Singular Enhancement System

Chapter 75 Howling and Screaming Wolves

Chapter 75 Howling and Screaming Wolves

As long as there are spell-casting materials, when necessary, Li Yi only needs to use his mind to activate the spell card-the thorns can release the spell. Compared with some mages, the spell card releases spells more conveniently.

The only fly in the ointment is that the spell card can store up to 3 copies of the casting materials that support 3 spellcastings. Moreover, once the spelling materials are still in the spell card, they cannot be replaced or replenished. You must wait for all the casting materials in the spell card to be consumed. The casting material can be replaced only after completion.

After everything was ready, Ling Feng took a tree as the target of the spell, and his mind moved.

A blue light from the pattern on the back of the left hand emerged, and under the tree that was the target of the spell, a green magic circle appeared instantly, and then, a section of blue thorns wrapped around the tree at an extremely fast speed.

Ling Feng could clearly see that the sharp thorns on the thorns pierced fiercely into the trunk along with the force of the winding.

Two seconds later, circles of blue thorns disappeared, revealing a tree trunk riddled with holes and scars.

Compared with tree trunks, the flesh of ordinary humans is more fragile. If it is hit by thorns, it will definitely lose its combat effectiveness.

Seeing the damage caused to the trees by the entanglement of thorns, Ling Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Although there is a delay of about 0.5 seconds between the activation of the thorn entanglement from the appearance of the magic circle to the entanglement, it should be almost the same when it is used unexpectedly.

After experimenting with the skills, Ling Feng stayed in the forest clearing for a while, then left and returned to the real world.

strong dizziness
Before Ling Feng opened his eyes, a sultry breath came towards Ling Feng, and there was no doubt that Ling Feng had returned to the real world.

When he opened his eyes, he saw some familiar trees and vines.

After stretching his body, Ling Feng was about to leave the same way.

However, at this moment, faint screams and howling wolves came from behind Ling Feng.

'What the hell is a howling wolf?There are wolves on this mountain? 'Ling Feng frowned.

This unknown hill, which is only 200 meters long, is located in Donghu City. Logically speaking, there should not be dangerous animals like wild wolves, otherwise the relevant departments would not sit idly by.

If wild wolves go down the mountain and threaten the safety of the citizens, it will not look good in terms of face or political achievements. Therefore, even if there were dangerous animals like wild wolves on the mountain before, it is estimated that they will be cleaned up or moved away now.

Unless, the wolf is a recent appearance
Ling Feng squeezed his chin, thinking of a possibility.

Anyway, let's have a look first.

As soon as his footsteps moved, Ling Feng quickly ran towards the source of the screams and howling wolves
The sound of the violent wind whistled past my ears, and the green trees and bushes blurred into a green background and receded continuously.

Due to the long-term running, the physical strength is exhausted, and the throat is burning.

Under all kinds of torture, Wu Ziying wanted to stop and rest for a while.

However, he couldn't, because behind him was a giant wolf that was as big as a cow.

Wu Ziying regretted that she should not have agreed to her roommate's adventure in this barren mountain forest.

Who would have thought that there were such dangerous animals as wolves in this unknown hill?

Not only is the body shape unreasonable, but there is more than one head.
Although Wu Ziying's running speed has slowed down a lot due to the intense physical exertion, the giant wolf behind him is just chasing him leisurely.

There was no sign of physical exhaustion, and no intention to speed up and throw Wu Ziying down. Instead, he hung behind Wu Ziying leisurely, as if to enjoy the fear of prey and the fun of hunting.

Listening to the voice coming from behind, Wu Ziying, who was almost exhausted, also realized that something was wrong.

'Nimma, are you playing with me? Wu Ziying paused, leaning against a big tree with a trunk as thick as a basketball, stopped, panting violently, and looked listlessly at the giant wolf who also stopped.

After running for so long, Wu Ziying also realized that she couldn't outrun this burly giant wolf, and if she continued to run, there was basically no other possibility except to exhaust herself or become the wolf's dinner when she was exhausted.

As for the possibility that someone suddenly passed by here and rescued herself, Wu Ziying hadn't thought about it.

However, after thinking about it, this unknown hill with various horror legends, usually not many people come here.

Moreover, although the hill is called a hill, after including the woods below the mountain, the cross-sectional area is four to five square kilometers. If you want to meet a passerby in the woods with complex terrain, the possibility is very slim.

Furthermore, not to mention ordinary passers-by, even special forces without guns would have to give up their food in the face of a giant wolf as strong as a cow.

Therefore, Wu Ziying may not have any hope of being rescued by passers-by. If passers-by do appear, the greatest possibility is to let the giant wolf eat more, and then find a good place to sleep well and wait for the next game hunting.

'Anyway, it's death, it's better to be brave, take out the guy and have a fight with it, at least die with a little momentum. Wu Ziying leaned against the tree trunk and took out something from her pocket—a fruit knife ten centimeters long.

'Unfortunately, it would be great if he didn't run away from his roommate, and there would be another witness beside him who saw him fight the giant wolf and die heroically. '

'No, it should have been the heroic Wu Ziying who retreated to protect his teammates, leaving the rear behind, and died heroically in the end. '

'If this is the case, the compulsion will be upgraded several grades in an instant. '

Wu Ziying held a fruit knife and confronted Julang while thinking wildly.

Not only did the tension in his heart dissipate a lot, he even showed a weird smile.

Let the giant wolf on the opposite side who was pacing slowly and staring at Wu Ziying show a puzzled look.

I don't know if Wu Ziying's weird smile scared the giant wolf, or for some other reason, the giant wolf suddenly stopped moving.

Its wild eyes stared at Wu Ziying closely, and a row of sharp teeth was exposed in its grinning mouth.

A low growl came from the giant wolf's mouth, and its body was slightly bent. The giant wolf, who had seemed a little leisurely, immediately put on a vigilant posture.

Wu Ziying was a little confused by the changes in the giant wolf, but the sudden increase in the momentum of the giant wolf made him feel a lot of pressure.

Wu Ziying's slightly white and tender hands tightly held the fruit knife, which seemed insignificant in front of the giant wolf. Now, only this barely decent weapon can give him a sense of security.

Wu Ziying swallowed slowly, and as time passed, her calm heart was once again occupied by fear.

The violently beating heart seemed to be grasped by a pair of invisible hands, which made his breathing become difficult, and he felt a faint feeling of suffocation.

'Well, if you want to go, hurry up, are you still a wolf greedy for vanity, trying to scare me to death and add a milestone to your future wolf life? '

Just when Wu Ziying was about to be overwhelmed and wanted to rush forward to fight (to die?) with the giant wolf, there was a rustling sound from the woods behind him.

Moreover, the sound quickly changed from insignificant to discernible, as if something was rapidly approaching.

'Well, is it coming again? '

Wu Ziying, who was extremely nervous, heard the voice behind her, and immediately thought of the other giant wolves who were chasing scattered.

"I fought with you"

Thinking that she was about to be attacked by two giant wolves, Wu Ziying finally mustered up her courage, roared, and rushed towards the giant wolf in front of her.
 Thanks to the book friend 20170710234410439, I am free and unrestrained, Ched, used to being lonely, reading books should read refreshing, boring,, clefable, local agents, everything is natural, 灬, Dantai Hongcai's recommendation ticket


(End of this chapter)

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