Chapter 82 Sunset
"Heaven and man need a power, a unified power that integrates the entire continent. As for who the lord of this power is, we don't really care. It doesn't matter if it's a man, a woman, old or young, as long as it's majestic If it is enough to make the entire force obedient, then there is no problem."

Humans are social animals. No matter where they are, as long as there are similar people around them, they will gather spontaneously. Even if there are too many groups, they will gather into various groups because of different ideas. kind of circle.

When the law of the jungle develops to its peak, the weak will seek the protection of the strong, and thus there is a country.At this time, the weak will be weakened virtually, forming a new system, that is, the supremacy of imperial power, or the supremacy of royal power.

But Douluo is very special. It has both the supremacy of kingship and the supremacy of theocracy.

There is even a wonderful balance between the two, which is basically impossible in any world, but in Douluo, anything is possible.

In a world where gods exist, the supremacy of theocracy is the most normal.

But in Douluo, there are gods, but gods cannot interfere in the world, so only in the Wuhun Temple is the supremacy of theocracy, and all subordinates in the Wuhun Temple must obey the existence that is closest to God-the Pope!
After Bibi Dong took office, there was a split.

Bibi Dong is a strong woman, she thinks she is the strongest, she doesn't need to pursue any god, because that is just a rank that must be reached, just believe in me!
Therefore, the Spirit Hall was divided, and the hall of worship that still enshrined the gods was completely separated from the Hall of Spirits. The remaining forces of the Hall of Spirits all obeyed the orders of Pope Bibidong.

At this moment, Bibi Dong is not so much the pope, but the king of a country disguised as religion!

"In the same way, as long as the celestial beings only need that force, even if that force is really formed spontaneously, as long as there is no second voice among them, then even if there is no leader, the celestial beings don't care."

Wu Chen calmly said what was on his mind.

Qian Renxue was visibly relieved when she heard that.

Although the girl curled up on the chair remained calm, the ponytail tied behind her began to shake unconsciously.

Wu Chen glanced at it, feeling a little strange.

I thought to myself: What breed is this?
"Boom boom boom——"

There was a knock on the door outside, Wu Chen looked at it, and saw the familiar blood bars, and the speed was quite fast.

Looking at the girl who was still shaking her hair from the corner of the eye, Wu Chen shouted, "Come in."

The door opened, and a girl with emerald green hair as dazzling as jewels walked in.

Qian Renxue knew her, it was Bing'er, the mysterious and powerful woman who broke into her East Palace suddenly and brought news.

Binger's face was calm, she didn't care about Qian Renxue who was sitting next to Wuchen at all, after closing the door, she walked in front of Wuchen and knelt down on one knee.

"My lord, everything is settled."

Wu Chen vaguely glanced at Qian Renxue beside him, although he knew that the other party had said that on purpose before, but he just wanted to take a look like this.

Qian Renxue didn't move much, it seemed that the past few years of being the crown prince had honed her thick skin, and she was able to hide her emotions and anger.

Anyway, there are still some things to ask, so I am not in a hurry to leave, so Wuchen said:

"Tell me, how did you do it?"

Bing'er raised her head and took a look, she seemed to be a little surprised why the lord cared about these trivial things, but since it was the lord, there must be deep meaning in doing so.

So Bing'er lowered her head and replied:
"On the way to follow Qian Renxue, my subordinates found two people who followed secretly. After revealing their momentum in secret, and the other party still refused to leave, the subordinates had no choice but to do it directly."

The ponytail behind Qian Renxue stopped for a moment, recalling that before she went out, she had told those two protectors not to follow her, the other party agreed happily, but ended up doing so.
Live it!

Thinking of this, the ponytail began to shake again, like some kind of happy little animal.

But Wuchen nodded, and the qi emanated from his body and spread to the token on his waist.

"For the extra things you have been told, talk about it here. For other things, keep talking."

Bing'er was slightly taken aback when she heard the voice transmitted from her heart.

At this moment, she still kept her head down, so Qian Renxue didn't see anything.

