Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 153 I Waited For It!

Chapter 153 I Waited For It!
The mountains near this area are basically the kind where the whole is a super big rock.

Not a single tree grew, and it was steep and steep. It would have been a bit difficult to climb.

But at least when climbing when there is no snow, the friction is sufficient.

Now that it was snowing, Chen Qi stepped on the snow that could completely submerge his knees, and it was even more difficult to get up.

real!One step at a time!
Because he still had to carry a lot of things, Chen Qi couldn't bend down completely, and climbed with all four limbs, so he had to tighten the muscles of his legs and send himself up little by little.

At this time, Chen Qi was regretting again: "When I came out today, I really should have carried my bag..."

After much effort, Chen Qi finally climbed to the ridgeline and stopped near the thick layer of wind-blown snow.

"Look at this, um... the snow cap. Well, naturally falling snow cannot accumulate so deep.

Because of its geographical location, the snow blown by the wind will be trapped near the triangular ridge here. The strong wind yesterday has blown a thin layer of snow.

All the snow was moved to the foothills and valleys of the mountain.

Today, I will use this to dig out a snow cave, so that I will not be frozen to death today! "

Taking out his shovel, Chen Qi tried to shovel the snow layer more than two meters thick in front of him.

"When digging a snow hole, you must pay attention to digging close to the ground.

The snow hasn't been frozen for too long, so it doesn't necessarily show a very tight structure. To be honest, the reason I came out so early today is to have time to go back to sleep when the snow cave plan fails. . "

Chen Qi dug the first snow hole, probably because he was somewhat impatient.After just a few shovels, a piece of snow fell from the upper part of the snow layer.

Seeing this, Chen Qi decisively changed to another place and walked more than ten meters to the side before starting to dig his snow cave again.

"If I do live in a snow cave at night, then it must be a snow cave that can last at least one night.

If it lasts all afternoon and then collapses in the middle of the night, that's going to be tough.

I don't have the ability to dig another snow cave when the line of sight is bad and it's extremely cold.

Therefore, when the hole is dug, there must be no possibility of subsidence at all. "

Some fans posted bullet chat questions, doubting that if people live in a icy snow cave, they will be frozen overnight, or would it be better to stay overnight in a leeward place?
Chen Qi was busy digging the snow cave, so he didn't see the bullet screen, but some other "knowledgeable" fans explained it to Chen Qi with the bullet screen.

This is the same as the Inuit living in an igloo. The main body of the shelter is something with a lower temperature, but compared to the cold wind in the night, their low temperature is nothing.

The same is true of the "holiday cabin" where Chen Qi wants to live. It is definitely impossible to expect it to be as warm as spring, but with the thick snow layer to help block the cold wind at night, Chen Qi's physical and calorie consumption will not reach An unacceptable result.


The first snow hole dug failed, but the second snow hole was dug very well. Chen Qi has already pulled out a snow hole with a diameter of about 70 centimeters. How deep is it...

You can tell when you see that Chen Qi only stays outside.

Withdrew from the snow cave again and again, and carried the snow out bit by bit. However, Chen Qi didn't push the snow too far from the snow cave entrance. After he lived in this snow cave, the snow at the door Snow can be used to seal the entrance of the snow cave.


Chen Qi was trying his best to expand the interior space of the snow cave and dig deeper, but he didn't dare to dig horizontally or upwards, for fear of collapsing the snow cave.

The whole process is basically performed lying on the ground, and this crawling and crawling work method seems to be particularly tiring.His physical strength has always been pretty good, at least he was able to bear it. Chen Qi was so tired that he dug this snow cave and sweated himself.

Sitting simply on the snow outside, Chen Qi rested for a while and looked at the scenery.

"It's icy and snowy, how can I put's quite majestic!
If it weren't for the fact that living like this is too hard, and you will face a wave of life and death every now and then, it would be nice to take a vacation around here to quiet your mind or something.

In winter, except for wolves, there are no life-threatening things here. If you bring food and other things, nothing big will happen.

It's just... a little lonely. "

I looked at the distant mountain peaks that were tinted with a faint golden color by the sunlight. One side was white with golden light, the other side was dark in the shade, and the background was a clear blue sky.

