Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 11 There Are Too Many Choices for Dinner

Chapter 11 There Are Too Many Choices for Dinner
"Okay, all new fans and old fans." Chen Qi has only been broadcast for a few hours, and his live broadcast room has already ushered in several waves of a large number of people pouring in, more and more each time. Asking too much at one time.

Chen Qi felt that at this time, it was better not to be too frivolous when facing new audiences.

So he said in a more serious way: "Look at that crocodile's impossible. Crocodiles also have a temper. I don't know if this crocodile is full. If you provoke it for the third time It, I think it will definitely come out of the water as a flying dragon, spin me to death, and swallow it into my stomach.

No, the anchor is very courageous, but he won't kill you~"

Chen Qi explained it to himself in front of the live broadcast camera. He himself thought it was a serious and humorous explanation, and it was a very level explanation.

However, there are "traitors" among the fans in the live broadcast room!

"Don't believe him, he was beaten by a rabbit."

"The combat power of the anchor is slightly smaller than that of the rabbit, and there is still a distance from the big goose"

"I watched this episode, and then the anchor let the rabbit eat it"


Chen Qi's old fans explained that the new viewers who were attracted by the treasure chest of [Star Destroyer] seemed to have discovered a new continent.They sent bullet screens one after another and asked:
"The anchor's mouth was made crooked by the rabbit?"

"I guess the rabbit didn't give you anesthesia"

"So the pack of wolves can't be fake, right?"

"Can the anchor take another look at the rabbit? I don't mean anything else, I'm just curious."

"Five minutes after gambling, the host's face is also swollen"


This can't be done!
Chen Qi felt that his reputation had been damaged!

Was beaten by a rabbit, this is not a macho...

"Ahem! Nonsense, I was beaten by a wolf. You are obviously slandering me. It's not like you haven't seen the rabbit no matter how old it is...

If I hadn't resisted the beating, I would have to fly back to fix my jaw right now...

Have you ever seen a rabbit that can kick people two meters away..."

As Chen Qi was talking, he began to lose his mind. He talked to the audience about the strength and tyranny of the rabbit with his nose full of tears. Still a big rabbit.

"As soon as I came in, I saw you being beaten by a rabbit."

"I've recorded it. The host can go to your community platform later to appreciate his heroic appearance."

"The anchor seems to be running away..."

"Aside from rabbits, are there any weaker creatures in the forest?"

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. It's this anchor."



Two black lines appeared on Chen Qi's forehead.

This audience is sure that he can't beat the rabbit.

Not only sarcasm, but also blatantly spoiled new viewers in his live broadcast room!

Can this be tolerated? !


Chen Qi let out a strange cry, and the cuckoo flew away in fright.

"It just so happens that I'm hungry and I haven't eaten yet. Before the night comes, I have to find something to fill my stomach.

At first, I thought about using some simple methods, picking some fruits, digging some wild vegetables to deal with the first day, and focusing on finding and building shelters at night. Now it seems that I don’t want to get a rabbit to eat. Can't wash off the stains on my body.

Such a happy decision! "

Chen Qi waved the frying pan and said boldly: "Today's dinner is roasted rabbit!"

Barrage: "Rabbit: Thank you, I was looked down upon again"

"Rabbit: Don't eat vegetable leaves for dinner today, eat rookie anchors"

"Rabbit: I wanted to dig a hole or something to change to a new home. It seems that if I don't give this anchor another kick, I won't be able to get along in this forest."

"Open the market!"

"Bet on a pad: the rabbit wins!"

"Bet a bag of Huazi: the anchor loses!"

"Bet a QQ coin, the anchor will overturn"

"Bet... Damn it! Look at the anchor, you have a female fan!"


Chen Qi said with a smile: "Just kidding, I am so handsome, how can I not have female fans.

I won't tell you now, I'm going to find the rabbit to take revenge. "

Standing up from under the big tree, Chen Qi looked for the direction.

Now there is a river in one direction beside him, and there is a big crocodile in the river, and I don’t know if there are more crocodiles, so it is definitely not possible to go to the river.

The direction he came from didn't work either.

Although there is the rabbit that kicked him over there, there are still wolves over there.It cannot be passed either.

Keep going in the direction of the river.

The plan in Chen Qi's mind was: This trip is said to be to find rabbits to catch and eat, but this is obviously only for the live broadcast effect.Chen Qi didn't dare to guarantee himself whether he could really catch the rabbit.

But, you don’t need to catch rabbits, you have to eat food!

This is the ancestral forest in the wilderness of doomsday, who knows what weird things will pop up at night!

What if an oversized owl catches him and eats him for a mouse!
Conservation of physical strength is a must, as is the construction of shelters.

Walking down the direction of the river, at least he doesn't have to worry about the water source, and in the past, the waters of the Great Lakes of North America and the rivers and waterways connecting them used to be full of Asian carp, so large that they have been listed as invasive species. To the extent that you can’t even get enough of it.

If necessary, you can get a fish to eat.

In his previous life, Chen Qi had watched those documentaries about how old Americans dealt with fish problems. When the boat was on the water, there was no need to catch fish, and he jumped onto the boat with a thunderbolt.

With such a large amount, thinking about it, eating fish should not be a very difficult task...


Pushing aside the big leaves and overgrown weeds in front of him, Chen Qi kept looking for the hole that might be a rabbit hole.

"Have you seen it, there is a cave here."

After Chen Qi walked for about a few minutes, a small hole with a diameter of about ten centimeters was revealed from under the weeds.

Chen Qi squatted down, first observed the surrounding environment, and then took a look at the general growth of the surrounding plants, then approached the cave, and poked inside a few times with the branches he picked up at random.

And with Chen Qi's actions, the barrage became active.

"There are too many creatures in this forest."

"Well, it feels like you don't need to look for it deliberately, it looks like it's everywhere."

"Why do I feel so flustered when I see the anchor's actions? Isn't this a snake hole?"

"After a while, the anchor reached out to pick it out. If he took out a tattooed eel, it would be..."

"Rabbits are all that big. As a species that eats rabbits, it is reasonable for me to have a bigger mouth than rabbits."

"Fuck! It's really possible! A poisonous snake the size of a python! This is invincible!"

"Can you guys stop talking so scary!"

"I don't want to read anymore! My cabinet has been moved, damn it!"


Of course Chen Qi didn't dig out the hole with his hands, that was an obvious act of death.

However, when he stood up and saw the barrage, Chen Qi was still amused.

Sand sculpture netizens are really broad-minded.

It's not really a snake's lair, though.

But it's not a rabbit hole either.

"Everyone, this should be a field mouse hole. I think that today's dinner seems to be a change."

Throwing away the stick in his hand, Chen Qi said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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