I didn't think much about it, since the other party is the Supreme Being, there must be his deep meaning.

"My subordinates have conducted investigations, and the forcible replacement of the prince by His Highness did not expose any flaws. During the investigation, the subordinates even found that someone was deliberately erasing the traces of that incident back then. So, now want to When I searched for that incident back then, I couldn’t find any clues at all.”

It's a conversation that tokens pass down to the bottom of my heart.

As for the bright side, Bing'er just lowered her head, telling the whole process of how she 'persuaded' the two following Title Douluo, and even made them 'reasonable'.

The process is cruel, even though Binger has processed it artistically, it still sounds miserable.

Since you are willing to follow, or after telling you many times, it will make you unable to follow and perform your subjective behavior?
Qian Renxue was very excited when she heard it. She was obviously the one in her family who was beaten, but she is the one who is most excited to hear it now.

Looking at her, it seems that she is the one who can't wait to do it.

There is no doubt like this, in this girl's 98 catties weight, is there 99 catties of rebellion?
Of course this was just a joke, he was actually thinking about something else.

"Have you found out who is erasing the traces?"

Bing'er replied: "Although the other party did it very covertly, the subordinates still found some clues, but these clues seem a little unreliable."

"Say what you have, and tell me the information you found. As for the authenticity of the information, it is up to me to judge."

Hearing Binger's hesitation, Wuchen said directly.

"Yes!" Bing'er no longer hesitated, and said everything without any hesitation.

"All the clues in the investigation show that this incident was done by those who participated in that incident."

Wuchen was taken aback, could it be that the Mo family had not used up their power back then, and they cleaned up the tail by themselves?
No way, with the characteristics of that group of people, if they really dealt with it, then Bing'er should not be able to find anything now.

Before Wuchen hesitated for long, what Binger said next made him a little astonished.

"Everything points to the royal family! The supreme ruler of Heaven Dou, Emperor Xue Ye!"

So what did Emperor Xue Ye really find out, that he was so timid, and even slowly handed over the entire empire to Qian Renxue?

But what is he afraid of?
If it is said to be afraid of Wuchen, it doesn't seem to make sense.

Just one Moge Pavilion Master is not enough to scare the top leaders of a country, they even have the ability to directly make Moge disappear.

As for Wuchen's other identity, even if it was exposed, it was impossible for Emperor Xue Ye to delegate power a few years ago. After all, does the other party have any prophecy skills that can accurately predict that there will be an incomparably huge power in a few years.

In that event, the participants were precisely three parties.

Royal Family: Victims
Qian Renxue: beneficiary

Mohist: The Murderer

Yes, Qian Renxue is defined by herself, because she doesn't belong to the Mo family, and she didn't do it herself.

All she did was to go to a place with Xue Qinghe that day, and then witnessed Xue Qinghe's demise, and then became Xue Qinghe.

From the beginning to the end, Qian Renxue didn't do anything, the only evil thing she did was probably just watching?
With her strength at the time, even if she went up to do it, it would not change the result.

Not to mention the Wuhun Palace at that time, when Qian Renxue became Xue Qinghe, they were still very confused, obviously they hadn't done anything yet, how did the prince change into a human being?

So, did Emperor Xue Ye find out about the Mo family?

But isn't the Mohism completely gone? Why are you so afraid?
Scared of a dead man? !

Dust suddenly thought of something.

No one is afraid of a dead person, unless that person is not dead at all!

That is to say, the Mohists didn't completely disappear at all, but they disappeared from Wuchen's eyes in a special way, but in fact, they didn't disappear at all, they just hid themselves in another way, waiting silently wearing something.

If you think about it, you can quietly wipe out the prince without arousing anyone's suspicion. With such terrifying energy, who can make them disappear from this world without a sound?

If Wuchen had met God King Shura before, he would really have suspected that the gods of this world did it, but since the strongest god kings are so weak, how strong can other gods be? !
So, why did he firmly believe that the power of the entire Mo family had disappeared before?

