my followers are horrible

Chapter 218 Chapter 323+324 Concentration of Consciousness + Sharing Worry

Chapter 218 Chapter 323+324 Concentration of Consciousness + Sharing Worry
Guo Teng observed for a while and found that Osha's training for the six-man group was very targeted.

Manado's leapfrog is true, but his stamina and ability to use divine spells have improved.

During the 10-kilometer frog jump, when his legs were sore, he used therapy on himself and continued jumping.

Guo Teng thinks this method is quite useful.

Priests need to stand slightly behind the team, and usually stand with crispy professions like mages.

If Manado had more physical strength, he could carry a small buckler, and while providing healing for the frontline occupations, he could raise the shield to protect the magicians around him.

Speaking of the magician, Guo Teng looked at Xi Horu who was holding a book and reading at a high speed.

Osha is training her speed of reciting spells.

And it's not just training the speed of reciting spells. Looking at the wooden stick with a diameter of only 5 cm under her feet, Guo Teng knew that Osha was still training her balance.

What is the use of this balance force for a mage?Generally speaking, mages should also exercise with team sports.

Guo Teng doesn't quite understand the reason why Osha let Xi Helu train like this.

Now that Osha is the team leader, she must have her reasons, so don't worry about it.

As for Meng'er and Rand.

Meng'er's physical fitness is pretty good and she is obedient.

Osha didn't ask her too much, and now she is asking her to do push-ups.

40 at a time, practice archery after finishing.

After being taught a lesson by Osha, Rand, like Meng'er, can do whatever he is asked to do.

Osha's arrangement for him now is to wield Moguzo's great sword.

Guo Teng didn't quite understand why Osha let Rand's small body wield such a cumbersome sword.

Is it possible that Osha wants to get Rand out of his secondary T?

But Rand's small body can't handle it!

Guo Teng reckoned that Lande might not weigh more than 120 catties. The monster he was facing was stronger, and Lande was not even qualified to face the monster head-on.

With a big push, Rand flew out directly.

Osha now pulled Moguso up and got him an iron block that he didn't know where to get. It looked heavier than Moguso's sword.

Guo Teng looked around the iron block and saw the quality display below.

200 kg.

It's ok, not very heavy.

[Starting today, Moguso, in addition to the 20 laps of long-distance running every morning, you can lift this iron block 500 times. 】

【Your arm strength is too weak, and your endurance is too poor. 】

[You should train on these two points during this period. 】

【Hey, Andrea, stop playing, and train speed with Haruhiro. 】

[Take him for a lap within 1 minute. 】

Running 60 meters in 2000 seconds is really a big challenge for thieves.

But who told you to be a thief, you have to go to the team to clear the mines, if you slow down, maybe the trap has already given you a gank.

The members of the Eagle Group are all working hard, and Guo Teng can't give them any real help for the time being except for silently cheering them on.

Apart from Osha and Andrea, there were no followers of him in the adventure group.

After observing the two believers in the era of fantasy and mythology, Guo Teng has to think about whether he should spread the knowledge of scientific principles on the way of their missionary work.

Different worlds have different rules, and existing scientific principles may change in different worlds.

But even if there are changes, these scientific principles can also be put into practice after localization research.

Galio's attack on the world's gods not only physically cleanses their churches, but also spiritually and culturally cleanses them of their influence.

After all, that world will eventually fall into Guo Teng's hands, and Guo Teng also needs to drag future believers down to a highly civilized era.

Guo Teng's current believers are divided into four categories and five levels.

Four categories: Human, Beast, Animal, Mechanical.

Five floors: the age of fantasy mythology, the age of fantasy technology, the age of ordinary technology, the age of doomsday technology, and the age of doomsday mythology.

The civilizations and cultures of the world are different, the degree of technological development is different, and the lifestyles of believers are different.

The death of gods in other worlds is already counting down.

These believers will also enter a new era when the gods fall.

"I need to throw some scientific deduction and induction methods into the Galio world and the Osha world."

“Let them find people who can accelerate the technological progress of the world.”

Guo Teng will not let believers stay on one planet forever, the boundless space is their destination.

"I need a group of scientific research scholars to invest in Galio World and Osha World, explore the world, and announce the results of the exploration to the world."

"Then build a school and transmit all knowledge to all believers."

