Chapter 169

And two more breaths...

Qin Luo and Sun Ming subconsciously looked around.

Yue Chen, Qin Luo, Sun Ming, the worst ones, plus a rattanized Yue Ying shirt.

Jiang He was asking Yue Chen who else was there.

In other words, Jiang He had excluded himself and Yue Chen.

Yue Chen's answer was Team Qin and Sun Ming, but Jiang He said that there were two other people breathing.

The other two people...

Worst of all, if rattanized Yue Yingshan is also counted, there are no other people besides this?
Qin Luohao and Sun Ming looked around subconsciously, and the rattanized Yue Yingshan immediately spread the fine vines from the ground to everywhere. After a few seconds, he shook his head at Qin Luo to express that there were no extra people.

"Did you hear it wrong?" Qin Luo asked Jiang He.

"It's impossible to hear wrong," Jiang He said seriously: "Although my eyes can't see, it's because my eyes can't see that my ears are extremely sensitive. In addition, the ability I awakened is statistics. I will never make a mistake. There are indeed extra people around us, and I can clearly hear the breathing and heartbeat of the extra people, although they are very weak, they do exist.”

After suspiciously looking at the thin vine next to Qin Luo, Yue Chen also spread his roots all over the land.

However, still no gains.

"Could it really be..." Sun Ming also questioned Jiang He subconsciously.

However, just when the words were about to come out of his mouth, Qin Luo suddenly pulled him. Sun Ming looked at Qin Luo suspiciously, while Qin Luo looked at Jiang He who was still listening attentively, "Which direction are you?"


Qin Luo nodded when he heard the words, then turned to the northwest direction and activated the death crack map source icon expressionlessly. In an instant, a huge crack appeared in the air as far as he could see. The moment the crack appeared, black evil spirit gurgled Coming out, accompanied by the black evil spirit gurgling out, there were three dying people, one big, two small, and three dying.

Qin Fei.

Xiaoyue Yingshan.

blue packet.

It is an alien space.

Seeing them come out, Yue Chen also realized this after Qin Luo, and immediately released sharp branches to stab the alien space where the crack still existed.

After reacting, Sun Ming released the red net to block a wave of attacks from the alien space.

When Yue Chen and Sun Ming faced the existences in the alien space one after another, Qin Luo immediately teleported to Qin Fei and Xiao Yue's shadow-shirted blue bag, which was lying on the ground, and used the corpse girl's hair to wrap them away from the northwest. In the alien space, he put Qin Fei, Xiao Yue Yingshan and Lan Xiaobao under a safe tree root. The vine-shaped Yue Yingshan rushed over and started to check on their situation.

Jiang He followed the sound and walked over.

When they passed by, they happened to hear Yue Yingshan talking to Qin Luo, so they couldn't help but be vigilant: "Why is there another one? The number is wrong—"

"The numbers are right," Qin Luo said. "The person speaking is not Yue Yingshan from our parallel world. We will explain this later. The most important thing right now is the situation of the three of them."

While speaking, he looked at the rattanized Yue Yingshan who put the fine vines on their three wrists.

Yue Yingshan of Tenghua continued: "It's nothing serious, it's just a common attack of evil spirit... To be precise, a large amount of evil spirit was forcibly injected into their blood. I couldn't accept the evil spirit, so I fell into a coma. If you have to describe it, you can imagine that an anesthetic was injected into the blood vessel. If an ordinary person suffered this before the spiritual energy revived, it would be life-threatening in all likelihood. But now It is the period of spiritual recovery, and everyone's physique has changed to some extent, so the effect of the evil spirit is only to make them fall into a deep coma and prevent them from resisting."

Qin Luo breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, as long as it's okay.

However, it is not a good thing to infuse evil spirit into the blood, so he asked Yue Yingshan of Tenghua: "Can it be solved in a short time?"

"I can use my ability to refine the antidote and inject them into it, but it will take a little time—"

"how long it takes?"

"For a quarter of an hour." Yue Yingshan of Tenghua said: "For a quarter of an hour, I cannot be disturbed by anyone."


"So I also need vine cocooning."

While speaking, many dense vines immediately appeared around the rattanized Yue Yingshan.Those thin vines snaked towards Qin Fei, Xiaoyue Yingshan and Lan Xiaobao. After they shuttled back and forth countless times, under the big tree where Qin Fei and the others were living, a figure no less similar to Yue Chen appeared just now. The giant cocoon created.