Chen Qi still had a feeling of longing for heaven and earth, feeling sad and crying alone.

However, people's feelings are eternal, and Chen Qi simply feels that he is too lonely.

A person's life in the wilderness is completely different from a person's life in a city.

Although people can be independent from society, they absolutely cannot be independent from social life.

You can not talk to others all day long, you can not have any communication, you can not make friends, you can not participate in any humanistic attributes of society.

Live alone, buy groceries alone, watch movies and watch dramas alone, tidy up the room alone, and fix toilets alone.

Any of these will work.

However, after all, the presence of others can still be felt.

If you live alone, you can meet other neighbors in the corridor, and when you buy vegetables alone, you will also meet other vegetable buyers and sellers.

Watching a movie alone, the movie theater is full of people.Even if you watch the drama alone, you can see all kinds of comments and recommendations whether you want to watch it or not.

When cooking, you can occasionally smell the aroma of other people’s vegetables. When drinking tea by the window and basking in the sun, you can also see people walking their dogs and people dancing in the square downstairs.

I can hear the voices of those who are also standing on the balcony singing loudly, and I can hear the occasional sound of beating a child.

The little snowman you built downstairs in the community yesterday, if you pass by it today, you may see a pile of crushed snow kicked by a child, or you may see a little snowman next to the big snowman.

The stray cats you feed are being fed by others. When you light up the lights at night, the other rooms outside the window are also lit.

No matter how much one claims to live an independent life, one cannot escape from social life.

People exist in society, and they can't help but become a small part of social life.

However, Chen Qi was different.

When he wakes up every day, there is always a silence outside, as quiet as death.

What if there is a sound?
A voice came from outside the door, and the first thing Chen Qi did must be to touch the knife, bow and arrow.

Whether it's good or bad, Chen Qi can't see other people. There is a piece of white everywhere, extending from his eyes to the horizon.

For nearly 30 days, Chen Qi lived alone in the wilderness.

The first few days were fine, but as time passed, Chen Qi felt more lonely and... homesick.

Many people in the barrage kept saying that they worked hard and had no vacations. They wanted to be like Chen Qi, break away from the crowd, escape the city, and find a quiet place to live.

This person, it's better to look at the other end. This kind of thing doesn't make sense.

You have to try it yourself and really have the opportunity to live the kind of life you have wanted for a while, then you can know how it feels.

To grow up or not to grow up, to marry or not to marry, city and country...

It doesn't make much sense to rely on what others say and only look at other people's lives.


"Fortunately, there are still a group of sand sculpture fans like you..."

Chen Qimo looked at the sky silently for a long time, and the fans couldn't see through his glasses with only one slit what emotions were hidden in his eyes, they just thought he was sick again and was distracted.

Such a sentence came out of nowhere, although it is really not a compliment, but seeing Chen Qi's sobbing expression and sincere gratitude tone, fans feel that Chen Qi seems to be...

It’s really a special way to say “Thank you for having you”!
It's weird and confusing.

But Chen Qi naturally wouldn't explain these things.

It took him more than two hours to walk from the cabin, plus the time for climbing the mountain and digging out the snow cave...

Originally, it took some planned time to eat this morning. Chen Qi knew that if he didn’t hurry up to finish digging the snow cave and just lie down in it to save his energy, in case the snow cave took too long, he would lose his energy in the snow cave. When it collapsed when it shouldn't, Chen Qi might have to go back to the cabin in the dark.

"Continue to work and continue to work! There is still a lot of work left here, I can't rest anymore, my ass is numb."

Chen Qi got up, moved around a little, looked back at the snow cave behind him, and then got down on his knees to look inside as well.

It's okay, after he finished it, there was nothing in the snow cave during the rest of half an hour.

That means the thing actually works.

Chen Qi took the shovel, got into the snow cave again, and started working.


After working for a while, Chen Qi finally finished the snow cave.

The digging has reached a depth of almost four meters, which is more than the height of the two Chen Qis.

"Brothers, it's not that I'm lazy. It doesn't make sense to dig deeper.

At this depth, I drilled into the innermost part, and I can still leave a distance of about two meters to the entrance of the cave.That's more than enough protection against the late-night wind outside.

