my followers are horrible

Chapter 152 Chapter 191+192 Mood ups and downs + pious believers can be the team leader

Chapter 152 Chapter 191+192 Mood ups and downs + pious believers can be the team leader

A2 didn't speak, and Ousha was also very embarrassed. She wanted to solve A2's difficulties early, and then go back to sleep by herself.

Although it is the same to rest here for a while, Osha prefers to sleep under Andrea's care.

Two people who have experienced the same pain have a deeper relationship than girlfriends.

A2 didn't speak, and Osha could only wait for her to speak.

【Wow. 】

Osha couldn't help but yawned.

She was indeed a little sleepy.

【Are you tired? 】

There was concern in A2's tone.

Osha nodded involuntarily.

【Go to sleep, I will protect your safety. 】

A2 stood with his back to Osha, looking around.

[Well, thank you. . . 】

Osha was about to lie down when she was awakened instantly.

I am here to help the big sister in front of me with the task of the Lord God, how can I fall asleep under her care!

Thinking of this, Osha suddenly felt relieved. She looked at A2 standing in front of her, thinking about how she could get her to talk about her difficulties.

【Can't sleep? 】

A2 squatted in front of Osha and asked her, the concern in her tone made Osha very strange.

I just met her, why does she care so much about herself?
【Um. 】

[I am distressed, the task assigned to me by the Lord God will not be completed. 】

Osha hugged her legs and put her knees on her chin, depressed.

The Lord God is about to mess up his mission when he explains it for the first time?
What will happen if I mess up? Will the Lord God stop paying attention to me as much as before?

Osha, who was hugging her legs, was thinking wildly, and her mood became worse and worse.

[Who is the enemy?How much?The specific direction of the target? 】

A2 got up and stood in front of Osha.

Even though A2 in front of her didn't have any weapons in her hands, Osha knew she was ready to fight.

However, the mission entrusted by the Lord God is to help the big sister in front of her. Why does she look like she is going to fight?
Does she think her mission is to kill a target?
【Ugh. 】

Osha is getting more and more distressed.

Guo Teng became more and more anxious.

The time to pray for faith is generally about 1 hour.

Even if it exceeds 1 hour, it will not exceed 3 minutes.

And Osha in front of her has already spent nearly 2 minutes with A50, the boring gourd, so why doesn't this make Guo Teng anxious.

The time is almost over, Osha, can you fool her over here.

"I'm stupid, really."

"If I knew it earlier, I would have gone there in person, and the interaction with Qianqian can be left until night."

"Why am I so stupid, how can the boss not do things in the entrepreneurial stage?"

"It's not like everyone, like CEO Galio, can take the initiative to expand business."

Guo Teng now regrets, regrets, regrets very much.

Such an important prayer of faith, whether his brain is flooded or what is going on, give this prayer of faith to Osha.

Seeing that there were less than 10 minutes left to pray for faith, Guo Teng was ashamed.

The high-spirited spirit that got A2 after negotiating with Leah just now, and then meddled in the world, is gone at this time.

There is only one old investor who increased his position, increased his position, and then plummeted.

Guo Teng couldn't help but withdraw his gaze, no longer observing the countdown to his own death.

【You, don't you, don't like a person? 】

O'Shara took A2's hand and gently tugged her, wanting her to sit beside her.

She obviously didn't think about it, A2's body couldn't be moved by her small manhole cover.

Fortunately, A2 understood what she meant and sat next to her.

[You know, I don’t like being alone either. 】

[A person will be lonely, lonely, and afraid. 】

[Because I am afraid of these things, I always like to act in groups with people. 】

[Even if I go to the toilet, I will call my companions to join me. 】

Osha blushed.

She is also shy about her behavior.

[I will be by your side. 】

A2 looked at Osha, and said this sentence with a blank face.

Osha was stunned, she didn't expect A2 to say such a thing.

[You, in this world, do you have no one to accompany you? 】

Osha asked carefully.