After the giant cocoon was formed, Qin Luo saw that Sun Ming was obviously at a disadvantage in the battle at the crack in the alien space, and immediately teleported there to let Sun Ming protect the giant cocoon.

And he himself stayed in the crack to deal with the crisis in the crack.

Several near-transparent air arrows,

Because it is close to transparent, it is hard to guard against.

Yue Chen suffered such losses several times at the beginning, but later he abandoned his plant attributes and used his metaphysical abilities to fight hard.

When Qin Luo rushed over, he immediately thought of the hair of the corpse girl when he saw the transparent arrow.

As long as the corpse girl's hair is used to block the space crack in the alien space in front of him, the attack inside will not be able to come out.

However, in this case, the enemies inside will most likely escape.

This is not what he wants to see.

Therefore, after resisting Yue Chen's cautious behavior outside, he teleported directly into the alien space that was constantly attacking the outside world.

This alien space is muddy and yellow.

Qin Luo's foothold after entering was just near the crack area, so he saw the natives hiding near the crack area and constantly releasing transparent waves without much effort.

That's right, natives.

The whole body of this native was covered with soil, and there was an evil wind around it. It seemed that the evil wind gathered all the soil around it so that it could maintain a human-like form.

And it, through its abilities, turns the evil wind into arrows and continuously attacks outwards.

Because of the autonomy of the evil wind, the arrows made of the evil wind will automatically attack the enemy. It is precisely because of this that Yue Chen and Sun Ming outside kept hitting the road at the beginning.

What is this?
One of the evils in the evil forest?
From the looks of it, it seems that the evil wind forcibly fused the soil and the evil things together.

In this way, can it be understood that this evil thing can no longer do anything when it leaves the soil?Just like a dehydrated fish loses its fighting power instantly?
While thinking in this way, Qin Luo's consciousness gradually concentrated on the icon of Tuyuan.

However, at this moment, the native suddenly grabbed the evil wind on his shoulder to make an arrow. The moment the evil wind was captured, the soil on the native's shoulder stopped for an instant.

At the moment when the soil was still, Qin Luo was surprised to find that there was a word seven on the shoulder of the native - today's food is a bit salty.

Inexplicably familiar.

This is……

Qin Luo racked his brains to search for images related to these seven characters in his memory.

Finally, when the shoulders of the natives were once again covered by the evil wind, the words that Sun Ming said in Zhao Jin’s clinic a few months ago when he received Maya from his family—the words revealed a very important message , the author of Sun Ming's vest called 'Today's food is a bit salty'.


Why does Sun Ming's author vest appear on the shoulders of the natives?
Is there any necessary connection between the two?
Qin Luo suddenly didn't want to use the repulsion ability to destroy the native in front of him, so he awakened and took it out—his intuition told him that the native must be related to Sun Ming.

It's just that I have to ask Sun Ming personally about the law.

In this way, the repulsive map source icon cannot be used.

Then use the corpse girl's hair.

I hope that the corpse girl's hair can withstand the evil wind around the body of the native.

While thinking this way, Qin Luo's consciousness has already poured down on the source icon of the corpse girl's hair map like a waterfall.

Immediately, tens of thousands of black-haired natives rolled out around them, and then wrapped the natives in against the evil wind.

However, the evil wind is too powerful. Although the corpse girl's hair controlled the natives immediately, the evil wind that was excluded by the corpse girl's hair did not stop because of this, but spared no effort to turn into a wind blade and cut up the corpse girl. sent.

Between breaths, a large piece of the hair of the dead girl who was tightly wrapped around the native broke off.

There can be no further delay.

Realizing this, Qin Luo immediately jumped out of the dusty alien space crack, and as he leaped out, the corpse girl's hair, which was always controlled by his consciousness, couldn't help but follow closely behind, even with the corpse girl's hair The engulfing natives and the evil wind that clung to the natives also poured out from the cracks.

After several rounds of impact, the cracks in the alien space that were already somewhat fragmented were instantly opened into a big hole.

However, because all the guys inside went outside and the space couldn't be further destroyed, the space actually began to repair itself at a speed visible to the naked eye.

While the space was repairing itself, Yue Chen and others outside were startled by the big guy who suddenly jumped out and was wrapped in messy black hair. When Yue Chen, who didn't know the truth, kept retreating, he was tightly wrapped around him. The hair of the dead woman of the natives was broken into pieces and turned into black evil spirit and disappeared.

