Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 126 I have to sleep in a log cabin today

Chapter 126 I have to sleep in a log cabin today

The door was roughly fixed, and Chen Qi couldn't be idle, so he roughly swept the snow off the roof, but it couldn't be done so finely, it can only be said that there were no large pieces of snow.

Before so much snow fell on the current layer of soil, Chen Qi went to the roof, shook off the moss, let it roll down naturally, and covered one side of the roof.

"My estimate was a bit wrong. There is no need to lay moss on the side with the slope, and there are three remaining sides. Counting the corners, it takes about three trips.

What the hell is three hours of work! "

Forget it, Chen Qi jumped off the roof, pushed open the door, and was about to take a rest in the house.

This action of pushing the door reminded Chen Qi that he still needed to get two pieces of wood to push the door.

"What the hell, there's work everywhere! I can't be idle for a moment!"

Still the same sentence, do what you want to do.

Anyway, he is as tired as a grandson now, and he is not afraid of descending further.

While it was still dark, Chen Qi thought for a while, but gave up the idea of ​​going to the edge of the forest to get a roll of moss back.

Walking in the heavy snow was not only tiring and slow, but also obstructed our vision and affected our hearing to a certain extent. If there was any danger, it would be hard to prevent.

It is impossible to pave the entire roof of the log cabin today, so let's do it.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow! Go out and get two pine logs, fir or something today, and come back to use them for the door.

Then prepare some firewood or something.There are many places where wood can be used in this small wooden house in the future. "

There is still food to be eaten, this work is done sooner rather than later, so hurry up as soon as you can.

Chen Qi thought, just happened to get a chicken today, so he should have it for dinner.

The bird, which was either a pigeon or a turtledove, didn't look too big, so it probably took just one meal to kill it.

Anyway, the pan is not here but the copper pot is here, use it to make soup!

In this forest, there are all kinds of pine trees, followed by large expanses of fir trees. When Chen Qi was looking for alder trees, he had to work hard and walked a lot, but he only wanted to get pine trees. It's much easier.

All around, everywhere.

He picked a pine tree that was thicker than his wrist, and Chen Qi brought it down with a saw. Most of the fir trees are very old and thick trees, which are enough for blocking doors, but not suitable for pestle doors. the stick.

After removing the branches of the pine tree and sawing them to a suitable length, Chen Qi carried the wooden pole and walked back to the cabin for an interview. It was not bad, just right.

In the live broadcast room, some fans asked questions, doubting that such a small wooden stick, with it or without it, it seems that there is not much difference.

People may not be able to hit this kind of wood, but bears still don't care about it.

"Hahaha, you're right. Wood of this thickness is good enough to defend against people, but not against bears.

However, at present, even if I go to get three more pieces of wood like this to completely block the door, it is meaningless. "

Chen Qi walked to the door, and with the light from the drone, pushed his own wooden door twice.

“A bear may not be able to break open a door with four logs on it, but it can break it into pieces!
Before I completely strengthen the door, the biggest use of this wood and this door is to prevent wind and cold.

If a bear really comes, there is nothing I can do. "

At most, it is to scare it with a flare gun to save its life.


Carrying the copper pot, Chen Qi walked towards the lake. Fortunately, his cabin is not far from the lake.

Seeing the lake from a distance, Chen Qi stopped walking so fast.

From here to the lake, there is a slope that is not gentle. The snow is already quite thick. If someone accidentally steps on the air and rolls into the lake, it will not be possible to swim. Something happened.

At this temperature, the lake is in a state of freezing at any time, and those who are unprepared and inexperienced and forced to enjoy a winter swim suddenly will really die.

The very painful kind.

"At times like this, we need a pathfinding staff of civilization to use."

The civilized stick Chen Qi mentioned was a crooked branch he picked up from the ground at random.

"Anyway, as long as you can find the way, don't care."

When Chen Qi walked this section of the road, he basically didn't lift his feet, and kept "sliding" against the ground. This was also done to prevent accidental falls caused by imbalance.

Moreover, if Chen Qi lives in a cabin, and it snows frequently after the first snow, it would also be Chen Qi's fault to be familiar with this section of the road and overcome the situation of always having snow and having to find a new path. Toki has to get used to and get used to.

He was already working very hard now, kicking himself a path buried in the snow with his calf.


"The lake hasn't frozen yet..."

Chen Qi came to the lake and filled a pot of water with a pot.

Originally, if the lake froze, the work of fetching water would be a lot of trouble, but for some reason, fans could clearly feel from Chen Qi's tone and demeanor that he was not as concerned about the lake as he expected. I'm not very happy about the fact that it's about to freeze.

"You don't know this. In this kind of weather, coldness is inevitable. Whether you are an animal or a plant, whether you like it or not, it is destined.

There is no way to change this, but it can be used! "

Chen Qi pointed to the surface of the lake: "Ice! It's a very good thing worth using.