[Sorry, I didn't mean to ask this. 】

Feeling that her question was stupid, Osha hurriedly apologized.

[My comrades-in-arms are all dead. 】

【The person I trusted also betrayed me. 】

【Even the goal I have been fighting for is false. 】

【I. 】

A2 raised his head, looked at the clear sky, and said slowly.

【I. 】

A2 paused again, and looked at Osha.

[Until I found you, I felt that my goal seemed to be back. 】

A2 looked at Osha with a smile on her face.

【me? 】

Osha pointed to herself, her eyes full of curiosity.

A2 nodded.

[Although I don't know what your goal is. 】

[I have to tell you that my time in this world is running out, maybe a few minutes left. 】

[Because Lord God heard your call, and then came to ask me to help you. 】

[But you have never mentioned your difficulties, I am very embarrassed. 】

Osha stood up and patted the ashes off her buttocks.

Looking at A2 looking up at her.
[You have to tell your difficulties as soon as possible. After a few minutes, I will leave, and there will be no one to help you. 】

Osha spoke very sincerely. She looked at A2 below her and waited quietly for her answer.

As for Guo Teng, he had already dug a pit in the soil beside him in a hurry to bury himself.

And it's still digging.

【I want to protect you. 】

Osha was taken aback by what A2 said.

What is the difficulty?
【Why do you want to protect me? 】

Osha didn't understand.

[The meaning of my being created before was to protect human beings. 】

[Later I realized that my meaning was false, human beings do not exist at all. 】

[They have perished long ago, only we are still struggling to hold on to this meaning. 】

[Just now, after sending off my companion, I no longer have the meaning of living. 】

[I even want to die together when the White Tower collapses. 】

【Until I saw you. 】

A2 was very emotional, her eyes fixed on Osha, as if she was her only one.

【I? 】

[What does this have to do with me? 】

Osha doesn't quite understand.

[I got the person I want to protect. 】

[My life has a goal to live on again. 】

A2 hugged Osha's shoulders and said softly to her.

Guo Teng, who was digging the hole, was not digging the hole, and he found that things seemed to have turned for the better.

And this turning point lies in Osha's subsequent words.

As long as Osha says something that is in line with the turning point, A2 will be able to capture it.

If Osha is wrong.

Guo Teng stretched his legs down to explore the hole beside him, and felt that the hole was not deep enough, so he had to dig it out again.

[Do you need someone to be protected? 】

A2 nodded.

[Just one? 】

A2 was stunned, she didn't expect Osha to ask such a question.

Guo Teng was also stunned.

"What is Osha asking?"

There is only 1 minute left in 1 hour.

Guo Teng has given up hope on A2.

If you don't report your hopes in advance, and wait for Osha's missionary failure, you can still feel a little bit better.

Really feel better that little bit.

[Because there are many brothers and sisters in the church? 】

[It’s fine if you want to protect one person, but if you want to protect more people, your strength alone is not enough. 】

Osha couldn't help sighing.

[Where is the church? 】

A2 is puzzled, she doesn't know why Osha mentioned the church.

【Didn't you ask my faith, the Lord of the Rings, to ask your prayers? 】

[You may have brought it up accidentally, but I believe that the Lord of the Ring did hear your prayer. 】

【So I bring the meaning of your existence, I, to you. 】

[Think about it? 】

A2 was a little confused, but couldn't help but nodded.

Factually speaking, Osha is right.

【call. 】

Osha let out a long breath, and the expression on her face was also resolute.

【A2, I ask you, are you willing to believe in the Lord of the Ring, so as to continue to obtain the meaning of your existence, which is to protect me. 】

Time was running out, Osha also went all out, fought her back, and asked A2 directly if she would believe in the Lord of the Ring.

【I believe. 】

[You, cough cough cough. 】

A2's words made Osha choke, who still wanted to say something.

