my followers are horrible

Chapter 194 Chapter 275+276 Fleet Delivery + Destruction

Chapter 194 Chapter 275+276 Fleet Delivery + Destruction
"The induction force field has been activated, all fleet members please speed jump!"

A neutral electronic sound appeared in Paria's mind.

She was so nervous that she couldn't help breathing heavily.

To be honest, the sudden electronic sound startled her.

From a tactical perspective, Paria saw her own ship, a Salvation-class black stealth special service ship shining with golden brilliance under the stellar light source.

It is so beautiful, so beautiful.

The beauty moved Paria's heart and fascinated Paria.

Even Pariya's first girlfriend lost her spirit in front of it.

The golden Salvation-class Black Hidden Special Service Ship now has a new name, Joan of Arc.

Not only the saint of the Orthodox Church, but also a hero among witches.

In the name of the saint, lead your troops to attack the powerful enemy.

From the tactical perspective, 500 ships, two full-staffed ships, are circling their Joan of Arc, moving slowly at a speed of 300 meters per second.

A dark blue spherical halo appeared around the Joan of Arc, covering the entire fleet.

The surrounding Apocalypse-class, Ognor-class, Giant Bird-class, and Osprey-class cruisers were wrapped in red beams and projected towards the dark universe.

There should be no sound in the silent universe.

At this time, there was a shuttle sound of "whoosh" in Paria's mind.

"The fleet delivery is complete, it's our turn."

Just when Paria was still obsessed with the red light projecting into the universe, she saw her Joan of Arc wrapped in red light and came to a blue-black layered cloud-like space.

A sound of steel compression made Paria, who was traveling through the space at this time, widen her eyes, looking at the end of the darkness in front of her.


The sound of space washing flashed past.

Paria saw the picture of the planet that she saw from the Nordic United NSNA official website.

"It's not the fakeness of the picture, but the real thing in front of my eyes."

See planets illuminated by stellar light sources in our own galaxy, as well as nighttime terrestrial lights of distant planets.

Paria was fascinated.

"Chief, is the communication from the planetary forces connected?"

Chief, me?

Seeing the white-haired girl in the upper left corner of her line of sight, Paria hesitated.

She didn't know if the girl in sight was calling herself or not.

"Paria, it's time for you to issue the order."

Pascal's voice emerged in Paria's mind, which stunned Paria, who was still thinking about whether to reply.

"But the purpose of my visit is to supplement Mr. Pascal's diplomatic matters. I shouldn't be able to issue the fleet orders, right?"

Paria wondered why she had asked herself to issue the order.

"You can issue several instructions at will, which will benefit our subsequent negotiations."

"If it weren't for our church members to exist on this planet, maybe we would use shelling to show our strength."

There was a hint of regret in Pascal's voice.

His regret made Paria, who was just about to issue an order, terrified.


The shelling just now could have completely destroyed Gaslaah.

If the ship on the side shoots at the planet again, what should my relatives do?
"This planet has been bombarded just now, I believe the forces below should know our strength well."

"Do we next wait for them to send a communication, or do we send a communication to them?"

Paria began to breathe rapidly, and the current situation made her feel very nervous.

She had only just gotten used to coordinating and coordinating hundreds of people and issuing orders.

Only experienced a more formal diplomatic talks.

But who would have thought that on behalf of a civilization, he would send a non-friendship greeting to his own world.

Paria felt a lot of pressure on her body.

"Please relax, Brother Paria."

"I will preside over the diplomatic affairs later on, and Brother Paria can just watch quietly from the sidelines."

"If I have made a mistake, please send me a communication on the fleet channel or private channel in time."

Pascal's voice didn't slow down Paria's nervousness.

In addition to being mentally tense, she is also physically tense.

She has a urgency to pee, and she wants to go to the toilet.


"Leah, how is the astrology recovery?"

Guo Teng is now standing on the etheric force of the Nordic United.

3 kilometers away is the holy court of Christianity, Vatican.

Under the illumination of various lights, the 24-meter-high statue of Heavenly Father looks merciful.

It is naturally impossible to put it in one's own home to fight against Guisun who is behind the Christianity.

Putting it in the enemy's base camp is the best choice.

Dahua in the distance is still daytime.

And in this place, the moon is still high.

Even at night, this kind of Christian holy place is still crowded with pedestrians as before.

Especially under the threat of spaceships in the sky, there are more people who come to pray.

Everyone who came over had piety on their faces.

It seems that the next alien invasion has nothing to do with them.

"The night is dark and the wind is high to kill people, and the wind is high to set fire to the sky."

Guo Teng, who read this line, couldn't help but feel disobedient.

From the sunny day just now to the night now.

It can only be that everything is really running non-stop and endless.

[Astrological movement repair completed. 】

"Let A2 activate the induction force field! Quick!"

Guo Teng couldn't help but drink.

Next, we have to face the real existence behind Christianity.

After the astrology returned to normal, Guo Teng also felt that the world was suddenly different.

The previously dull sky became clearer at this time.

In the night sky in the southwest direction, red flares continuously flashed.

The red light makes a different scene in the dark sky.

All the tourists and pedestrians around looked up at the dark red sky in the distance.

"Father, as you said, when I leave the world, I can see your reflection in the starry sky."

