Chapter 182 The Ravenclaw Crown
The gray fog permeating the huge enclosed space is wriggling and undergoing many daunting changes.

Some things that have been hidden by students of all generations - large groups of small alchemy toys, mysterious birds whose flesh and blood bodies were corroded to only skeletons after being starved to death, Mandrake vines that are still active, and so on.

They are all running around.

It seemed that something very terrifying was chasing after them.

He Gang was about to reach out for the magnificent-looking crown with a huge blue inlay.

But he froze suddenly.

For a moment, the huge gem was like an inhuman eyeball, bursting with countless bloodshot eyes and disturbing wails.

Small, white filamentous flesh structures like Taenia solium protruded from the gaps in the crown, waving in the gray mist.

The active fog seems to be genuinely fearful.

Those white tentacles that are so small that it is difficult to see with the naked eye pass by become restricted areas.


He Gang frowned slightly, Sea Beast's War shook, Leviathan's phantom loomed,

Even though this mythical sea beast was blasted into dregs by nuclear bombs and infected into great filth by Glaaki, the ruler of filth, its level was as high as epic.

This means that he is likely to be a terrifying legendary or even mythical creature in his lifetime and in his prime.

Such an existence, even if it is only emitted by the phantom left in the weapon unintentionally, still makes the active and strange gray fog that permeates the entire Room of Requirement shudder.

"Holy Light."

Voldemort heard a word softly uttered by the young man next to him, who was as powerful as a god descended into the world.

Then, like a newborn sun, it exploded in front of my eyes!
Holy, radiant radiance.

These lights converged on He Gang's right hand.

He stretched out his hand suddenly, and the holy light burned those tiny parasitic tentacles, making a hissing sound.

Even the wailing that would be quite terrifying if it was enlarged was also sounded at the same time.

When he took it back again, the crown appeared in his hand.

【Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of human beings】

The ancient text carved by Ravenclaw himself shines brightly on the inside of the crown, shining like a starry sky.

Then, just for a moment, the lines of the text, which were clearly carved deeply into the metal body of the crown, suddenly came to life.

Like a tiny snake after another.

They are actively rearranged, becoming some kind of words that have never appeared before.

Never before has such a random arrangement of characters appeared in this world.

He Gang felt a little familiar.

He picked up the crown and looked at it carefully——

【.mglw'nafh fhthagn-ngah cf'ayak'vulgtmm vugtlag'n. 】

In front of the first complete word with a gap as a character separation, there is a small section that is obviously scratched.

It seems... the owner of this crown is deliberately hiding something.


Wise Ravenclaw.

The omniscient Ravenclaw.

What...has she left on this crown?
Why did this layer of characters that even Voldemort had never seen appear at this time?
What does this string of characters mean?
He Gang didn't have time to think about it.

Not far away, a high wall that seemed to have no dome suddenly made a rattling sound like gears turning.

Something is happening up there.

"Someone is coming in."

Voldemort used his elder wand to draw a circle in the air. The moment the circle was formed, he and He Gang disappeared from the room.

Apparation can't be used here, but other enchantments are basically fine, such as large area invisibility.

"I thought there was no way for other people to come in if there were people inside."

He Gang holds Ravenclaw's crown, and the system log is refreshed every moment. The main reason is that this hand Horcrux itself has the characteristic of fluctuating the San value of the holder and the affected person.

But after all, He Gang's level is placed there. Whether it is determination of will or determination of attributes, it is difficult for this Horcrux belonging to Voldemort to really affect him.

Voldemort said:

"Theoretically, this is true, but if two people have similar intentions, they can be opened again when the Room of Requirement is already open."

"What were you thinking when you came in?"

"Find a place to hide things."

Voldemort shrugged, his ugly smooth face made a smile uglier than crying,

"That's what I thought when I put the crown in."

"Okay... keep your voice down. The fewer people who know what we are going to do, the better."

He Gang didn't say anything more.

Sure enough, when the sound of the gears turning ended, suddenly a door that had never appeared appeared on the surface of the high wall.

But the strange thing is that the moment this high wall appeared, the strange gray mist that was crawling in the entire Room of Requirement suddenly dissipated, as if it had never appeared before.

Then, those toys, skeletons and the like that suddenly came alive and were chased by some horrible objects also stagnated in an instant, and then scattered all over the place.

"I remember right here..."

"It's really big here."

"Of course, there are many treasures here. Franka found a jar with a lot of Galleons here before."


The voices of several boys and girls sounded not far away.

Probably sneaked in accidentally while the professors were arranging the students' dormitories.

They seem to be looking for something.

"Let's go out first."

He Gang signaled to Voldemort to lead the way, and they went out first.

There is always something weird here, and it is unknown where the gray fog has gone.

Even He Gang is not so willing to stay here.

They returned the way they came.

After there was no gray fog, the place seemed much quieter, but it was quite messy, and the rubbish piled up for an unknown number of centuries became a city.

He Gang rubbed the inscriptions on Ravenclaw's crown.

Now, it's back to what it used to be.

The crazy string of characters disappeared.

But He Gang always had a bad feeling.

This diadem is the only relic of Rowena Ravenclaw, the founder of Ravenclaw House. It was originally hidden by Rowena Ravenclaw's daughter Lady Grey, and was taken from the Albanian jungle by Voldemort. found in.

Later, Voldemort hid in the room of request when he returned to Hogwarts to discuss teaching positions with Dumbledore.
In the original book, when Harry Potter arrived at the Room of Requirement, he happened to run into Malfoy and three others, and they started to have a big fight.Malfoy's companion Vincent Crabbe inadvertently released the fire during the attack, and the diadem was subsequently burned by the fire.

But now in this world, even though it is wrapped in holy light, the crown that still stretches out tiny white parasitic tentacles is obviously tougher.

He Gang was sure that it would be impossible for Fiendfire released by the magic power of apprentice wizards in this world to destroy it.

The door is right in front of you.

But there are too many weird things.

He Gang looked back at the Room of Requirement one last time.

He shuddered.

(End of this chapter)

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