[Master God, don't you think it's troublesome for you to do this? 】

[The believer's consciousness is connected to the Kara network or the mechanical network, and the knowledge is synchronized. In this way, the efficiency is much higher than your slow education. 】

[Why don't you take this approach? 】

Liya's words interrupted Guo Teng's thinking.

"People need to be motivated, they need to actively explore the unknown world."

"I can synchronize all knowledge civilizations to their brains."

"But this will also destroy their desire to learn and explore."

Guo Teng sat up from the sofa, came to the bedside, and looked at the people who had resumed their previous lives.

"Believers synchronize all knowledge civilizations, or experience memories."

"In doing so, will their personalities be highly unified in the future?"

"Leah, do you think that after a person's personality and emotions are highly unified, even if they have different memories and different individuals, do they still appear to be the same person in your eyes?"

Guo Teng thought of Paria's clone.

For Paria, she and her clones are a local area network, a weak Kala stand.

If the souls of all clones are awakened at the same time, consciousness will be regenerated.

All of these clones are Pariya.

Kill one and leave the other, and Paria's existence will not disappear.

Whether it is Kara, or the mechanical network, Guo Teng hopes that it can provide convenience for believers, not destroy them.

Guo Teng does not hope that the believers in the future world will be highly unified, and the consciousness of all believers will merge into one.

He didn't think that would be good.

Whether it is for the believer or for himself.

"High Consciousness Unity."


"I always feel that things are troublesome."

Guo Teng was basking in the sun on the balcony, thinking about the future changes of believers.

"Forget it, don't think about it anymore, there's no point in thinking about it."

"There are too many changes in the future, believers can do whatever they want."

Even if Guo Teng can now observe the future of believers through Leah, he doesn't feel that this kind of future must be the future he thinks about.

"Forget it, let's go out to eat."

Guo Ma was not at home, and Guo Teng was too lazy to rub the food by himself.

Look for new delicacies outside the community.

Before looking for nothing, Guo Teng asked Liya to send 9S over to continue the unfinished task last time.

"Hello, Artanis."

"Are we going to serve food to the Lord God again today?"

9S looked at Guo Teng beside him, and then at the surrounding environment, and understood Guo Teng's purpose.

"Of course, Lord God is very busy these two days."

"After being busy, he wants us to serve him various special foods."

With 9S, Guo Teng came to a century-old shop.

Singing brother while eating hot pot, Guo Teng got bad news from Pascal.

"What's the matter, Pascal?"

Guo Teng closed his eyes, pretended to rest his mind, and had a conversation with Pascal.

"My lord, there is a huge problem with the environment of the world of Wandering Earth."

"While the earth is gradually returning to its original orbit, all kinds of ice on the earth are also melting."

"If the current melting rate is followed, in a week's time, all kinds of permafrost on the ground will melt, and ocean water will seep into various human-inhabited underground cities."

"After January, the melting ocean will be flooding coastal areas, and islands everywhere."

"Because of the transportation direction of the mine trucks, the North Pole has now become the new equator. This region, Russia, and the underground cities of European countries will soon face the problem of seawater intrusion."

Pascal's words made Guo Teng sit up, pick up the teapot calmly, and pour himself a glass of water.

"Countries around the world are working hard to transform dungeons."

"Under the current circumstances, it will be a huge time issue to transform the dungeon."

"They don't have that much time to do these things."

"The coalition government has asked me to pray to you whether the speed of the ore truck transportation can be slowed down."

"Perhaps Lord God, you can send a miracle to change this situation."

Change the landscape and environment of the wandering earth.

Guo Teng is not afraid of paying for his faith now, a large amount of faith has been poured into him from mechanical life form believers.

Guo Teng's original intention is to let the United Earth Government slowly carry out self-help and change the living environment of self-help.

Unexpectedly, Guo Teng's mine cart was so fast that it could send the earth back to its original orbit in the solar system in three months.

The problem is that within three months, the coalition government on Earth cannot solve the problem of transforming various dungeons.

The problem of seawater intrusion was imminent, so they came to Pascal and asked Pascal to communicate with Guo Teng when they had no choice.

"Pascal, tell the United Earth Government that God saves himself."

"If they want to survive, they have to work hard on their own."

"What kind of materials and technology do they need? You can apply for it from you. You can produce it from Nier World."

"After the production is completed, you deploy the induction field and send everything needed."

Guo Teng gave his plan.

