This Reiki revival is poisonous

Chapter 175 Ivan's Weird Space

Chapter 175 Ivan's Weird Space

"It's all gone, one request, to find Ivan and rescue him-after 5 minutes, Mr. Yue will point out the general direction for all of us. What happens next depends on everyone's ability and luck. 24 I will start the second round of rescue operations in an hour, if I can’t last until then, I can only blame myself for my incompetence.”

Everyone dispersed one after another.

Before leaving, many people were hesitant to say anything to Qin Luo, but Qin Luo seemed to be in a bad mood, so they suppressed all their words to avoid the edge for the time being.

When Qin Luo was the only one left in the field, Qin Luo gradually came back to his senses. He looked at the empty surroundings in surprise, wondering why he was cramping just now to say such words.

Although I felt very happy when I said it at the time, but now when I think about it, I feel a little guilty and embarrassed for no reason.

Feeling guilty and embarrassed, he inadvertently recalled the scene where the team members came out of Sun Mingju's well-equipped bathroom with wet hair, and felt that he would be sorry for the word 'emotion' if he didn't lose his temper.

"What's happening every day..." He patted his forehead and walked forward.

Everyone drove away.

Because of my angry words when I lost my temper, the difficulty of the trial has now been raised to hell level.

Next, the entire Fierce Forest will probably be much more lively.

Dead people are also very likely.

But since the purpose of coming in is to test, it must have the taste of a test.

Everything else is fine, just take a shower here.


And also very disrespectful to the evil spirits in the forest.

Bleeding, wounding, or even death is better than taking a shower while eating delicious food...

Qin Luo, who was walking alone in the luxuriant forest, didn't even realize that his thoughts were messed up at this time. He was just surprised at his sudden emotion, and felt that he had to be like this when he didn't think it should be.It was as if two villains were fighting in his mind, and he was racking his brains to give each villain an excuse to fight.

"You just looked like you who were the captain at the beginning..." Yue Yingshan of Tenghua appeared on Qin Luo's shoulder at some point, and murmured in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "You should have looked like that -"

"But I'm really not like that!" Qin Luo laughed at himself.

People who should be like that are not like that.

This gap can be felt even if others don't say it.

But what can I do...

He sighed and walked forward.

As I was walking, I suddenly felt that there were many spots of light around me.

When he was wondering what the light spots were, those light spots suddenly danced quickly in front of him, and he didn't know what kind of monster they were.

But the appearance of strange things is not a good thing after all. Qin Luo immediately decided to use the picture source icon to make these light spots disappear immediately...

However, at this moment, the thin rattan-shaped Yue Yingshan on his shoulders suddenly said: "This is the entrance to the ghost story, very similar to Ivan's top skill in our world—"

"But Ivan from your world is still in your world..."

"I don't know what's going on, but my intuition tells me that Ivan in your world is trapped in these story points... If there is no accident, at this moment, all the members of the door team in this forest are staring at each other. When such story points appear, these story points are your trials.”

"Is that so?"

Qin Luo removed the consciousness that had landed on the Tuyuan icon.

Then go to the spot.

As he advances, the light spots are constantly receding.

In the end, a story point outline is formed.

"Ken was 58 years old when he died. According to the nurse at Shuguang Hospital, his eyes stared at the ceiling very wide before he died, as if he saw something terrible. When the doctor saw his body, he said that he was actually frightened. dead.

But everyone didn't see anything terrible at that time, so everyone couldn't help but suspect that Ken must have done something bad in the early years, because only those who did bad things in the early years would have such panic emotions before dying .

However, at this time, ken has no family members, and he has no way of asking about the past, so he had to give up!
However, they did not expect that Ken's death was not the end, but the beginning.

On the third day after Ken's death, three scratch marks appeared on the wall at the head of the bed where he was lying.

The hospital didn't care until a second patient died in the same way on this bed.

Some people say that there are terrible evil spirits living in the bed that Ken lay on before he died, and some people say that Ken cast a terrible curse on the bed before he died——
Please enter such a story for a while, I am waiting for you hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee, your life and death is in my hands, here, you will feel the unprecedented fear of being dominated..."

"Iwan's unchanging bad taste..." Fujihua's Yue Yingshan couldn't help complaining.

