Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 75 New opponent?

Chapter 75 New opponent?

"I rely on you to come to the wrong area! Not the food area? Outdoors!"

"What you said is well-founded. Although it is a little bit extreme and subjective, I very much agree with your opinion."

"It looks like it has been researched, Master!"

"Master! I understand!"

"Master! I peed!"

"Master! I'm on the hook!"

"Master! I peed in your shoe. By the way, do you have any recommendations for diet therapy?"

"'s true that it doesn't taste good, but wouldn't turkey feet taste better when chewed?"

"The goose's paw is bigger, why don't you bite that?"

"Pig trotters! Solve the problem directly!"


Crooked buildings have always been a tradition, and Chen Qi is no stranger to it.

The wolf meat was finally roasted, and it was a little mushy, which was caused by Chen Qi not paying attention to turning it over when he was thinking about something.

Roasting wolf meat without seasoning is really not very popular.

In particular, what Chen Qi roasted was an adult male wolf. Although he had tried his best to pick some softer meat to eat, it was still hard to chew, and it chewed like thick canvas in his mouth.

But he still didn't dare to be too picky, the most he could do was talk and complain to the audience in the live broadcast room.

Human beings are omnivores, not the omnivores we choose, but our body structure predestined us to be omnivores.

If you live in a city or a civilized place, even if you have been a vegetarian for a long time, you can supplement oil, salt, and unsaturated fatty acids from other sources.

But Chen Qi is in the wilderness, even if other issues are not considered, the constant sweating will not only remove some dirty things in the body, but also take away a lot of salt.

Needless to say the importance of salt to the body, apart from other things, the powerlessness caused by the lack of salt is not a result that Chen Qi, who lives in the wilderness, can accept.

Salt exists in the blood, viscera and meat of animals.This is the most convenient and direct way for Chen Qi to supplement salt while living in the wild.

Even if it was just for this, let alone the wolf meat chewed like canvas, even if it was a piece of canvas at all, Chen Qi would still eat it.

"Actually, when it comes to supplementing salt, it is also a wolf, and wolves such as coyotes are more suitable as targets for supplementing salt.

This thing seems to never drink water, and it relies on eating blood from the body of its prey to replenish water. North America happens to be a place where coyotes are infested. "

In his previous life, Chen Qi once saw an article about coyote, an interesting animal that was almost extinct and then flooded in a natural history magazine. Although he didn't remember it clearly, he was quite interested in this kind of wolf at the time. of.

Chewing the tough wolf meat, Chen Qi turned around and looked around.

The little deer was gone, but there were quite a few raccoons who were born with a sad face and were called crispy noodles. The whole family stood tens of meters behind Chen Qi.

"Hey! This thing has really been bred by humans. It has been decades, and the descendants of the crispy noodles who used to live in the city's sewers who turned through trash cans are not afraid of people!"

Chen Qi didn't know what a raccoon smelled like, nor was he interested.

If he is hungry now, then maybe...

Shaking his head, Chen Qi threw this thought out of his mind.

He always felt that the face of a raccoon looked very human. Chen Qi didn't know if anyone had eaten this thing, but Chen Qi would never choose such a face with a human face when he had other options. animals eat.

I feel uncomfortable just thinking about it.


Chen Qi stood up, and the raccoons who were tens of meters away from him also stood up, with their small paws stacked in front of them, making them look even weirder.

"It's so special...the more you look at it, the more it looks like a does it look so much like the fox-faced old lady ghost in rural legends!"

For some things, you won’t be afraid if you don’t want to, but once you have a preconceived idea, things will go in the direction you least expect it to go.

"I wasn't so scared when my Nima wolf came... Now I feel uncomfortable when I see a pile of crispy noodles standing together!
go!dodge dodge! "

Chen Qi picked up a stone and threw it far away. As a result, the crispy noodles had no intention of hiding at all. Instead, they ran to the place where the stone fell to look for it like a dog.

When they couldn't find it, they stood up again, standing in a row on the ground, folding their hands in front of their stomachs, and looking at Chen Qi with their naturally bitter faces.


Chen Qi was really uncomfortable.

Made, can't you hide from me if you can't provoke me!

After pouring out his own pan, Chen Qi held the knife in his hand, somewhat relieved.

Now there is only one day and two nights left before he completes the task, and he has just finished eating, at this point, even if there is no other food that is enough to satisfy his hunger, it should not be difficult to survive.

"Forget it, I'll leave the earthen pots to you guys, hey~ I don't know if you like drinking boiled water..."

Bringing his own pot and knife, Chen Qi decided to stay up a little bit tonight, or pass it on the raft if he couldn't.

Time was running out, Chen Qi hadn't seen the big city yet, so he didn't have much time to waste now.


After striding to the river not far away, Chen Qi sighed and waded from the bank to the boat again, untied the rope tied to the branch, and started the task of continuing to drift.

On the shore, after Chen Qi left, five or six crispy noodles from that family ran to Chen Qi's pot immediately.

Hmm... This thing actually runs with two legs...

However, although the pot with a piece of wolf meat still exuded a charming smell, the temperature of the pot obviously wouldn't drop immediately after the fire was extinguished.

Seeing those raccoons scratching their ears and scratching their cheeks like greedy monkeys, but they couldn't do anything about the scalding broth, Chen Qi finally calmed down a bit and didn't think they were scary anymore.

"Ha, goodbye to you!"

Chen Qi muttered to himself, stood up, and kept waving to the raccoons on the shore.

Then two larger raccoons stood up and waved at him.

That gesture, that movement, that expression.Just like two wrinkled old ladies, bowing their waists, hiding their smiles, looking down at you with their eyes rolled up from bottom to top, silently waving to you...


Chen Qi didn't dare to be shy anymore. He turned around quickly and used the boat pole to move left and right in the water.


"Fuck... don't talk about him, I'm a little scared too"

"Made! I didn't think this thing was scary before! The anchor is sb! It's all your fault!"

"Worried about your cowardice, why am I not afraid?"

"Congratulations to the anchor, after overcoming the fear of rabbits, a new wild daddy is ushered in"

"Looking forward to the day when the crispy noodles will scrub the anchor in the water like crazy"

"Stop talking, stop talking, the anchor's face is turning green!"

"Ah~~It feels so uncomfortable╯﹏╰When will the host let the raccoon be beaten~"

"He's so courageous, how should I put it... he's quite fascinated"


Am I timid?
"I'm happy! Look at this, look at this! Langya, you know!

Whoever said that I am timid, go to the zoo and pick a bigger monkey alone! "

(End of this chapter)

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