Arriving alone: ​​70 billion copies of survival

Chapter 37 The Second Bronze Recruitment Order

Chapter 37 The Second Bronze Recruitment Order
New York with its tall buildings.

Luxurious New York.

The bustling New York.

New York is full of filth.

He Gang stood on the requisitioned [high seat of the Goddess of Distortion], which was temporarily used as a floating city, overlooking New York from an altitude of thousands of meters.

Dark and dilapidated.

Traces of human beings soon began to be completely annihilated in the polluted nature.

To the southeast, a fifth of lower Manhattan emptied from the Hudson River was reduced to rubble by the battle between Hancock and the Aberration.

In the Northwest, the entire city has become a hell of a filthy carnival, full of dead things polluted to give birth to viscera, organs, or limbs.

And further to the northwest, the city between the Hudson River and the Delaware River, less than a hundred kilometers away from New York City, Middletown, is the only place Hancock can now dabble in besides New York. city ​​of.

Even so, the filth community in Middletown is far larger than in New York.

Some of them even possess crazy sanity, and can still organize and carry out planned hunting behaviors against other filth even when the san value is below 0.

To the east of the seaport of Hatton, Brooklyn and Queens have begun to be invaded by the filth from the shallow sea. The level of these filth is generally higher than that of the local filth. Many filthy groups, mainly night-daunts, have begun to migrate inland.

On the other side, Staten Island and Newark, although the basic attributes are not high, there is a huge metal pollution. It is a collection of pollution formed after the cargo ship and the marine organisms parasitic on the bottom of the cargo ship are polluted. body.

"I surveyed all of New York and Middletown. The appearance of these filthy creatures in this world is usually characterized by a large number of tentacles, bare internal organs, irregular body structure, and irregular rotting skin that completely violates the laws of nature."

Hancock is reporting the exploration situation to He Gang through the radio.

His level is as high as level 40, and his attributes are extremely terrifying. He is the top creature in the world even if all filth is taken into account.

It is also the most suitable force to be sent out to check the surrounding situation.

The main task of Dumbledore and Archangel Travis is to cooperate with the Statue of Liberty to clear the entire Central Park.

But the four aberrant sculptures at the Pista Fountain were tricky.

They have a skill.

[Apocalypse: "Temperance" / "Purity" / "Health" / "Peace" will release the golden filth suppressed in its body after being killed "Plague" / "War" / "Famine" / "Death", When the Four Horsemen are released, the event "Apocalypse" will begin. 】

The four distortion sculptures are only black iron level.

Its basic attributes are even far inferior to the distorted statue originally located in the Trinity Church, which is also made of black iron.

But this is also because the Deformation God Statue has a fatal weakness, otherwise it should be classified as bronze or silver with a high probability.

But what is incredible is that the black iron filth is basically linked to the gold filth.

In contrast, although the four knights who may be golden and filthy can burst out the recruitment order, the unexplained event code-named "Apocalypse" is much more terrifying than the "Midsummer Night's Shakespeare" with deformed dolls.

So He Gang doesn't know how to deal with them.

Although it is not impossible to just leave these sculptures in the park that don't usually move much, and He Gang doesn't even bother to show his dirty form when he walks in front of them, but base building is not a game.

It is not difficult to see from the experiences of others that although the base can directly recruit professional adults such as soldiers, businessmen, and doctors, members are generally recruited based on family units.

And since it is a family unit, there will inevitably be children.

Placing such a dangerous thing next to or even inside the base doesn't seem like a good idea.

"These people idolize goblins."

Dumbledore forgot to turn off the microphone, he said to Travis,

"Goblins are stupid little things in our area that are often hidden in wizard's gardens. Whenever they realize that goblining is going on, they scurry out of their holes to see what's going on things, this feature makes them very easy to catch."

"Like these little puppets."

"Yes, we cleared away the deformed dolls in large areas. Such a big movement made them all run out of their hiding places to watch, and then we easily caught them and burned them to ashes."


The sound of flames burning some wooden or plastic joints was heard at the right time.

Those thousands of deformed dolls weren't even counted by Hancock among the filthy creatures.

They are not very dangerous, they also like to travel in groups, and are much more courageous than night-gaunts.

Judging from the introduction, the souls of Manhattanites are imprisoned in these dolls, which also gives them the bad habit of joining in the fun.

"Pay attention to the obviously different guys in those dolls. Professor, I have killed a different night dire with a bullet enchanted by the Holy Light. These special individuals have a certain chance of issuing a recruitment order."

He Gang reminded.

It's not like he didn't want to go down and help.

It's should I put it.

When completing the advanced mission, he once interrupted Lamia's sacrifice, which also made the banshee Lamia furious.

And now, the countdown called [Lamia's Rage] is already over.

No one can help but knows whether this so-called Lamia is a filth or some other individual.

It's okay if it's platinum or even diamonds, but I'm afraid it's the "old days" like Tu Travis.

You should know that although the biological sequences of "filthy" and "old days" are on the same level in height, the old days are generally half a level stronger than filthy in terms of attributes.

Moreover, the Statue of Liberty's skill [Law] cannot take effect on the "Old Days".

It's better to stay here at an altitude of one thousand meters.

Anyway, up until now, except for ordinary birds that were not contaminated, He Gang had never seen a serious flying bird.

That's right, how can a pile of carrion and internal organs fly?

"I found a call-up order in Middletown."

Suddenly, Hancock said so.

Bronze level?
He Gang's eyes widened.

He swallowed.

Hancock was also a creature recruited with a bronze recruitment order. Does this mean that this recruitment order is also possible...?
"Quick, bring it back!"

He Gang's voice even trembled.

If there is a second Hancock, the whole of North America can be liberated!

(End of this chapter)

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