Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 132 Archery

Chapter 132 Archery
Chen Qi's archery skills, you can say that he is poor, his record is not bad, after all, he successfully hunted the arctic wolverine in actual combat with a bow and arrow, shot a strong stag to death with one arrow, and gave back a big bear I saw blood.

But let's talk about his archery skills...

That is more or less a problem with the eyes, you should go to the hospital to have a look or something.

Shooting an arrow into the woods and not hitting the tree is pretty outrageous, to be honest.


Straightening his posture, Chen Qi held his breath, took a glance at the fairly good light in the room, and opened his bow!

Hit the dirt wall behind the wood piece.

"Hey, it's okay, newbie."

Come again.

Hit again!

It was still in the dirt pit that it hit just now.

"Some people say that I'm not good at archery?!"

Come again!

"Symmetry! See, this is technology!"

Come again!


Atom asked Light Year: "I suddenly have the confidence to pick up the bow and arrow again! Thank you! Sky Archer!"

Jihyoooooo: "It's outrageous! Three arrows in a row hit the same pit!"

Little Dunshi Cat: "Is it possible that throwing the bow will cause more damage?"

Ah Zhen was full: "Ah! Finally an arrow hit the target! Sprinkle flowers! Congratulations! Firecrackers!"

Hirai Momozhiyao: "It's okay, at least in a good way... Oh, I missed the target again, pretend I didn't say it."

On the left is the inertial leg: "I beg you, buy a gun! Please!!"


Chen Qi was not moved by external objects, and had been practicing archery with concentration. When the arrows in the quiver were empty, Chen Qi calmly walked to the wall over there, and collected the arrows one by one. , then take a break, adjust your breathing, knead your shoulders and arms, and continue again.

Under normal circumstances, modern bows and arrows are more advanced and much stronger than ancient bows and arrows.

There is a problem of professionalism, a problem of pounds, and a problem of shooting frequency, as well as the problem of full moon and full moon.

Chen Qi inquired about it when he went to the bow and archery gym. The coach said that he shoots the bow more than 200 times a day. For ordinary people, about 50 pounds, a hundred times is no problem.

Chen Qi didn't know if the coach was exaggerating in order to highlight his professionalism and sophistication.However, Chen Qi tried it himself. He fired 20 arrows in one round just now, and he didn't feel any problem.

However, according to what the coach said, Chen Qi relaxed the muscles of his arms after a round of bowing. There is no rush for such a thing.

be patient.


To put it bluntly, Chen Qi has been exposed to bows and arrows, and has actually used bows and arrows for dozens of days. Logically speaking, he would never fail to show even a first-level skill.

Chen Qi also has a first-level skill, and he knows the approximate level of that.

Perhaps, bow and arrow, as an absolute niche skill at present, have relatively low requirements for judging skill levels.

Chen Qi felt that archery might not be judged as an ordinary skill by the system, but might be regarded as a special skill.

After all, there are a lot of people who know how to cook. Some people have never learned it, and they can pay for a few edible dishes by themselves. The same is true for building a house. If you can’t make good ones, watch a video to learn it, and you can stand up to the wind. A rain shack can always be made.

But archery is different.

Missing the target is not much different from being unable to draw the bow.


Brother Sihai is still very willing to spend money on equipment. Of course, this may also be the supporting equipment provided by the company behind him.

Otherwise, with Chen Qi's bang-bang shooting method of sticking arrows into the ground and jingling the wood, it would add up to only two quiver bags, and dozens of arrows would have been destroyed by him long ago.

When the time came, Chen Qi would have to cut the arrows out of branches himself.

At that time, if Chen Qi used his crudely made arrows, which were neither straight nor flat, the arrow skills would definitely be even more shocking.


Make the practice time as long as possible, anyway, he has nothing to do when it gets dark, so let's practice.

After it was completely dark, Chen Qi put down his bow and arrow, and went out to get something to eat.

The venison hanging on the beam looked like a lot, but it certainly wasn't enough for Chen Qi to survive the remaining 40 days.

In his previous life, Chen Qi also watched a lot about the challenge show about living alone in the wilderness.

Different from Chen Qi, those contestants who challenged for prize money, although there were many professionals and survival masters, but the environment they were in at that time did not have so many wild animals to hunt for them.

Therefore, almost everyone can't avoid being hungry. They usually calculate their physical strength and try to move as much as possible. If they don't go hunting every day, they will just lie down.

In another season, the final champion turned out to be an outsider. He survived the old players of the show, the professional bosses in the industry, and the lucky ones, all because of starvation!

I only ate some leeches, mice, and wild vegetables, and the rest were all starvation.In the end, he became the only one who survived for 40 days.

40 days!

Chen Qi didn't see him eating much.In fact, Chen Qi always suspected that he was cheating or cheating.

