God level canteen

Chapter 119 Dead skin

Chapter 119 Dead skin
(I didn't intend to ask for it, but there are too few subscriptions. If you are capable, please subscribe to help. After all, how far you can go depends on you. Kowtow...)
There is a saying in this world that everything goes against its limits.

There are yin and yang in the world, and there are pros and cons at the poles.

To put it simply, everything has two sides, even the best things are the same.

Shen Yi used to think that strengthening items was good, no matter what, at least it was much better than before.

However, today the system told Shen Yi that the strengthened items can be strengthened on the good side, which naturally has a bad side.

Blue, or green, don't think about it, subconsciously think it's good.

The opposite red, however, looks coquettish and not so healthy.

"The strengthening of blue is to highlight the efficacy of the product, magnify the best side, and suppress the bad side. The strengthening of red is just the opposite!"

Shen Yi understood, he sucked his teeth.

"Is it going to be too much?"

After the item is strengthened, its effect is outstanding to an unimaginable level, so is the opposite enhancement the same?

That Zhang Yin came here to make trouble, to be honest, Shen Yi just wanted to teach him a lesson, and didn't think about what he would really do to him.

He couldn't help but ask the system.

"Will it kill someone?"

The reason why Shen Yi asked Zhang Yin to try it in front of him was because he was worried that after Zhang Yin took it back to Libai, he only wanted to make a profit instead of using it for himself.

After all, gentlemen, even those who are normal, don't want to make themselves useless.

Since Zhang Yin used it in front of him, although it appeared to be the same at first, it is undeniable that the opposite effect has remained on him.

What Shen Yi needs to worry about now is how powerful this opposite effect is.

However, the system made Shen Yi speechless.

"The host is thinking too much, 1000 yuan won't kill anyone!"

While Shen Yi breathed a sigh of relief, he couldn't help being surprised.

What does it mean?Is it possible that if you give too much money, you can kill someone?

"The opposite effect is just a means of self-protection by the host, and the system does not actively turn on. The host has a request, and it must be evaluated before deciding whether to use it. A certain amount of fee is charged for each use. The stronger the effect, the more the cost!"

The system clearly told Shen Yi that it can be used!
But there is a fee, and it cannot be used indiscriminately.

For those who really want to kill people, the system will not agree unless they are forced to do so.

However, even this sentence made Shen Yi breathe a sigh of relief.

If he really wanted to kill people casually, he would feel bad about it.

Not everyone can bear that guilt!
At the same time, but also happy.

What is Shen Yi's biggest method?Commodity, enhanced commodity.

However, with this outburst, Shen Yi also gained the biggest means of self-protection!

It is still a commodity, but it is another extreme commodity.

After settling down, Shen Yi couldn't help thinking about how long it would take Zhang Yin to have an attack, and how long it would take for him to notice something strange.


"I wonder if he will find his way to the store."

He couldn't help the smile on his lips.


In fact, it takes a certain amount of time to really wait until the onset occurs.

This time is not like a good strengthening item, which can take effect on the spot.

It also needs a gestation.

It's like the mellowest spirit, it will be fragrant after a long time.

Zhang Yin is a gangster, if Feng Shikun saw him, he would spit directly in front of him.

He can't talk about doing all kinds of evil, but if he can't kill people, he will be disgusting to death.

Although he is not bad enough, once you provoke him, it will definitely be a problem.

As far as that period of time was concerned, the old lady Chen who was facing the street was not young, she couldn't understand what he was doing, and scolded him a few times.

Zhang Yin ran into the old lady's house in the middle of the night and stole everything.

The next day the old lady was crying, Zhang Yin was not without joy.

To be honest, Zhang Yin didn't notice the newly opened enhanced supermarket before.

The magic of supermarkets is spread within specific circles.

Shen Yi didn't deliberately publicize it, so not everyone knew it clearly.

After all, according to his spending power and social relationship, Zhang Yin is not in the circle of Shen Yi's customers.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to treat the enhanced supermarket as an ordinary supermarket before.

But in the first two days, someone approached Zhang Yin.

After some rhetoric, he gave a lot of rewards and explained that he messed up the business of the supermarket.

At that time Zhang Yin was overjoyed, this is a good thing, it is his ability to play tricks on disgusting people.

Without much thought, he agreed.

After that, Zhang Yin went to the strengthened supermarket several times, and started to inquire several times.

Then I couldn't help being a little surprised, only to find that the things sold in that store were really not simple.

Of course, he also discovered his shortcomings. It took only two days, and he thought that he was fully prepared, and the scene just now happened.

However, Zhang Yin couldn't help but be delighted. He thought he was just messing things up today, but he didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains.

He felt that he exchanged an ordinary thing bought outside for a good one, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Thinking about how to sell this Libai can be considered as extra money.

Holding Li Bai, he couldn't help muttering.

"The owner of the supermarket is an idiot. He changed it without looking at it. If it wasn't for taking over other people's work, maybe he could earn a little more."

What he didn't know was that no matter how many things he got from Shen Yi, it was still useless.

Because malicious transactions will lose their effectiveness.

What's more, Zhang Yin is more than just malicious.

Thinking about who to sell the thing to, Zhang Yin opened the door of his room and sat on the bed, feeling a little itchy in his heart.

Thousands of dollars, but enough for him to squander for a few days.

However, his heart was itching, this itching, but he felt that his white and tender hands were also a little uncomfortable.

Couldn't help scratching with his fingers.

At first he didn't take it seriously, but when he unconsciously looked down at his hands, he couldn't help being startled.

At this moment, there are red marks on the face of the hand.

Red pimples burst out on the red marks again, and the whole hands were still white and tender before, and I couldn't help but feel a little oozing.

"What's going on? Could it be an allergy?"

Looking at his hands, Zhang Yin couldn't help being a little suspicious. He felt that he might have encountered something unclean somewhere, which caused his hands to be allergic.

But he didn't expect Libai to go up there.

Afterwards, Zhang Yin couldn't help running to the faucet, intending to wash his hands with water.

As soon as the cold water was flushed, the hand really felt much more comfortable.

However, when I wiped it with a towel, I saw a thin layer of white on the towel, like dead skin that had faded.

Zhang Yin froze for a moment, and found that this layer of skin seemed to have come off from his own hands.

 I made a V group, and I want to take screenshots when I enter the group... I didn't plan to do it at first, after all, there are few subscriptions, but they gave me a seven-digit group number.Ordinary group is still on profile
  In addition, in the future, I will try to keep [-] words updated every day, that is, five shifts.But before twelve o'clock today, I'm afraid there are only two more.After the remaining twelve o'clock, write it out and send it up, and it will still be counted as today's.

(End of this chapter)

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