As her complaints fell, the text turned into a huge vortex composed of words, which was similar to the black vortex that Ivan showed before.

It's just that what the text vortex absorbs is not the energy of evil spirits, but people.

Qin Luo's whole body was pulled into it by the whirlpool of words.

Crouching on his shoulder, the rattanized Yue Yingshan tried his best to get in, but the glass was still dropped from Qin's shoulder by the vortex of words.

"Ivan, are you itchy..." The rattanized Yue Yingshan, who was thrown heavily on the ground, suppressed his emotions and issued a sinister threat.

However, there was no response at all.

Fujihua's Yue Yingshan didn't seem to intend to wait for a response, and after confirming that he couldn't get in, he began to take root in the land in front of the whirlpool, "I want to see who is in charge of all this, pretending to be a ghost in front of me, it's really a decent door Is the team vegetarian?"
Qin Luo entered a white space.

"Captain Qin, long time no see..." In the white space, a hoarse voice sounded from all directions. When the voice sounded, it caused the noise of the microphone failure, and Qin Luo couldn't help frowning.

"It's really been a long time. I haven't seen you for a long time. If I can, I really want to go to you right away and tell you that I haven't had a good life alone these years, but it doesn't seem to make sense. After all, you are not completely You, what I want to see, is the complete you!"

"The whole me?"

This...why is it weird?

He wanted to ask the voice what it meant.

However, in the end, Shengsheng held back.

When he hesitated to speak, the white light in front of his eyes faded, revealing a hospital.


Qin Luo suddenly remembered that the alien space of the very powerful Ivan he saw when he was pulled into the memory space was also a hospital, is it the same one?
He looked up.

The appearance of this hospital looks very dilapidated, so it can be seen that this is an old local hospital.Some hospitals get darker as they get older, and some hospitals get more prestigious as they get older. If nothing else, Shuguang Hospital belongs to the latter.

Because listening to ken's name, it seems to be a character of Chinese descent.

Such a character should be very rich. Rich people like to spend money on comfort. If Shuguang Hospital does not give Ken comfort, Ken will not choose to spend the rest of his life here.
After entering the hospital, Qin Luo planned to find Ken first.

It stands to reason that ken should have a Chinese name. If they know ken's Chinese name, they can go directly to the front desk to ask.

He went to the counter and asked if there was a Chinese named Ken living here, and the nurse at the front desk looked blank.Even if Qin Luo provided a lot of clues combined with clues, they couldn't think of Ken as a patient.

In desperation, Qin Luo had no choice but to ask the location of the radio room of the hospital. He planned to find the old man whose life was about to end in the summary of the story through the radio.

The nurse said that the radio room is on the 13th floor.

He was going to take the elevator up.

There was almost no one in front of the elevator today, so Qin Luo walked into the elevator easily.When the elevator closed, they were alone inside.

When Qin Luojing waited for the elevator to close and rushed to the thirteenth floor, in the lobby on the first floor, a woman in her 30s helped a silver-haired old lady walk towards the stairs that had already been lit, complaining as she walked : "Really, in a hospital, I don't even know how to install a good passenger elevator. It broke down every three days. Today, both elevators broke down, causing people to climb up to the fourth floor exhaustedly. Really. I don’t know what the hospital staff do for food…”

This scene made him feel like he had fallen into an ice cellar,

He had seen this scene before, in that space of memory fragments.

Things are a little weird.

He subconsciously wanted to get out of the elevator.

However, at this moment, the elevator door slowly closed.

As soon as the elevator door closed, Qin Luo sensed something was wrong...

He had been in the elevator for several minutes, during which time no one from the other floors came up at all.However, every time a floor is reached, the elevator has to stop, open automatically, and then close again without waiting for anyone to go down, and continue to go up to the next floor.

This scene... seems familiar.

The same is true of the weird scene in the hospital in that memory space.

It's just that the protagonist at that time became the spectator Qin Luo at that time.

Knowing that it was useless to stay in the elevator, Qin Luo used teleportation to get out of the elevator the moment the elevator door closed. The moment he got out of the elevator, he heard another long sigh.

Everything is 80.00% similar to Ivan's weird space in Memory Fragments.

