Chapter 96

"Wow, Huahua's head is shining!"

"Is it going to turn into a lightbulb, meow?"

"But what if it promises to give us something to eat?"

"Meow, Huahua, don't die meow!"

Golden light shines on Huahua's head, making it brighter.

The doubts of the friends in front of her left Huahua confused.

It sat down on the ground, raised its hind legs, and tried to scratch the top of its head.

However, the little fat round belly blocked the help of its hind legs, so it could only scratch twice before looking at the little friend in front of it.

"Meow, be quiet, meow."

Compared with other stray cats and dogs, the 30-pound Huahua is still very intimidating.

All the meows in front of me became quiet.

"Meow meow meow, please give me a little fish, meow meow!"

Huahua holds the totem of faith high above her head, and shakes it three times clockwise and three times counterclockwise on her head.

Lie on the ground and roll to the left three times, then to the right three times.

"Leah, what is Huahua doing here?"

Guo Teng didn't understand why Huahua's missionary was still rolling.

[Possibly, some kind of ceremony? 】

Liya also didn't understand the behavior of Daju in front of her.

When she gave Huahua the latest improved food making technique, dried fish, she didn't transfer these strange things to its memory.

Guo Teng squatted aside and watched Huahua stand up and roll around the faith totem.

In the end, seeing Huahua who was so tired, she held up the totem of faith.

With a little force, punch it on the ground.

A small golden dried fish appeared on the ground.

About the size of an instant coffee bag.

"Suck it, it smells so good."

The smell of dried fish suddenly appeared in the air.

Guo Teng suddenly remembered the fried goods that Guo's mother used to make during the Chinese New Year.

"Is this fish the latest improvement in food creation?"

Guo Teng also wanted to taste the taste of this small dried fish.

The appearance of Xiaoyugan made Ah Wang and Amiao Qiqi in front of him commotion.

"It's so fragrant."

"The ink is hungry."

"Can I have a mouthful of woof? Just a mouthful of woof!"

Huahua pressed her cat's paw on the small fish stem and stared at the Awang Ameow in front of her.

"This is the meow given to me by the master of the gods."

"If you want to eat dried fish, you must believe in the god master, Meow."

"Thank him so that you can eat dried fish, you know, meow?"

Huahua picked up the dried fish and bit it into her mouth.

"Ouch, meow, meow, it smells so good, meow, meow, it's delicious, meow."

"You guys, aww, if you want to eat, you have to, believe in the god master."

The taste of the dried fish seemed to be really good, and it took only two mouthfuls to eat the dried fish, and the words finally became smoother.

"If you want to eat dried fish, you have to believe in the god master, Meow."

Huahua straightened up, stood up, and held up the totem of faith with both hands.

"Master who believes in gods, get Xiaoyu Ganmei!"

"Meow meow!"

"Wang Wang!"

The wandering dogs and stray cats in front of me screamed in unison.

The warehouse, which had always been empty and unpopular, was bustling at this time.

Huahua came to Wang Wang on the left holding a faith totem.

Wang Wang sniffed the faith totem gently, stretched out his tongue and licked it.

[Heizi has believed in you, and your followers have increased. 】

[The cow believes in you, and your followers have increased. 】

[Sanhua believes in you, and your followers have increased. 】

. . .

Twelve woofs believe in Guo Teng.

Guo Teng suddenly discovered something at this time.

Why is my own preaching so laborious, while the believers' preaching is so smooth?

Why is this?

I can’t figure it out, is it possible that the pain points of believers have not been truly penetrated?

Ah Miao and Ah Wang in front of them, imitating Hua Hua's move just now, rolling around on the ground.

Finally, you get small dried fish.

After Guo Teng cleaned them up with a cleansing technique, their hair turned gray again.

"Leah, give Huahua the cleansing technique, and let her clean up the hair of small animals in the future."

The little animal in front of me has to roll around on the ground every time it prays, which is too troublesome.

Can't you pray in a more normal way?

In the future, the little animals will have to rely on Huahua to develop believers.

Seeing that he was so tired and still praying for Xiaoyu's dried flowers, Guo Teng suddenly felt that this method was also quite good.

Huahua should be able to lose weight slowly.

It's a pity that I don't have enough faith now, so I can't try to turn Huahua into a cat girl.

Wait a minute, is Huahua a male or a female?

This is a big problem.

Different genders require different treatment.

Although there is no difference between a cat girl and a cat boy when they go out to run errands.

But if Huahua is a female cat.

It becomes a human, so the monthly menstruation is also a troublesome thing.

Guo Teng came behind Huahua and pulled up its "big chicken leg".

"Fortunately, it's public."

Guo Teng breathed a sigh of relief.

After you accumulate enough faith, you can let Huahua take care of these little animals in the warehouse.

When there are more small animals that become human beings, we can start the protection and education plan.

"Good man, what are you going to do?"

Huahua didn't quite understand why Guo Teng wanted to look behind it.

"It's nothing."

Huahua is a male cat, and when she becomes a human, she shouldn't have many other problems.

What remains is the placement of these animal believers.

They are the same as people, eat and drink, and don't miss anything.

Is it possible that I have to find someone to take care of them?
It is very difficult to make small animals do things according to human wishes.

Guo Teng thought about how to arrange these little animals.

Huahua is just a little kitten now, and it is very difficult for her to take care of these small animals.

Huahua lying on the ground was resting, begging for the little fish continuously, its physical strength could no longer keep up with its consumption.

At this time, he was lying on the ground, tiredly sticking out his tongue.

[You don't have to worry too much about the survival of these believers. 】

[The fact that they can survive in the wild environment proves their ability, doesn't it? 】

Guo Teng was not worried about this, but worried about them defecating everywhere.

"Huahua, I'm going home, can I trouble you to take care of these friends?"

It's not a problem for Huahua to play outside for a few days, and I will tell Yuhui that Huahua is with me later.

"A good man wants to go home, meow? Huahua also wants to go home, meow?"

After resting on the ground, Huahua sat up and looked at Guo Teng.

"You want to go home."

This is troublesome, Huahua wants to go back to Aunt Yulin.

"Huahua, how did you get here?"

The straight-line distance between his warehouse and the Jade Mansion is at least 20 kilometers.

How did Huahua get here? Could it be flying?

"Dahuang carried me here, meow."

Huahua used the cleaning technique on herself, and her gray-stained hair became very clean.

It conveniently used the cleaning technique on other friends, turning them covered in dust into normal ones.

Guo Teng looked at the big yellow Labrador in the distance.

This explanation makes sense.

As a retrieval dog, Labrador's speed is still guaranteed.

"Forget it, you and Dahuang both go home."

At worst, I'll come over tomorrow to shovel shit.

I hope these small animals can be more conscious and don't make this place too messy.

"Quack quack."

The high-pitched scream is painful to hear.

Guo Teng followed the cry.

The cow walked over with a crow in its mouth.

"Meow, this black bird has been calling outside, it's making meow so noisy."

The cow put the crow down and held it down with its paws.

The crow, held down by the cow, turned its head in an abnormal way and looked at Guo Teng.

The red eyes are getting redder and brighter.

The red one is like the beacon of a time bomb.


The crow turned into a mass of black breath and slammed into Guo Teng.

(End of this chapter)

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