You see, I have only one little thing that can hold water.Just like now, I want to boil water for drinking, right, this requires me to boil a pot of water and pour it into the pot.

Then, I also need to treat the bird with hot water, right, alas, this is another pot of water.

Then I don’t need water to make soup?This will take a few trips.Although it is very close from there to here, a few minutes away, it is still troublesome to run around after all!
If I can get back the solid water, smash it down with an ax when needed, and re-burn it into a liquid state, wouldn't that be very convenient! "

At this time, there was a barrage of "Hundred Workers Meeting", giving him various good ideas.

What about hooping wooden barrels, connecting water pipes to sinks, hollowing out large wooden piles to make water tanks... and so on.

It was just for fun for Chen Qi.

"Everyone, it's really not me. It's really not that easy to make a water storage tool.

Surrounding a wooden barrel with wooden boards seems to be quite easy, and several of them can be made in a few hours.However, the fact is that it really requires professional skills and professional tools, and it can be made in a relatively short amount of time.

And it doesn't necessarily guarantee that it won't leak! "

It is possible to use a large wooden stake to buckle a sink horizontally or vertically, and it is theoretically feasible.


"After you got it out, wouldn't it freeze if you put the water in it! Is there any doubt about it?!
The current temperature, must be more than ten degrees below zero.

The polar cyclone over there is still blowing air-conditioning here, and it is only a few days on November 11th, and winter has entered early in an instant.

The winter here is not four months. In spring and autumn, it is necessary to cut off the head and tail, and part of the winter.

If this lake does not freeze today, it will freeze tomorrow!It’s the immediate thing, I’ll make a wooden tank to hold water, when I’m done, the lake will freeze too, there’s no need for that~”

After explaining a lot, the final conclusion is that it is the most reasonable and trouble-free to wait for the lake to freeze and transport ice back!

"Come on, the role of ice cubes is more than that, it's just that you don't realize it now.

Still the same sentence, you will know later.

Now, let's get water and burn it honestly.Today's snow is unlikely to stop. "

I had long estimated that the snow was going to stop, but as a result, although it became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into ordinary small snowflakes, it just kept falling, as if it was going to stop, but it didn't stop.


"This is so damn intentional!"

Just now, he said that it was estimated that it would snow all night, but on the way Chen Qi went back to the cabin, he stopped.

In the barrage, they said that Chen Qi is the real prophet and the real beacon, asking Chen Qi to bless them not to win the next lottery.

Regarding this, Chen Qi smiled slightly: "I wish you all the best, find someone who loves you, and he/she also happens to love you.

no thanks!Hahahahaha! "

Few people sincerely bless others and end up being scolded.

Chen Qi is one of them.


Back in the cabin, Chen Qi didn't pour the boiled water into the kettle, but burned it directly and used it to dispose of the chicken.

Anyway, there was snow everywhere here, so he really didn't want to go to the lake every time.

It can be regarded as a little lazy.


While he was boiling the second pot of water, Chen Qi used a wooden stake as a guest on the cutting board and briefly processed the chicken.

Chen Qi didn't throw away the internal organs. This thing can be used for fishing in the future. It is still very useful to be used as a bait for a trap with a chicken head attached to it.

Drink water, let's talk about it after eating, Chen Qi first used the fat layer of the chicken to fry a little oil, and then used this oil to simply fry the chicken pieces chopped out with the axe with tree branches.

He didn't know if this was a redundant move. Anyway, Chen Qi always felt that there was something wrong without the oil step.

Salt, salt, pepper, and various seasonings are all over the tent. Chen Qi made a mistake and didn't bring them together, so the taste of this stewed chicken is the original flavor!
But Chen Qi still tasted delicious.

This is something that he rarely eats in this land. It is closer to life and more similar to home-cooked food.

Who eats venison every day, eats wolverine, and eats berries for a meal!
Chen Qi is.

Therefore, he ate very cleanly, he almost chewed the bones and ate them.

Even the soup that looked a little greasy, I picked up the pot and drank it all.

Hey!This time I don’t even have to boil water to drink!
After eating, Chen Qi went to a place far away, solved the three urgent problems of people, and then got ready to sleep.

Today, he was going to take a nap in the cabin.

In this temperature, Chen Qi really didn't think that the thin tent would be warmer than his wooden cabin with three layers of insulation inside and outside.

"Tomorrow! Everything must be shipped tomorrow! From now on, I will sleep here!

Today is the first day!
good night everybody. "

Chen Qi pushed open the wooden door and put the drone in. Suddenly, the camera fell into darkness.

 This is Chapter 2 for today.It will only be two chapters from now on.In a few days, when the number of words is enough, I will make a list of the combat power.

  Ladies and gentlemen, don't raise books, you will die if you raise them, I will!I can't even do it!

(End of this chapter)

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