Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 136 Go to bed quickly and take off your clothes!

Chapter 136 Go to bed quickly and take off your clothes!

"Cauliflower, I'm leaving," Brother Ba said to the female rabbit next to him, "You know, brother is a prodigal son, just like the erratic clouds in the sky that day, it is impossible to stop. So we are still boundless after all. point."

"It's okay, Brother Ba, don't feel guilty, I did it all voluntarily!" The female rabbit looked at Brother Ba and said affectionately: "Don't worry, I will take good care of the baby in my stomach!"

"Bah! A scumbag. Oh no... Bah! A scumbag!" Wang Yin said contemptuously.

"Okay, you guys go back on horseback." Wang Yin said to a few brats, picked up Brother Ba and walked towards the entrance of the village.

"Brother Yin, won't you come with us?" The brats quit when they heard that Wang Yin was going to leave them and go by themselves: "Take us with you, your jeep is so exciting!"

"There are too many people, I can't sit down." Wang Yin said without looking back.

"Take my horse back." When they reached the entrance of the village, Cheng Lingxue handed the reins of her horse to Cheng Chumo.

"Sister, aren't you with us?" Cheng Chumo asked suspiciously.

"It's so much nonsense, if you are told to take it back, you can take it back!" Cheng Lingxue said, glaring at Cheng Chumo.

"Oh..." Cheng Chumo saw his sister's stare, and immediately said from his heart.

Speaking of which, these three brothers are miserable enough. They were beaten up by their elder sister after being beaten up by their father since they were young. . .

In fact, Cheng Yaojin is fine, that is, when he sees them make mistakes or he is upset, he can beat him up and he will be done.

But Cheng Lingxue is not.

"I'm in a good mood today, let's beat up my brothers to celebrate!"

"I'm in a bad mood today, let's beat up my brothers to celebrate!"

"The weather is nice today, let's celebrate by beating up my brothers!"

"I don't have a good appetite today, let's celebrate by beating up my brothers!"

. . . . . .

The three brothers have been shivering under the shadow of their sister since they were young. . . .

It's just been better in the past two years, as I've grown up, Cheng Lingxue didn't beat me so much.

Um. . .It's just that there isn't as much beating. . .

"Sister, let's go first." Cheng Chuliang yelled wittyly, and ran away as soon as he picked up the rein. Li You and Li Yin were not much better, and they quickly followed as if fleeing for their lives.

"Cheng Chuliang, what are you doing running so fast?" Everyone ran to the entrance of the village in one breath, and Cheng Chumo muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Cheng Chumo, are you stupid?!" Cheng Chuliang looked at Cheng Chumo with a hopeless expression.

"I want to call Big Brother!" Cheng Chumo glared at Cheng Chuliang, dissatisfied.

"Cut, it's useless to talk less." Cheng Chuliang said contemptuously: "A moment ago, sister obviously wanted to stay and be alone with brother Yin, you can't even tell?!"

"Huh? Is there?" Cheng Chumo blinked and asked in doubt.

"I can't save you..." Cheng Chuliang said helplessly, "This is a good thing!"

"How do you say it?" While speaking, Li You and Li Yin also leaned over.

"I think our elder sister is probably interested in brother Yin." Cheng Chuliang analyzed: "If they get married, won't we be out of the sea of ​​suffering!"

"It makes sense!" Cheng Chumo touched his chin and said, "Hey! You're still a clever kid!"

Thinking that Cheng Lingxue might marry Wang Yin, and then wait for others to escape the sea of ​​suffering, the five brats suddenly felt that the future was bright. . . . . .

"Why don't you go back with them?" Wang Yin took out his jeep and asked suspiciously.

"I'm willing." Cheng Lingxue skillfully opened the co-pilot's seat and sat on it.

"Hey, here you are." Wang Yin threw Brother Ba into Cheng Lingxue's arms, turned the key and started the car.

"I don't want it." Cheng Lingxue thought of what Brother Ba had done just now, and immediately threw it on the back seat in disgust.

"Huh? What's the situation?" Ba Ge thought suspiciously while flipping in the air.

Cheng Lingxue didn't speak, Wang Yin naturally didn't bother to speak, and the car drove peacefully on the road to Chang'an.

Wang Yin lowered the car window, enjoying the refreshment of the wind blowing across his cheeks, while Ba Ge lay motionless on the back seat, with a look of reminiscence on his face.

"Brother Yin, do you have someone you like?" Cheng Lingxue turned to look at Wang Yin and asked with blinking eyes.

"Why do you ask this suddenly?" Wang Yin looked at the road ahead and returned casually.