He doesn't want any believer to be someone who just says, God, help me.

It is enough to lend a helping hand at the most critical time, and at other times, it is up to you to work hard.

"I understand."

Pascal Pod shakes up and down, breaking the connection with Guo Teng.

"Mr. Pascal, what does our household god say?"

Liu Peiqiang looked at Pascal floating beside him and asked.

Not only him, but also the five flags of the coalition government on the large display screens are also waiting for Pascal's answer.

"Our Lord declares that God saves the self-made."

Pascal's words made the people around him feel very complicated.

They want to save themselves, but where will the time and supplies come from?
If you want to save yourself, it may be more difficult than escaping from Jupiter.

"My lord will provide you with various materials and technical assistance to help you solve related problems within three months."

"The earth belongs to both the Lord God and you."

"You are the main body of activity on this planet."

"Then, everyone, please come up with a plan, and I will provide you with corresponding assistance and additional help."

"The situation of the project, please communicate with fellow believers Liu Peiqiang, I will prepare extra help for you now."

Pascal's Pod machine stopped on the console, and the green light disappeared.

Consciousness transferred back to Neil's world.

Back to Pascal in Neil's world, let's take a look at the situation in the empty castle in recent days.

After discovering Guo Teng's experiment, Pascal's Pod indicator light flickered a few times and came to a facility.

The facility houses a male clone of Paria.

"Clone of the opposite sex."

"Is it the new experiment of Lord God?"

The mechanical network data cable was connected from Pascal's body and connected to the male clone.

"All of Paria's memories."

Pascal retrieves all the remembered emotions of the male clone.

Found something different.

"What is a mother-daughter bowl?"

"Biological self-breeding, is it not allowed, or is it rejected by social reasons?"

"Are you ready to dedicate yourself to the Lord God?"

Pascal thought about these questions one by one, and the Pod flashed rapidly.

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't find the answer, so he could only give up these questions.

"Maybe it's because of a problem with the container?"

Go back to the main control room.

Pascal began to give orders.


With an order, Moss appeared beside Pascal.

"Start the production line and produce five fully manned industrial ships."

"Produce and assemble 4 empty castles, we will use it in the world of Wandering Earth."

"Please finish it as soon as possible. After 4 hours, I need them to accompany me to the world of Wandering Earth."

"Plan the manufacturing of iron walls and star cities on the agenda. I need ten iron walls and three star cities to park the flagship and super flagship."

"Brother Abathur has discovered a strange world. He will need our military support after a period of time."

Moss has already produced his own consciousness, and at the end of giving the order, Pascal explained the reason for it to do so.

"Aren't we going to report the relevant information to Lord God?"

Moss's big camera is aimed at Pascal, reflecting the image of Pascal's Pod machine on his own lens.

"No, it's not serious news about the setbacks in conquering another world."

"For Lord God, it is most important for him to think about our future."

"Just let us share these little things."

Pascal rejected Moss' proposal.

In his eyes, what Guo Teng is doing now is of great significance.

That is the future direction of the Church, the future path of their followers.

He couldn't let these insignificant things disturb Guo Teng's thinking.

"I understand."

The order was executed, and Moss no longer asked about the specific situation.

"During my absence, please expand productivity and produce empty castles, iron walls, and star cities."

"And to produce it requires armed equipment."

"In addition, start the production line and produce the Ansible jumping stargate. If uncontrollable events occur in the third world world of Wandering Earth, we need to disperse them to our world."

"Please anchor 3-5 Atano or Azbel on each satellite in this galaxy for satellite mining."

"If the satellites in this galaxy are mined, please go to other galaxies to continue mining. Please note that each planet please keep one satellite."

"In addition, please anchor 200-400 Azbel, Letalu, Sodillo and other buildings in this system."

Pascal laid out engineering complexes around the galaxy while giving orders to Moss.

"Conventional battleships, including frigates, destroyers, cruisers, strategic cruisers, and battleships."

"After each engineering complex is put into service, it is subjected to limit production."

"Conventional flagships, dreadnoughts, combat power auxiliary ships, and aircraft carriers, I need their numbers to be about one-third of conventional forces."

"Super flagship, Titan, super aircraft carrier, flagship industrial ship, I need it."

Speaking of this, Pascal stopped.

Guo Teng has not yet given the blueprints for the construction of these super flagships.

(End of this chapter)

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