Chapter 213 218: Slap
"Complete Mission 5000: Unify the Alrita Continent, get: [-] points!!"

"Can come back anytime!"

It was night, when Ming He was still asleep, a reminder sound came from his mind, waking him up.

In fact, the moment this war started, victory was already doomed.

In the battle in the Lotus Swamp, the elves lost a lot. Now that the elves don't have many soldiers, how could they win the battle.

Humans and elves fought all day and night, and the elves had no power to fight anymore.

The new elf queen Liya led the other elves to choose to admit defeat. If they did not admit defeat, there would be no elves in the entire Alrita continent in the future.

After admitting defeat, Li Ya also came to the holy paradise.

In the back garden of the palace, there are only Minghe and Liya here, neither of them know what to say.

Liya walked up to Minghe, waved her hand directly and slapped her across the face.


"This slap is for Her Majesty the Queen!"


"This slap is for Karaqiu!"


"This slap is for the dead!"

Li Ya slapped Ming He three times in a row, Ming He's face was fine, but her hands were already red.

"This palm is for me!"

Liya raised her hand, and when the slap was about to slap Ming He's face again, she stopped.

Although Minghe did so many things that made him sad, Minghe treated him very well, and he couldn't deal with this slap.

"The strength is quite strong, and my hands are red."

Minghe grabbed Liya's little red hand and rubbed it lightly.


Originally, she thought that Minghe might get angry, but she never thought that Minghe would rub his hands for her.


After reacting, she slapped Ming He with the other hand, and then withdrew her hand.

"Liya, I gave Nervin and Karaqiu a chance.

If they choose to accept, I will not kill them, let alone so many people. "

Minghe also got a little angry, and he slapped Liya several times, but Liya still didn't give him a good face.

If it was someone else, Ming He could guarantee that the other party was already a dead person.

"According to what you said, they are ignorant and deserve to die?"

After hearing Minghe's words, Liya's mood became unstable, and she yelled at Minghe.

"Liya, they are already dead, it's useless to argue about these, why don't we talk about other things."

Minghe didn't want to quarrel with Liya because of some dead people.

"Then tell me why you did this."

If Minghe told himself that he was doing it for power, he would definitely not believe it.

If that was the case, Minghe would not hand over all this to Elena.

"Liya, my elf queen, you look so beautiful today."

Minghe didn't answer Liya, but changed the subject.

"Minghe, don't change the subject, answer me quickly!"

Minghe didn't want to talk to Liya about this anymore, but she wanted to talk to Minghe about it.

"Lia, you can think whatever you want!"

With the current situation today, it seems that it is no longer possible to have a good chat.

Minghe's temper also flared up, and he has already given Liya a lot of face, so let's talk when we can continue talking.

Minghe felt that there was no need to stay here any longer, and turned around to leave the garden.

"Minghe, you bastard, you must tell me today."

The bow in Liya's hand has been drawn, and the arrow feathers have been aimed at Minghe.

Minghe turned around slowly and looked at Liya. Liya's actions triggered Minghe's emotions.

In order not to make her sad, he let Kyle go, and gave Karaqiu and Nerwin a chance.

If she didn't have herself, would she and Kyle lead people out of the Lotus Swamp?

When I asked Elena to lead people to fight in the New Moon Forest, I was afraid that Elena would hurt her, and even threatened Elena on purpose!
Just now, in order to let her vent her anger, I slapped her a few times.

Aren't these themselves good enough for her?I treated her kindly, but in exchange for such a result.

Thinking of this, Minghe's heart was burning with anger, his murderous intent suddenly arose, and negative emotions controlled him.

With a wave of Ming He's hand, Li Ya was pushed back with a force, and the bow and arrow in her hand were also shot down.

"I forgive you time and time again, but you offend me again and again, are you looking for death?"

When Li Ya retreated, Ming He's figure flashed in front of her, grabbed her neck, and lifted her up.

Liya looked at Minghe, and she felt that Minghe in front of her was a little strange.

There was a blood lotus mark between Minghe's eyebrows, and there was only endless indifference in his eyes.

"Cough cough~"


Minghe tightly grabbed Liya's neck, making Liya a little oxygen-deprived.

She wanted to break Minghe's hand, but Minghe's hand was like a big pliers, no matter how hard she struggled, it was useless.

Just when Liya was on the verge of suffocation, Minghe let go of her hand, and the mark between her brows and the indifference in her eyes disappeared.

"Leah, are you alright?"

Ming He hurriedly hugged Li Ya, who almost fell to the ground, the actions just now were not Ming He's original intention, the anger and killing intent in his heart made Ming He faint.


Liya broke away from Minghe's embrace, snorted coldly, and said angrily:
"You used more strength just now, and what you hugged was not me, but a corpse!"

When Ming He strangled her neck just now, she and Ming He looked at each other, and all she saw in Ming He's eyes was indifference and killing intent. At that time, she really thought she was going to die.

"Liya, I saw you pointing an arrow at me just now, and you were so angry that you lost control. Don't be angry, okay?"

Seeing Liya's face full of anger and the 'criminal evidence' left on her neck, Minghe quickly explained, hoping that Liya could forgive herself.

"not good!"

Liya denied it outright, she was almost strangled to death by Minghe just now, and Minghe wanted to forgive herself with just one sentence, that was so easy.

"Since you don't forgive me, forget it."

After Ming He finished speaking, he took steps to leave without looking back.

"Minghe, you bastard, you almost strangled me just now. With your attitude, you are not sincere at all. I will never forgive you."

Li Ya looked at the back of Ming He leaving, and stomped her feet angrily.


Hearing the voice from behind, Ming He twitched the corner of his mouth, showing a hint of a smile.

With a flash of his figure, Minghe appeared in front of Liya in an instant, hugged her, and kissed her on the red lips.

Li Ya saw Ming He kissing him, although she was hugged by Ming He and couldn't move.

"Minghe is not allowed, otherwise I will not forgive in the future~"

Before Liya finished speaking, Minghe had already kissed her!

"Liya, I like you, do you like me? Do you want to be with me?"

Minghe put his arms around Liya and whispered into her ear.

"I don't like it, I don't want to be with you at all!"

Liya, who was blushing, gave Minghe an answer, but it was against her will.

Can I like Minghe?
Minghe killed Nerwen, Karaqiu and the others. The current situation of Lotus Swamp and Crescent Forest can be said to be caused by Minghe.

Minghe's hands were covered with blood, although he liked Minghe very much.

But can you admit it?Can you be with Ming He?If he was with Minghe, how could he explain to Nervin, Karaqiu, and the dead souls who passed away.

Now that I am the queen of elves, if I am with Minghe, a blood-soaked executioner, what will my people think of me?

 Don't ask me why the update is slow, every day is in front of it, if you can't move, the system will notify you of low pornography and block chapters
(End of this chapter)

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