Three Kingdoms: My father-in-law is Lu Bu

Chapter 35 Strange Itch Powder!

Chapter 35 Strange Itch Powder!
Don't guess girls' minds.

Just do it.

Rather than saying that this was an assassination, it would be better to say that this was a catalyst for the relationship between Ye Xiao and Lu Lingqi.

Waiting quietly for Lu Lingqi to calm down, the two slowly separated.

"I let you see a joke."

Lu Lingqi blushed slightly, lowered her head, and completely lost the posture of a female general before.

After all, no matter how strong a strong woman is, she will eventually be weak at times.

Ye Xiao smiled softly, stretched out his hand, and gently wiped away the remaining tears on Lu Lingqi's cheeks: "How could it be a joke? I am your husband, and in front of me, you can do whatever you want, even if it is to cry when you are wronged."


Lu Lingqi whispered, her reddish cheeks became even more ashamed, but at this moment, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xiao gently sent Lu Lingqi back to the mansion, and he became gloomy the moment Lu Lingqi disappeared.


Although it was not successful, it was still an assassination!

In other words, in Xiapi City, there is still Cao Cao's internal response!
Or, in other words, Ye Xiao has his own enemy!

He is not afraid of being attacked by thieves, but he is afraid that thieves will miss him. Since he already knew of their existence, how could Ye Xiao sit still and wait for death?
He hurried back to the mansion, and immediately summoned Zhang Liao and others. The purpose was very simple, that is to find out all the hidden threats!
Zhang Liao and the others were already loyal to Ye Xiao, and when they heard that those people wanted to do something to Ye Xiao, they were obliged to do so.

As soon as the order came, several people immediately carried it out.

And Ye Xiao, of course, would not stand by and watch!
In the early morning of the next day, the plan to collect food went smoothly as Ye Xiao expected, and Ye Xiao was relatively relieved.

So, he immediately asked Lu Bu to summon all the generals to the meeting hall.

"Did you watch Ye Xiao's speech yesterday? No wonder he dared to issue a military order. It turns out that he really has the confidence."

"That's not the case. Do you think General Ye is a person who speaks arrogant words? To be honest, from the beginning, I already trusted him to do it."

"At first? I will believe your nonsense? If I remember correctly, it seems that you resisted the most at that time."

"How is this possible? How could I doubt General Ye? Don't spit blood!"

Before the discussion started, everyone's discussion started to ring out.

There is no doubt that in just one day, everyone's opinion of Ye Xiao has been raised to a higher level.

In troubled times, there are only two ways to convince the public.

One, like Lu Bu, he ruled people with martial arts, using absolute force and military exploits to conquer everyone.

The other is strategizing, convincing people with wisdom, and conquering everyone with bloodless methods.

And Ye Xiao.


Under such circumstances, how could everyone refuse to accept it?

When Ye Xiao's figure appeared in the crowd, all the casted people also expressed their appreciation one after another.

However, they never noticed.

Under the compliments, Ye Xiao's face remained gloomy until Lu Bu appeared.

"Okay! Don't make any noise, just be quiet!"

Who dares to make a sound under an order?

The entire chamber was silent.

Lu Bu nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at Ye Xiao: "Tell me, what's the point of calling everyone so early?"

"I was assassinated!"


As soon as the word was uttered, there was an uproar in the audience, and everyone couldn't help but feel worried about Ye Xiao.

Lu Bu, of course, was the same, and a killing intent burst out immediately.

"Then are you all right? Which blind person dared to assassinate my son-in-law of Lu Bu!"

"This matter is still under investigation, but General Lu doesn't have to worry about it. When I was assassinated, I specially left behind."

"What's behind?"


"What is this?"

Hearing unfamiliar words, everyone was at a loss, not knowing what Qiqisan was.

In fact, what they didn't know was that they weren't the only ones who didn't know what it was, Ye Xiao himself didn't know it either.

This is not a systematic product, but a fabrication.

Where does Ye Xiao come from for Qiqi San? It's just a vocabulary that he came up with in vain after thinking about it last night.

Thinking of this, Ye Xiao couldn't help but smiled wryly, but soon he recovered his serious expression: "Qiyousan is my ancestral secret recipe, colorless, odorless and formless, as long as it is scattered, after six hours , this person will have symptoms of extreme itching."

"From the beginning, this person may not be aware of it, but after six hours, a reaction will begin to appear on this person's body."

"First, the legs started to itch, which was still bearable, but soon, the arms also started to itch, as if being scratched by thousands of ants, the itching was unbearable."

"Immediately, I felt itchy all over my body. Slowly, it became more and more itchy, and it became more and more unbearable. After that"

Ye Xiao's words did not stop, but continued to describe the situation when the symptoms appeared, and the more he talked, the more detailed he was, down to every inch of skin, so that everyone present seemed to have experienced it himself.

Naturally, Lu Bu was the same, his scalp was numb for a while: "Okay, okay, don't talk about it, I can't stand it anymore, how can there be such a tormenting thing in the world, your family's ancestral heritage is really strange !"

"Yes! It's really terrifying. How could such a thing exist?"

"I agree too."

After Lu Bu took the initiative, others began to echo, but Ye Xiao did not pay attention to these voices at all.



The sound of drawing a sword suddenly resounded in the conference hall, and before the other people who were discussing could react, they saw Ye Xiao standing with the sword, pointing directly at one of the people present!
"General Ye Ye! What are you doing?"

Being pointed at by a sword, even his words faltered a bit. The man looked back at Ye Xiao, panting heavily.

"How dare you ask me what I did? Why don't you ask what you did?"

Ye Xiao's voice was very soft, and he spoke slowly, but when it fell into the ear of the man, it shocked the man all over.


I saw the man talking foolishly, and the next moment, a trace of ruthlessness suddenly rose, and he rushed forward decisively, knocking Ye Xiao's body away.

Without the blessing of system cards, Ye Xiao is just an ordinary person, and this person has long been a general in Lu Bu's army.

Ye Xiao couldn't resist this collision, so he was hit and took a few steps back on the spot.

After a few steps, the threat of the saber was lifted, and the man, without hesitation, opened his legs and fled away.

But, in this way, can he really escape?

(End of this chapter)

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