"Mantra" Chapter 20No. 20 four, fear is not terrible, what is terrible is our heart suffering from fear, the disaster in the sky is coming, but my heart is involuntarily afraid, what should I do?"

"Mom, can I still see you when I close my eyes?"

"Yes, Wendy, believe in Heavenly Father, he will let me appear before your eyes."

"Munrodie, come on, give me one last hug."

Doomsday moment for all.

Someone is praying earnestly.

Someone is asking for a solution.

The mother held the child tightly in her arms.

The two brothers embraced each other after a long absence.

People on ordinary planets are making their final confession of being away from the world.

This situation made Guo Teng want to laugh, but he stopped laughing considering the atmosphere.

[I think ordinary people cannot see how one civilization destroys another civilization. 】

[Just as they cannot see their faith. 】

If the aliens really wanted to destroy a planet, they would not show you any force.

By the time you see the force, you will have already turned into ashes.

What Liya said was right, Guo Teng couldn't help agreeing before the change.

Now, in front of Guo Teng is a kind old man.

The appearance of ordinary people is very kind and gentle.

Even amidst the turbulent crowds around, the old man in front of him was well integrated into Guo Teng's sight.

It is the same as the 24-meter-high statue of the Father in the distance.

After watching for a long time, you feel that he is like an old man in your family, and you feel that he is like an uncle next door.

If you don't pay attention to him, you know that he is following you.

When you go to see him, he seems to be observing it.

He stands in this world as if he is the master of this world.

A person who is integrated with the world and independent of the world.

"Hello, my enemy."

"Your arrival, do you think you are fully prepared?"

The kind old man smiled slightly at Guo Teng.

The voice made Guo Teng think of the natural cappella in the mountains.

So soft, so beautiful.

Even the words of killing did not feel frozen three feet.

The existence in front of him is stronger than anyone Guo Teng has seen.

In front of him, Galio could no longer become a unit of measurement.

"If you are not fully prepared, do you think I will appear in front of your eyes?"

There was too much flesh on his face, and the corners of Guo Teng's mouth could not be crooked.

The old man is still too tender, I didn't expect that the master came here to tenderize you to death.

"I didn't expect there to be a second believer in becoming a god in this world."

"Until you show up."

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Murdoch."

"As for the last name, there are too many, and it doesn't make sense to say it."

Mo Kedo stretched out his hand, and two tea chairs appeared in front of him.

"Before destroying you, I think it is necessary for me to ask how you achieved your own strength."

"You know, condensing the body into an incarnation is not something that can be achieved in just a few days."

Is reincarnation the degree to which the physical body is reshaped into the divine body?

Guo Teng remained calm, he is now thinking about letting Lia stretch out two fingers to tenderize him.

It's better to chat with him for a while and learn about his past life when he came to this world.

After seeing Mo Kedo, Guo Teng knew that this guy, like him, was not from this world.

He is also an outsider in this world, coming to this world thousands of years earlier than Guo Teng.

"Leah, can you get some useful memories from his soul after killing him?"

Stretching out his hand and leaning on his chin, he stared at the smiling Murkdo in front of him.

Guo Teng was worried that Liya's two fingers would turn Murdoch's body, soul, and consciousness into fly ashes, leaving no dregs left.

Then how do I get his inheritance and rules from this guy?
[It's a bit difficult, because I broke the rules, my fingers touched his body, and everything about him will be erased. 】

[Not just body, soul, consciousness. 】

[All traces of Hanoi in this world for a long time, everything will be erased. 】

"It's a bit troublesome."

Leah is equivalent to a TNT. Throwing it on Murkdo can not only kill him, but also blow up his drops.

"What are you thinking about, young man?"

"Regret, regret?"

"Or, recall the past."

Seeing Guo Teng's thoughts, Murdoch couldn't help but speak.

He wanted to kill Guo Teng very much now.

But he wants to know what is it that can make a person reach the level of demigod in just 8 days.

Give him a year, will he achieve his hard work of thousands of years?

There must be a treasure on him.

What a pity that such a treasure is not in his hands.

In Mokedo's eyes, it would be easy to kill Guo Teng.

But finding that item that can enhance strength is difficult.

Maybe if he breaks Guo Teng's body, that treasure will leave this world with Guo Teng's soul.

The two harboring ulterior motives just looked at each other silently, thinking about how to obtain each other's inheritance.

After all, in the eyes of both, the other party is already a corpse.

"Leah, kill him."

"If you wait and rummage through his lair, you will always be able to find his legacy."

Guo Teng already felt threatened.

The old man in front of him was impatient and wanted to kill himself.

In this case, I still think about what kind of inheritance, so I can directly act first.

Tender him to death!
[Permission has been obtained, Lord God, please protect yourself. 】


I asked you to kill him, why should I protect myself?
When Guo Teng was puzzled, a gray-white horny finger descended from the void.

Slowly extend forward at a very slow speed.

The speed of the snail running is faster than the speed of extending this finger!
The pupils of Murkdo constricted extremely, and the kindness on his face became dark and terrified.


Amid the desperate wailing, horny gray fingers touched his forehead.

The existence that merged with the world in front of his eyes turned to ashes from the place where his fingers touched.

Ashes turn into powder.

Finally, the crystal remains.

The wind of the mobile world blows slightly.

The existence of Murkdo disappeared.

The threat of Christianity has been 99% eliminated.

(End of this chapter)

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