"You're not too young anymore, it's time to make a marriage." Cheng Lingxue said as if it was a matter of course.

"Just kidding, brother is only 15 years old, he's still a child!" Wang Yin joked.

"Slightly..." Cheng Lingxue stuck out her tongue: "Shame or not, I'm already 15 years old, and I still call myself a child."

"In our side, 15 years old is still a minor." Wang Yin took it for granted, "Isn't it just a child?"

"I heard that you went to Yixianju last time." Cheng Lingxue continued: "Still spent the night there?"

"Less gossip, do more." Wang Yin patted her on the shoulder: "Be careful of becoming a gossip in the future."

"Bah! You're a gossip." Cheng Lingxue spat.

"Please remove the tongue woman!" Wang Yin said seriously.

"What do you mean?" Cheng Lingxue looked puzzled.

"Children, don't ask so many questions." Wang Yin reached out and rubbed her head.

"Brother Yin!..." Cheng Lingxue quickly avoided, blushing and said: "I don't know what's going on in your hometown, but in this Great Tang, you can't touch a woman's head casually like this."

"You little brat has so many troubles." Wang Yin said lazily.

"I'm serious." Cheng Lingxue pouted, and said in a low voice, "You are's no different from being treated Sister Lizhi like this in front of so many people, what do you want her to do in the future? at home."

"Why don't you just say, your Tang etiquette is really troublesome!" Wang Yindan said painfully.

"Brother Yin, do you have someone you like?" Cheng Lingxue asked again.

"No." Wang Yin said: "Why, sister Lingxue, do you like brother?"

"Bah, ghosts like you!" Cheng Lingxue blushed and stopped talking to Wang Yin.

Xiaobian, play with me. . .

However, Cheng Lingxue's words also reminded Wang Yin, making him realize that something was wrong: Normally, his body is 15 years old, so he should be at the age when he is full of curiosity about the opposite sex, why Mao himself has no such thoughts at all?Could it be that women played too much in the previous life and got tired of it?But it's not right, why old man Mao Chen hasn't appeared yet?

Damn it, is my brother useless? !
Thinking of this, Wang Yin felt bad all over. . .

"Brother Yin, what's the matter with you?" Although Cheng Lingxue was angry and ignored Wang Yin, she still peeked at it from time to time, but seeing Wang Yin's face suddenly pale, Cheng Lingxue couldn't help asking.

Without further ado, Wang Yin stopped the car and stared at Cheng Lingxue's chest: Well, although I don't want to lose my kidney, I don't resist the body of the opposite sex at the moment, so it shouldn't be a problem?
"Brother Yin!" Seeing this, Cheng Lingxue quickly crossed her hands to protect her chest, and glared at Wang Yin angrily.

"Don't disturb me!" Wang Yin waved his hands and said impatiently: "I'm thinking about very serious problems!"

"You!" Cheng Lingxue turned around angrily, hating in her heart: how can you stare at the girl's house naked like this! !

"Don't get me wrong," Wang Yin thought about what he did, and then explained: "Don't worry, I don't have anything wrong with you, I'm just interested in your body... ah Bah...I was just studying your boobs...ah bah! Forget it..."

Hearing Wang Yin's words, Cheng Lingxue gritted her teeth angrily, and almost cried because of her grievance.

"Women are really troublesome creatures!" Wang Yin sighed inwardly, and continued to start the car.

When they arrived outside Chang'an City, Cheng Lingxue pushed open the car door and walked out without saying a word, walking all the way to the house, ignoring Wang Yin.

Wang Yin was not in the mood to care about these things, and walked all the way towards Yixianju.

"Oh! Uncle! What gust of wind is it that blows you here!" The old bustard said excitedly when she saw that it was Wang Yin.

Now Wang Yin is quite a 'celebrity' in Chang'an City, and with Wang Yin's generous spending, the old bustard naturally had to lick the God of Wealth well.

"Uncle, is there a good banquet at the same table?" The old bustard took the money from Wang Yin and asked tentatively.

"Have a crazy banquet!" Wang Yin said impatiently, "Open a room for me, and find a girl to come over, as long as it's not too ugly!"

"Okay." The bustard hurriedly led Wang Yin upstairs.

After opening the room and sending the girl over, the madam backed out with a smile: "Then I won't bother uncle, you have something to talk about."

After leaving the second floor, the old bustard murmured: "It's only afternoon, this uncle is so impatient... Normally, his status should not be lacking in women? Forget it, never mind him, as long as he has money..."

"Uncle, how about I tell you a little song?" The girl looked at Wang Yin and asked.

"Play a little tune, go to bed quickly and take off your clothes!" Wang Yin urged impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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