[A2 Choose to believe in you, and your followers have increased. 】

Not only Ousha, but even Guo Teng, who had already laid down in the pit, couldn't help but sit up at this moment.

Eyes wide open, he looked at A2 in sight, and Osha whose body was glowing.

"That's what you believe in me!"

"No, Osha believed in the last question?"

Guo Teng, who had just carved the immortal inscription on his hand, threw the tombstone aside and stood up in the pit.

If it wasn't for Leah's text still in his sight, he would have thought he had read it wrong.

【Are you leaving me? 】

Osha, who was squeezed out by the world, hurriedly asked.

【no. 】

Osha stood on tiptoe and reached out to touch A2's head.

【I'm just leaving for a while, trust the Lord of the Ring, you can still see me later. 】

[As long as you keep praying to the Lord of the Ring, A2 will be able to see me all the time. 】

Osha's body gradually became transparent, and her body gradually turned into stars from bottom to top.

[I don't want you to leave. 】

A2 tried hard to catch the brilliance of the stars falling from Osha, and tears kept bursting out of her eyes.

[I don't want you to leave. 】

A2 is still struggling, trying to catch Osha and prevent her from disappearing before his eyes.

However, her actions were doomed to be in vain.

No matter how hard she tried, the brilliance of the stars always fell in front of her eyes.

Until Osha was squeezed out by the world and disappeared completely.

Leaving A2 behind, he looked at the empty world in front of him.

【fraud. 】

A2 murmured and knelt down on the ground.

【fraud. 】

He beat the ground hard with his hands and burst into tears.

The ground was smashed into several depressions, which also smashed into the bottom of A2's heart.

She felt that she was alone again.

【fraud! 】

[They are all liars, so is God, they are all liars! 】

The wailing A2's eyes were full of despair.

[They are all liars! 】

"I'm sorry, Liya hastened to pass Osha over."

Seeing that A2 was so excited, Guo Teng hurriedly handed Osha to her.

It was not easy for A2 to believe in himself, and he got the key to Nier's world.

Guo Teng must stabilize A2.

If she gave up her belief now, Guo Teng felt that she could explode with a cerebral thrombosis.

[A2, what's wrong with you? 】

Osha looked at A2 who was kneeling on the ground and crying bitterly, very puzzled.

I seem to have left for less than 10 seconds, why is A2 like this?

A2 suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the voice.

Osha was walking towards her, the same concern on her face as before.

[Osha. 】

A2's eyes were full of disbelief, as if he felt that there was a problem with his vision.

[Well, it's me. 】

【Do you think that I disappear and will never appear again? 】

Osha took out her handkerchief and wiped away the tears on A2's face.

[Osha, woo woo woo! 】

A2 hugged Osha tightly and cried bitterly.

【I said I'll be back in a while, I don't believe me at all. 】

【Even if you don’t believe me, you still have to believe in our Lord of the Ring of Faith. 】

[If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have met you. 】

Osha hugged the crying A2 and patted her on the back to comfort her.

"Good job, sister Osha, I'll give you magic tricks later."

Seeing Osha stabilize A2, Guo Teng climbed out of the pit and pushed back the soil beside him.

It seems that I don't have to bury myself in a pit tonight.

[Like a child, he also likes to cry. 】

[I haven't cried since I was 12 years old. 】

Osha carefully wiped the tears on A2's face.

A2, hug Osha and won’t let go.

Guo Teng doesn't need to pay more attention to the rest.

Osha hugged A2, listening to A2's mental journey after the death of his comrade-in-arms.

As for Osha, she told A2 about her belief in the Lord of the Ring after she met Guo Teng.

Talking to each other made the friendship between the two skyrocket.

A2 also calmed down, no longer fearing Osha's disappearance.

Osha has promised her again and again that when she disappears, she just returns to her own world.

She is not dead, will not disappear, and will not forget her.

The last sentence is the key point, Ou Shan repeatedly assured A2.