Wu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

At this time, Bing'er said: "That's the way it is, the subordinates have finished reporting."

It not only refers to dealing with the two people who followed Qian Renxue, but also refers to the matter that Wuchen asked her to report quietly.

Wuchen came back to his senses, nodded, and said, "Well, you should step back first."

Bing'er was the most obedient one, she didn't ask any questions, she just resigned, compared with those three people, she saved a lot of worry.

After the gap where the light was let in was filled by the door again, Wuchen looked at the girl beside him. The moving ponytail still showed the joyful mood in the girl's heart.

"I came here this time to ask you some questions."

Qian Renxue leaned her head on her knees, turned her face to look at Wuchen, "Just ask, as long as I know."

"Sunset Forest, do you know this place?"

"How could you be interested in that strange place? It's so strange. It's normal for you to be interested. Although I don't know much about it, I still know a little about the basics."

Wuchen nodded, "There is no need to talk about the external situation. My subordinates have already investigated it very clearly. What I want to know is the internal affairs and the poisonous miasma."

Qian Renxue sat up straight, and lowered her curled legs. Those perfectly proportioned legs were much better than the underdeveloped Xiao Wu.

"There are not many records about this matter in Tiandou. After all, the poisonous miasma... Let alone the poisonous miasma. With Tiandou's current situation, they will not even deliberately go to the outer periphery. Things that are saved by these kingdoms are the best. It's in place."

Wuchen nodded secretly, he knew about it.

There are very few records of various forests in the Heaven Dou Empire. If it weren't for the news of the Star Dou Continent, it can be said that there is almost a consensus, and it is estimated that Tian Dou will not record anything.

"As for the periphery, since you already know it, I won't say much. The information we can find here is estimated to be easier for you to find out with the strength of your subordinates, and it may even be better than mine. more comprehensive information."

"Inside, we don't know much about the specific situation. More research is about that poisonous miasma."

"Unfortunately, even though the Hall of Spirits has invested a lot of manpower and material resources, we still haven't been able to research the composition of the poisonous miasma, and there is no effective way to resist it. But in a Douluo with the title of poison With the help of our team, we found that the poisonous miasma will be at its strongest when the sun rises every day, and the toxin will be at its weakest when the sun is setting."

"If you really want to explore inside, I suggest you go there at sunset. I believe that with your strength, you will be able to break through the poisonous miasma."

Wuchen nodded, if that's the case, then wait.

Standing up, he stretched out his hand towards Qian Renxue.

"Thank you for the information support."

Qian Renxue stretched out her hand, but suddenly withdrew her hand, and said playfully, "Oh, what are you doing so formally, aren't we friends? Since you helped me, shouldn't I help you?"

As she said that, the girl put her hands behind her back and walked towards the door in a bouncing manner.

Wu Chen shook his head, looked at the girl's leaving back, and shouted: "Just do what you want, do it boldly, don't worry about the consequences, but ask for a clear conscience."

The girl waved her hand and walked in a carefree manner.

The short light appeared again, Wuchen stayed in the room, thinking for a long time.

Mohist, Mohist.
It seems that there are still many things hidden in this person he is most familiar with, which he has never understood.

"Mo Lu, are you still there?"

No sound rang in my ears, as if all the past of Molu was like a flash in the pan.

Why do I firmly believe that the Mohist school has died out?Just by hearsay?

Also, is Mo Lu really dead?

Just as Wuchen heard about the disappearance of the Mo family, Wuchen also heard about Molu's death, but the person who told the news was Tang Yuehua who took care of him when he grew up.

Pushing open the door, Wuchen saw Binger waiting outside.

Before seeing him, the other party had always looked bored, but after seeing him, he immediately became happy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Your task, temporarily cancel, remove the matter of Zhan Luan, and hand it over to those three guys."

Bing'er's eyes lit up when she heard the words.

Now that I don't have to do these things, does that mean I can follow the Zun's side?

"There are still tasks waiting for you, but before that, you follow me first."

Wuchen left a word and left first.

(End of this chapter)

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