Unlike their situation, Chen Qi's physical exertion was much greater than theirs.

Whether it is digging holes, sawing trees, or resisting wood, including dragging dogs around, it is actually physical work.

Chen Qi had to eat more and consumed more.

Those who hunt a big elk can basically declare victory, and book the only champion after the 40-day program in advance.

But Chen Qi couldn't do it. He needed more food.Not to mention, Chen Qi's deer is not a huge deer, and it's not a whole deer.

"You can't wait until you've eaten everything before looking for it, then it will be too late.

Reserve two days of rations, and within two days, you must find food that can support you for the next few days, which is probably the case.

Narrow the conditions and give yourself more time, five days.That's what I thought. "

While eating, Chen Qi told fans why he wanted to practice archery.

But at this time, no fans have realized the relationship between what Chen Qi said and the bear before. Everyone thought that the prey Chen Qi said were rabbits, golden pheasants, and deer.

Here is close to the edge of the Arctic, and sometimes you can see a kind of black, very long hair, and very strange-looking cattle. Among the herbivores, the ecological circle near here should belong to that kind of cattle.

Chen Qi dared to challenge that thing, it was considered audacious.

As for what Chen Qi said before, "Find the bear first", fans thought he was bragging b.

Seeing that the temperature drop is coming, the bear must have gone to hibernate, so bear with it for a while and live a peaceful life, isn't it good?

Be careful, isn't this your famous line from Chen Qi?

Bear hunting, how is that possible?


After eating two large pieces of venison, Chen Qi cleaned up the tableware and took the small copper pot into the house.

When the bear came over yesterday, the small copper pot was outside. When Chen Qi went out to pull stones during the day, he remembered the anchor who quit first, the one called Brother Hu or Brother Long.

Thinking of his tent being torn apart by passing elk, Chen Qi felt sick and chilled.

If the bear had given him such a move yesterday, Chen Qi would have lost the fight.


Before going to bed, Chen Qi practiced archery for two more rounds and chatted with fans for a long time.Then, without closing the live broadcast room, he pushed the three door poles on the door, put on his clothes and went to bed.

That night, Chen Qi slept fairly soundly, without any strange sounds or visits.

Early the next morning, Chen Qi woke up suffocated by urine.

Dazed and almost blocked his live broadcast room, Chen Qi fled in a hurry amidst the ridicule of the fans, and went outside to solve his personal problems.

"Xiaoxiaoxiao, what are you laughing at? Stop laughing!

When anyone hasn't slept in a daze, isn't it that I can't find the bathroom?

What can I do with this one-bedroom house! "

Fans teased Chen Qi that it would be better to divide the house into one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom, which is more convenient for living. Chen Qi replied: "Do I have to have an attic, a bay window, and a balcony? Let me figure it out." Take a look at the public stall or something.

Divide each room into a little more than one square meter, and then let's play hide and seek~
You are not kidding me! "

Get up... get up.After getting up, Chen Qi simply cleaned his teeth with a bit of a branch he bit open, chewed the clean snow and then spit out the snow water, and the steps of brushing his teeth were done.

Instead of getting food, Chen Qi went around the cabin first.

"There are no footprints. Except maybe those two silly birds came again, and some snow fell under some trees, there is nothing."

This time, Chen Qi felt relieved, filled the copper pot with compacted snow, lit it on fire, went back to the cabin by himself, and went to practice his archery again.

At the beginning, many of Chen Qi's first-level skills were ones that he didn't quite understand and could not be called proficient in. Some of them even became a skill on his skill list after only trying them a few times.

As for archery, Chen Qi had studied it for so many days, but he just couldn't pass the first-level threshold.


The arrow target is still there, and there are many arrow holes in it.

Chen Qi changed his angle and faced the archery target slightly obliquely.

Although that thing was several circles smaller than the normal target paper in the archery gym, Chen Qi was close enough to it, let alone ten meters, only five or six meters.

At this distance, it's strange that you can't hit it.

Chen Qi successfully hit the first arrow.

The second arrow hit the bullseye.

The third arrow missed the target directly.

The fourth arrow...

Before the quiver shot empty, Chen Qi went to draw the arrows twice, a total of 20 arrows were shot, and Chen Qi hit 14 of them.

This result should be pretty good, but...

"One more time. Look at my stunt, piercing the stars and piercing the moon~"


Chen Qi put on a very calm smile, and the smile soon froze on his face.

Because he heard the voice in his head.

[Congratulations to the host for independently learning special skills]

[Archery: current level: 1]



Chen Qi suddenly yelled, then looked at the camera in the live broadcast room, and said confidently: "Eat something later, if you are full, go explore by the lake!
Today, I'm going to walk all over the lakeshore! "

(Ps: The second update is here. The 6300-word update is over, and there will be more tonight. Ask for tickets.)
(End of this chapter)

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