be short of money, your wealth is not leaking. Aren't you afraid of getting into trouble if you take advantage of someone like you?"

Unexpectedly, Qin Luo said disapprovingly: "If we want to cause trouble, we will already cause trouble when we are willing to pay [-] to rent a car..."

The boss quickly walked out with three work clothes that were not particularly new.

Qin Luo and the others took the clothes, thanked them and left, changed them in the car after driving a certain distance, and then tried their best to take the role of the van staff and shuttle around the town.

It is convenient to have a car.

Within a quarter of an hour, Qin Luo saw Xiao Xie Xiaolin who was cautiously groping around in the town, Zhang Guduo who was still sleeping soundly in the pavilion, and player No. 8 Wei Youfu sitting by the town's public swimming pool and constantly warming up.

In addition, they also met Zhao Dabao who was driving around the town.

Several times the two vehicles passed each other head-on.

Fortunately, Qin Luo and the others were all wearing the overalls of a van driver, so Zhao Dabao didn't see through them at a glance.

Zhao Dabao seemed a little irritable.

He drove around the town again and again, looking like he was looking for someone.

"Could it be for you?" Qin Luo asked Qi Wenjin.

"Who knows," Qi Wenjin glanced at Zhao Dabao's car, which had already driven away, and said while manipulating the steering wheel, "It can't be to find another murderer——"

"The murderer should know who the murderer is..."

"You just play and don't know some details of this game. In fact, as long as you want, you can completely hide your identity from everyone, including your teammates. If you deliberately hide your identity, unless you are told by a policeman like me Check you, otherwise you will not be exposed!"

Qin Luo was stunned, "So you mean that Zhao Dabao's teammates hid their identities from him, and that's why Zhao Dabao seemed a little impatient?"

"Although this is just my guess, I can't rule out the possibility," Qi Wenjin said, "When I was betrayed by Wen Xiaodong, I regretted why I was so stupid for not hiding my identity and fighting everyone in the smoke war— —If I had concealed my identity to fight the smog war, I might not have been fully exposed by now.”

Wen Xiaodong......

Qin Luo didn't have much impression of this player who had died when he came here.

However, according to the narration of Qi Wenjin and others, it can be known that this is a dutiful son.

When he knew that he would die if he failed, the first thing he thought of was not how to protect himself, but how to leave the hope of life to his mother Li Ziyuan as much as possible——

Although this move was despised by his teammates, it was blameless.

Qi Wenjin drove the car and the three of them also started to go for a ride in the town.

Because they had exposed Zhao Dabao's name in the dark, they successfully avoided Zhao Dabao's sight every time.

However, Zhao Dabao still came to his senses. After all, the town is so big. If you can't find it even after running around, there are only a few ways to hide your body -

The truck driver chosen by Zhao Dabao is obviously one of them.

After reacting, Zhao Dabao began to search for hotels from door to door.

In the process of searching the hotel, he also began to pay attention to the face of the driver on the van.

Several times, Qin Luo and the others were almost targeted by the other party. Knowing that it would be bad if they continued to drive, Qin Luo and the others prepared to get out of the van.

However, he felt that it was impossible to avoid Zhao Dabao's pursuit after getting out of the van, so Qin Luo suggested to find a driver to drive, and the three of them built a shed in the van to rest.

Prices are easy to find and are everywhere online.

But Qin Luo didn't surf the Internet.

Before he was sure about Zhao Dabao's ability, he decided not to leak information online as much as possible.

They found a middle-aged man with many forehead tattoos in a secluded part of the town.

The middle-aged man heard that he could get 5000 yuan for simply driving around. After getting a deposit of [-] yuan, he resolutely stepped into the cab.

After explaining to him a few words, Qin Luo, Qi Wenjin and Zhu Jin walked to the carriage where the tent had already been set up,

In the time since, the driver has driven them around town.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Gradually, the 24 hours are drawing to a close.

Qin Luo, who had been paying attention to the movement outside, said, "It seems that I haven't seen Zhao Dabao much in these two rounds—"

"Time is running out, he seems to be ready to kill if he can't find me." Qi Wenjin made a guess.

Every time after entering the game venue, the police must find a person and kill a person.

Otherwise, you will be judged negative.

If the verdict is negative, someone from its camp will die.

Qin Fei had already reminded me of this at the beginning of the game, so after entering the game, Zhao Dabao, Qi Wenjin and others have been faithfully carrying out killing and investigation operations.

"Are we waiting here for him to kill someone?" Qin Luo asked.

"We can't go out and stop him." Zhu Jin, who drank a bottle of beer, hiccupped and said, "This is a necessary process. Although we know it's not normal, we are all in a game of chess. Chess pieces, what we do at this time is actually not up to us, although we seem to be independent individuals, our rules of action are always controlled by various rules on the chessboard."

Zhu Jin is right.

It's just that Qin Luo has never experienced a situation where he knew that someone would die and still watched indifferently, so he felt somewhat uncomfortable.

However, the discomfort didn't last long.

To be precise, it's game over.

Someone was killed at the end of 24 hours. After being killed, everyone returned from the game space to the voting space.

Suddenly returning from the relatively free and beautiful town to the basement where the light is dim and the air is not well circulated, the player looks somewhat uncomfortable

Except Zhang Guduo.

This auntie was still in the stage of snoring when she came back.

If it wasn't for the sudden screams of panic and despair, she might have continued to sleep.

"What's going on? Who put it there and cried?" Surprised by the crying, she rolled over and sat up.

When I sat up, there was still a big lump of shit in the corner of my eye.

Aunt Zhang, who noticed the abnormality in the corner of her eyes, casually picked the eye feces with her fingers, then turned to the place where the crying started in a daze, and then saw Xie Wanqing, who was covered in blood, had a big hole in her chest while she was holding her, and she was breathless. Lin Qi.

"What's going on!" The strong visual impact stimulated Zhang Guduo's buttocks to move back.

Xie Wanqing just cried while holding Lin Qi's gradually cold body. People around her looked at Qin Fei helplessly after trying to persuade her for a while but to no avail.

Qin Fei looked at Xie Wanqing who was out of breath from crying and said: "Xie Wanqing, do you have anything to say? This is related to whether your good sister's revenge can be avenged smoothly! If you still have If you have some sense, I suggest you tell everyone about Lin Qi's situation before the accident, and the more details about the murderer, the better!"

"I don't know..." Who knows, Xie Wanqing choked up and said, "I don't know what's going on, Xiaoqi and I were looking for someone on the street, and when we found her, we squatted down holding our hearts, It is said that her heart is a little uncomfortable, when I leaned over to look at it, there was a hole in her heart that kept expanding—"

The ever-expanding hole...

Qin Luo grasped this point keenly. Could it be Zhao Dabao's ability?

After locking the relevant person, can you kill him suddenly even if he doesn't show up?

(End of this chapter)

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