This is like a game with fixed sound effects and fixed tasks, the difference is the players who play the game.

Qin Luo didn't think that Ivan, who possessed top-notch strength, could only make such a weird game that everyone played in the same way, so he began to look around...

As far as the eye can see, the long corridor on the sixth floor has no lights as in memory, only the 'safety exit' sign at the corner exudes a miserable green light.

When I walked to the corridor and looked down, just like in my memory, there was no one in the lobby where people were coming and going before.

There is no way up and down. For the current plan, the only way is to go up to the so-called broadcasting room on the 13th floor.

Intuition told Qin Luo that where is the key to breaking the game.

Last time, it was because Qin Luo set foot in the memory fragments as Qin Luo, so after reaching the sixth floor, his vision directly shifted to Ivan who was hiding in the hidden space to observe the player's situation.

But this time he is the player himself, so even though he knew that Ivan was hiding in the hidden space to monitor his actions, because he didn't know the direction of the hidden space where Ivan was located, he could only go through the first level to the end. .

And this bottom, if nothing else, should be in the broadcasting room on the 13th floor.

Qin Luo, who is not afraid of any ghosts, originally planned to continue to take the elevator up, but who knew that the elevator would stop moving after going up, it must be overloaded, but Qin Luo was obviously the only one in the elevator.

However, the elevator refused to leave, so Qin Luo had no choice but to brighten the flashlight of his mobile phone and climb the stairs.

Unexpectedly, there was a gust of gloomy wind in the stairs, but Qin Luo has always been unfazed by these things, so after a while, the gloomy wind in the corridor probably felt very boring, so it gradually subsided.

One floor after another, finally, he reached the tenth floor.

I don't know if he thinks that the blah ghosts are ineffective against Qin Luo or something, but from the sixth floor to the tenth floor, there is no abnormality at all.

Starting from the tenth floor, Qin Luo had the illusion that something behind him was infinitely approaching him...

He turned around sharply, and shot several times with the flashlight of his mobile phone, but he didn't see anything.

However, the feeling of being approached behind came again...

"Death cracking——" Qin Luo used the death cracking ability without hesitation.

Then, he watched helplessly that the air where the light of the mobile phone reached was torn open one after another by the death cracking ability. Through the big openings, he saw the corpse hanging from something behind it.

It was the corpse of a woman who had been hanged to death. Her head, which was almost separated from her body, was tightly bound by a thin hemp rope. The thin hemp rope had penetrated into the flesh and broke the throat.The gray-black face of the corpse was full of pain, her tongue stretched out infinitely, her eyeballs protruded from the eye sockets, and the eyeballs protruding from the eye sockets were staring at him standing below.

"What are you doing, you can't scare me, what are you talking about..." After silently complaining, he continued to turn and go upstairs.

The corpse in the space gap: "..."

In the end, the corpse fell heavily from the space gap onto the stairs.

"Ho...ho..." The corpse raised its head stiffly, opened its mouth wide and made a strange sound like a broken blower towards the corner of the stairs where Qin Luo disappeared.

At this time, Qin Luo had already reached the thirteenth floor.

He was exhausted after not engaging in sports for a long time.

In the beginning, he secretly tried to teleport directly to the thirteenth floor.

Who knew that the thirteenth floor, like the fierce forest outside, could hinder the teleportation of supernatural beings. There was no choice but to bite the bullet and climb up. Qin Luo, who finally climbed up the stairs, finally realized one very important thing, that is The members of the door team must pay attention to physical training in the future, especially those who have mastered the teleportation skill long ago.

To avoid such embarrassment in the future.

Fortunately, this is the 13th floor. How can we play if it is the 3343rd floor?
Physical exercise is imminent!
After learning this bloody lesson, Qin Luo cheered up and started looking for the radio room that the nurse was talking about on the [-]th floor...

There seemed to be many houses on the thirteenth floor. He searched for a long time before he found the radio room at the end of the corridor.

The radio room was hidden in the most inconspicuous corner, and Qin Luo walked over step by step, holding the flashlight of his mobile phone.

However, just as he was about to walk to the broadcasting room, intermittent heavy footsteps came from the entrance of the stairs——

(End of this chapter)

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