"This is……"

Attracted by the huge movement here, Sun Ming froze for a moment, as if he remembered something.

Qin Luo, who had been paying attention to Sun Ming, teleported directly to her side, and asked him while helping him maintain the stability of the red net against the attack of evil wind arrows: "Do you know what this is?"

"I'm not sure..."

"It has your author nickname on the back."

"..." After hearing Qin Luo's words, the hesitation on Sun Ming's face instantly turned into astonishment, "How is it possible! I'm still here, and I don't have the strength of such a behemoth, Tubie No. [-] Impossible to happen—"

"Turtle One?"

"It is an attack-type prop specially created by me to be proficient in supernatural powers. The source of power comes from heaven and earth. In a normal state, the inner and outer cores are wind. Once under a very strong attack, the inner and outer cores will gather together to complete a terrible self-destruction. The power is enough to destroy a city. It is precisely because of this that I designed and installed a concrete prop in the middle. As long as there is a concrete prop, its inner and outer cores will not gather together randomly, and there will be no Cause self-detonation enough to destroy a city!"

He finished in one breath.

And Qin Luo also listened to it in one breath.

Qin Luo, who had listened to it in one breath, was secretly glad that at that time Tubie No. [-] grabbed Xiefeng on his shoulder, allowing him to see the author's nickname of Sun Ming on his shoulder.

Otherwise, the earth and wind in Tubie No. [-]'s body will definitely separate instantly and cannot gather in a short time.

At that point there will be a few horrific explosions.

If the explosion was in a different dimension, it would be better to say, the one who suffers the most is himself.

But there are cracks on the periphery of the alien space.

Because of the cracks, the incomplete alien space may not be able to resist the powerful self-destruction of Tubie-[-], and it will collapse because of Tubie-[-]'s self-protection in all likelihood.

At that time, the explosion wave will spread outside the alien space.

Although its power is not as good as at the beginning, it is enough to kill everyone in the fierce forest area!

"How did you design such a dangerous thing?" Qin Luo, who was scared, couldn't help looking at Sun Ming.

Sun Ming quickly defended himself and said: "It's true that I designed it, but I haven't had time to realize it! Besides, is there something wrong with my design? My own strength is very average, shouldn't I design a Will the props that can be manipulated by my consciousness help me eliminate all dangers?"

"Is it controllable?" Qin Luo grasped the point keenly.

"Of course, if it's uncontrollable, what would I do with it? Take revenge on the world?"

Upon hearing this, Qin Luo immediately said: "Then try to control it..."

Not far away, it was very difficult for one person to deal with Yue Chen of Tubie No. [-].

So he couldn't help but let Sun Ming try to see if he could influence Tubie No. [-] through his consciousness.

If it can affect it, it can actually become Sun Ming's personal prop.

Unexpectedly, Sun Ming kept shaking his head and said: "I have said that I have not manifested it. Although the idea in front of me is the same as mine, it may not be related to me. I am afraid that my consciousness cannot control it—"

"It doesn't cost money to try."

"It's not a matter of asking for money or not, it's that we don't need to do useless work—" While speaking, Sun Ming really controlled Tubie No. [-] to stop fighting through his consciousness.

He hadn't had much hope for that.

However, when he sent an order to Earthbie One to stop fighting through his consciousness, Earthbie One actually stopped.

"Damn it, what the hell!" Sun Ming was so startled that his eyes stared like eggs.

However, the pause of Tubie-[-] was only about seven seconds.

Seven seconds later, Tubie No. [-]'s body moved again with difficulty.

"Qin Luo—" Sun Ming subconsciously looked at Qin Luo.

Qin Luo said to him expressionlessly: "With the help of Mr. Yue, you continue to increase the interference with its consciousness. If you really control it, then it will become your super powerful prop—"

Speaking of this, I suddenly remembered something and asked Sun Mingdao: "What is the first condition to control it?"

"Blood to recognize the Lord." Sun Ming replied subconsciously.

Qin Luo immediately took out the dagger from the door warehouse.

Sun Ming cried and said, "No way, you really got my blood? I have been depleted of blood for a long time to control this red net. Can we be more humane?"

"Shut up, I don't believe you've finished eating the Chixue Pill!" While speaking, Qin Luo hurriedly grabbed his hand and cut it, then directly caught it with the blade.

Before Sun Ming cried out in pain, he threw the blood on the handle of the knife straight at Tubie No. [-], who was still restrained by Yue Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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