Chapter 66


Before he could finish his first thought after waking up from his sleepless sleep, an incomparably terrifying force penetrated his brain in an instant.


It was another force that was even bigger and more difficult to match. This force plowed through his body, taking away countless flesh and blood in an instant.

But I don't know why, it seems that there are countless people talking in my mind.

What are they talking about...?
Let me die?

Curse me?

"No, what did I do..."

In the severe pain, he suddenly recalled the things he had done, and the huge panic made him mess up.

Consciousness and stress fell into a long sleep.


"What's going on, is this another natural disaster of flesh and blood?!"

From the bottom of the pit, out of the crushed flesh and bones, like a forest banshee poking her head out of the lake, something gigantic stood up.

Soft, bloody, messy.

Endless raving and singing.

Every decomposed corpse was kneaded together.

They turned into irregular groups of flesh and blood, and their strange activity was bestowed on this terrifying thing by unknown circumstances.

Each of the corpses that had been deprived of bones turned their faces towards He Gang strangely. Even when they were fighting Hancock, their eyes that were either hollow, gray, or gnawed by maggots were still staring at He Gang. .

Like the dead bodies that hung on those hickory trees that night.

It was as dark as the evening when the sun was about to set completely.

"It's not right, it's too wrong."

He Gang's teeth bite together.

He held Zouwu's hair tightly, and watched Hancock tear off pieces of flesh and blood from the irregular mass at a fast speed.

He looked at the properties of the thing.

Just like the flesh and blood disaster that drilled out of Lower Manhattan and almost destroyed half of New York, you can only see the prefix of its real name with "meme block"——


There are a small number of descriptions of it, and most of the others are blocked from display like the description of the plague of blood.


The hero has also fallen.

In the invasion of "meme prevention", he failed to stop them, so in the end, he accepted that power...



He wanted to escape frantically.


Before consciousness leaves,
……What have you done?

After that incident, it was full of hatred and hatred towards the whole world, which made it completely...


.... 】

"This thing's name is Flesh Eater!"

He Gang shouted at Hancock.

The sound seemed to attract the attention of something, a tall, slender shadow standing on the northern horizon.

"Meat eaters..."

He Gang repeated.

He suddenly felt horrified.

No wonder those piled up corpses had no bones!

It is only interested in flesh and blood!

What about... the bones?

Some are crushed, but what about the rest?

Soft whispers mixed with countless individuals rang in the ears of He Gang and Hancock.


Hancock seemed to see something.

With stinky corpse water and black blood swaying on his body, he was about to come to He Gang's position.

But in the next moment, the violent surge of wasteland submerged He Gang and Zou Wu.

It is countless human bodies or complete or smashed bones!

They are spliced ​​together to form a hideous and terrifying overall shape, like a palm and a snake, tightly wrapping He Gang and Zou Wu.

Spikes and pollution threaten them all the time with the friction of bones.

He Gang used huge power to open a gap and check the properties of this thing in time.

【Star Gravekeeper】〖Gold Level Filth〗

[Description: Its crazy, turbid, weird, and terrifying will should have controlled the "memetic deterrence" of the flesh-eaters, but something expelled it and made it fall into this humble body!
Rating: 39
Power: 91
Stamina: 93
Stamina—Durability: Max+
Sanity: -1
Talent 1: Unknown (The filthy ability with negative sanity, when someone pronounces their real name or personality, will suffer varying degrees of bad luck.)
Talent 2: Chasing death (approaching a certain distance, individuals whose sanity is lower than "meme prevention" will get a negative gain of rapid decline in sanity, when sanity drops to 0, the individual will frantically fall into the pursuit of death, pain and sorrow and take pleasure in it.)
Talent 3: Meat Eater (All the flesh and blood it gets will be given back to the meat eater itself.)
Skill 1: Bone Prison (The body of the Gravekeeper of the Stars is composed of human bones, and it can flexibly use these components, even if there are endless whispers cursing it all the time.)
Skill 2: Devouring (It can swallow anything whose attribute judgment is lower than itself, and completely digest and deprive it of its power within a fixed time.)
Skill 3: Hatred (Hate everything with flesh and blood, and increase all attributes by 10%)
Skill 4: Stars (Summons pure insane will from the stars blocked by "Meme Stop", pulling everything into oblivion.)]

A filth made of pure bones is emerging from the ground!

But it wasn't Hancock who arrived first.

But... carnivores!
The bloody and filthy head actually showed extremely great anger.

Its flesh and blood are like blades, tearing apart the skeletal prisons of the Star Gravekeepers in an instant!

(End of this chapter)

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