Furthermore, after all, it is still necessary to prevent first-hand, right?What if I slept in it in the middle of the night and it collapsed.

It's too deep to drill, and it's not convenient to run out!
This depth is just right. "

Putting all the tools he brought into the depths of the hole, Chen Qi got out again, and then, holding his oil lamp tray and drone, he went backwards and got in too.

When the whole person was about to retreat into the entrance of the cave, Chen Qi began to scrape the snow that he left on purpose at the entrance of the cave, and "blocked" the entrance of the cave, using the snow wall to resist the cold wind as much as possible.

"I want to make it too tight, it's impossible, I dare not touch the top.

There is such a layer, which makes sense. "

The drone is now held in Chen Qi's arms, so this perspective is a bit strange after all, only Chen Qi's big face can be seen.

This is also a very interesting angle, quite novel.

After sealing the entrance of the cave, Chen Qi began to retreat again, and did not stop until he almost crawled to the deepest part of the snow cave.

He took out the lighter from his pocket and lit the oil lamp.

"I can only rely on this thing to keep warm today.

Hey, although this's better than nothing.Better than nothing~
But there are also benefits.

This thing doesn't take up much space, and there is no smoke, and the flame is small, so it can burn longer.

Besides, this thing can help me observe the oxygen content in the snow cave.

As the saying goes: if the cock crows and the lights go out, you can't touch gold... Bah!no.Anyway, that's what it means. "

Chen Qi's words almost sealed his fate, but let alone his digging operation just now, coupled with his current state, he really looked like a country master.

However, the meaning in the barrage still feels that he is more like a big rice dumpling.

The kind that breathes.


This afternoon, Chen Qi was basically talking nonsense with his fans.

After staying in the snow cave for several hours, Chen Qi was completely at ease about the snow cave.

For such a long time, this hole has been stable, and there is no problem at all.

When he was hungry, Chen Qi took out some smoked venison jerky from his pocket to eat, and when he was thirsty, Chen Qi carefully took some snow from the snow layer next to him and ate it with his fingers.

Before going to bed at night, Chen Qi only went out once to solve the three urgent problems of people.

After staying in the snow cave for a long time, Chen Qi only felt that he was even colder when he went out suddenly to experience the cold wind in the evening. Taijiquan, Baduanjin, Wuqinxi, radio gymnastics...everything happened. After a few strokes, after more than ten minutes of activities, Chen Qicai returned to the snow cave, sealed the cave entrance again, and waited for the dawn.

Compared with the outside, the snow cave is too warm. Although the area is very small, for someone like Chen Qi who has spent a long time in the vast wilderness, this cramped place makes him stay It is very comfortable and has an alternative weird sense of security!
Under such circumstances, Chen Qi fell asleep unconsciously.


The reason why he woke up the next day was that when Chen Qi turned over, he put his face on the snow layer, and was shocked by the coolness, and Chen Qi opened his eyes immediately.

After waking up, Chen Qi lay down for half a minute with his eyes half-opened.

The oil lamp panel was still on, but water was already dripping from the snow cave because of this little thing and the hot breath of Chen Qi's breath.

Seeing that it seemed to be dawning outside, Chen Qi quickly checked his watch.

"6:[-], not too late."

Crawling to the entrance of the snow cave, he pushed away the snow seal at the entrance of the snow cave, and the cold wind that hit instantly blew in along the neckline exposed by his upturned head, making Chen Qi shiver fiercely.

At this time, the sun was just beginning to rise, and the herd of deer did not appear.

Chen Qi was not in a hurry, and while moving his fingers, he opened the live broadcast room, watched the birth of Chaoyang with his fans, and waited for the appearance of the herd of deer.

It's so romantic!
Half an hour later, on the ridge not far away, a group of deer photographed in a straight line finally appeared as expected.

"You are special..."

Chen Qi cursed, stepped back and took out his bow and arrow.

"...Finally let me wait!"

 Hmm... I actually want to write this book in a more documentary style, with a more documentary style.

  However, some fans don't seem to like this light style.

  Like fast paced?The kind with ups and downs and surprises?
  I can also write, and my other book is still close to this style.

  Give me some advice.I have always been a writer who respects the opinions of readers.

(End of this chapter)

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