"I really hate the mechanics I learned back then."

"It would have been nice if I had learned painting back then."

Guo Teng can completely draw the Lily book on the spot.

Guo Teng, who was happy, looked at Guo Qianqian who was sleeping on the ground, and thought of an important question.

If the members of the Inquisition don't leave, what about the normal life of the witches and Guo Qianqian?
It is impossible for these people to hide in the red world forever.

Could it be that they are waiting for the people from the Inquisition to leave?

God knows how long these perverts will wait in Dahua.

Let alone a day or two.

If he and Guo Qianqian don't go home tomorrow night, Guo's mother will have to call the police.

Guo Teng doesn't want his parents to be drawn into the dark side of the world right now.

He had to find a way to allow these witches to return to their normal lives.

The church in the Red World is their last safe haven.

Their daily life is still in the world.

"What are you thinking, Artanis?"

The ecstatic Dorothy came to Guo Teng's side and sat down.

Guo Teng couldn't help leaning towards Guo Qianqian.

The gaze in Dorothy's eyes was a little wrong, and Guo Teng was worried that he would make a mistake.

He can lean on Guo Qianqian, and Dorothy can naturally squeeze on him.

Only now did Guo Teng realize that he had made a mistake at the beginning, and had to take Dorothy to a corner beside him.

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

Guo Teng lowered his voice for fear of disturbing Guo Qianqian who was at the side.

Dorothy winked at him.

He took out a grass seed in his hand and threw it on the ground.

Grass seeds sink into the ground and grow rapidly.

A straw wall was formed to separate Guo Teng and Guo Qianqian.

"That way you don't have to worry about your sister hearing it."

"Isn't it?"

Dorothy's aggressive eyes kept scanning Guo Teng.

Fortunately, Guo Teng, who turned into a giant panda, has thick hair covering his face.

It would be terrible if Dorothy, who was in front of her, found herself blushing.

"If you have anything to do, please speak up."

Guo Teng pretended to be calm and tried hard not to look towards Dorothy's Azur Lane.

Such a deep valley, such a white surface.

But the black eyeballs always glance to the right along the black eyeshadow.

Alas, men can always lie with their mouths, but their bodies are always honest.

After all, Niu Niu never lies.

"I know how attractive my body is to men, Artanis."

"But for the next conversation, I hope you can curb your desire."

"I don't want an extremely important matter to be dominated by other factors."

Dorothy pulled her hair back.

However, you said it so formally.

Can you please stop holding your hair with your underwear?

Could it be that you think I'm a hopeful man?

Guo Teng stared at Dorothy's actions in a daze, and almost froze.

"Crushed by me?"

Dorothy with her hair tied up smiled at Guo Teng.

Guo Teng had already closed his eyes, forbidding himself to look at Dorothy.

The witch in front of him was really a witch, and Guo Teng felt that if he took another look, he would be sucked out of his bones.

"Please explain your purpose, Dorothy."

Guo Teng who closed his eyes was much better, at least he would not be at a disadvantage in the conversation with Dorothy.

"I want to be the head of the Witch Order."

Dorothy's words made Guo Teng frown.

Head of the Witch Order.

For the time being, the name of the World Witch Order will be called this for the time being.

But what qualifications do you have, do you think you can be the first head of the Witch Order?
Guo Teng hoped that the head of the Witch Order would be a devout believer first.

But you.

Guo Teng opened his eyes and looked at Dorothy in front of him.

"Dorothy, you know that."

"The head of the religious order in each world must first be a devout believer."

"Only if he is devout enough to the Lord of the Ring, can he have the prerequisites to compete for the head of the sect."

"And you."

Guo Teng's meaning is very clear.

You, Dorothy, are not devout.

 Thanks for the half-sinking 500 reward, and thanks for the monthly ticket of Dream VS Waking, Beifeng 1212.Thank you all for your votes, thank you very much! ╭(●`●)╯

(End of this chapter)

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