Chapter 111 Michael

Just came out of the bathroom.

He Gang stretched his waist.

He was wiping his hair, and his hot skin caused white mist to rise in the cold air around him.

"We'll go back in two or three days."

"Look at Mary and Ray."

"If it's right, we might be able to go back and settle down."

He Gang blew out white steam from his palms and whispered to Hancock.

The buildings on both sides of the road are still building themselves like 3D printing.

This is the benefit of system base architecture.

It does not require manpower at all, it only needs to give resources, and it can be built automatically, which is even worse than the infrastructure madman.

But the same cannot be said for other buildings.

The ability of high-rise buildings to hide dirt and evil is doomed not to retain the old buildings in New York City, so the entire Enlos Base will have a long period of construction time.

The number of barracks has increased to twenty.

However, it is impossible to summon 10,000+ or ​​even hundreds of thousands of labor force to fill this gap in a short period of time.

They were walking on the main road that was still under construction, and occasionally recruited soldiers and their families ran past.

Even at night, there will be no filth and chaos in Enlos base.

The small filth of bronze and black iron could not stop the expulsion during the expansion of the base, and the higher filth of silver and gold levels were all removed by Diana and Hancock.

This is the safest place in the world.

"Oh, what's over there?"

The haze in the west suddenly dissipated a little.

He Gang scratched the back of his head. He seemed to see something moving quickly in the scattered gap, speeding in this direction with a surging and violent sound.

The thing was glowing.

Like the Holy Light.

The light is like a sharp knife cutting through and dispelling the haze in an instant, making people feel incomparably warm from the heart.

But he has the death energy of an old man.

In the very center of Enlos.

Over the huge clearing where the guardian angel was now placed, the holy light suddenly stopped.

There are more violent evils chasing from the west.

A gate with a height of [-] meters opened in the sky thousands of meters above the guardian angel and the peak of Graaki.

Hundreds of angels like Travis spread their wings and guarded the gate.

Michael, who looks like the Vice King of Heaven described in the Bible, holds a red cross sword and stirs up the hurricane. His whole body seems to be filled with a sea of ​​blood, and the red drips endlessly.

This existence that makes people almost lose all visual functions just by looking at it with both eyes suddenly appeared in the sky.

Holy light shines.

This is so holy, bright, and warm. The haze, gray fog, and countless filth seem to be completely expelled from the world at this moment.

He stood in front of the door, with his blood-stained wings flapping slightly behind him.

"I can't see the attributes, but he is indeed Michael, and the current rank... is as high as the legendary upper rank!"

He Gang didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend who came.

But Michael's state does not look optimistic.

He suddenly remembered that when nuclear bombs were used to kill the natural disasters of flesh and blood the day before yesterday, it seemed that unparalleled holy light was spreading from the west to the whole world, dispelling the haze and allowing the entire planet to enjoy a moment of sunshine.

Michael...Holy Light...

There seems to be a strong connection between them.

Many people came out of their homes and pointed at the sky.

Even in Enros, angels are symbols of the gods.

An angel descends.

Heaven reappears.

The ancient myth is actually true!

This scene was seen by too many people.

Travis found Ho Harbor.

The battle armor on his body was burning with white flames, and he said with a trembling voice:
"It's Maharaja Michael!"

There is an indescribable excitement.

They had long thought that in the entire kingdom of heaven, except for the lowest-level angel squad with the archangel as the core, all other high-level angels had been martyred.

Didn't expect to see so many now!
But the evil was wrapped in the hurricane and the haze was gathered again, and some strange things chased Michael's footsteps and came here unexpectedly.

The gate of the kingdom of heaven, which had been tightly locked when he had seen the phantom when He Gang summoned Travis, was suddenly opened from the inside when the strange thing embracing evil and darkness came.

The whole world is buzzing.

It seemed as if something behind the door was struggling to get out.

Soon, a gap opened.

A turbulent, smelly wind blew out.

He Gang saw that there was a huge, radiant figure wriggling in Tianmen. It was indescribable but horrifying. Endless evil living flesh and blood dripped from this thing, and it was cut by Michael who turned around and swung his sword. Broken, torn to shreds, burned to ashes.

This demon monster-like thing looks so scary, but it dulls the minds of anyone who looks at it, and there is even the danger of being pulled into the will test.

Some people began to cry with joy.

Goblins and orcs without faith.

Their thinking is simple, and their rationality cannot withstand too much impact, and they start to be polluted and degenerate into filth in an instant.

The huge evil will impacted every soul present.

Hundreds of angels carrying two pairs of wings stirred up their raging holy light, and began to try to strip the evil things that squeezed out of the lintel from its body.

But it doesn't help.

Michael, the most powerful fighter among them, has fallen into a bitter struggle.

The gap in the door is getting wider and wider.

Until the thing behind the door gradually squeezed out of His body.

The extremely huge and oppressive monster twisted its arms and legs, and finally revealed its hideous and strange face after the black wind behind the door dissipated.

It is very similar to the α that once came to New York, brought death to the entire Brooklyn, and awakened the heart of Issos.

His tentacles and arms and legs squeezed out of the heavenly gate and transformed into a huge human form, looking up like Cthulhu at the haze that covered the entire sky.

Then, the faces with human eyeballs growing out of every slit plunged downward.

Greed, despair...

All negative emotions accompanied by this gaze fell to every corner of the Enluo base.

Michael was still swinging the knife.

But his power is getting weaker and weaker.

This is a crusade without any words.

But He Gang and Hancock quickly came to their senses, they looked at each other for a moment, and the latter rose into the air.


The high-pitched dragon chant was accompanied by intense bright light, and Hancock's body instantly transformed into a dragon.

The power that belongs to the epic is surging!

Hancock saw Diana rushing back from outside the city in the sky, his hands pulled a huge amount of metal and merged into blades,
"Help those bird people!"

The power of the two epics exploded completely, and even Michael seemed to be instantly surprised.

But when he looked back, he only looked down.

He Gang followed his gaze.

That's...the giant guardian angel carrying the Garden of Eden!

Words that do not belong to human languages, but are understood by all, come from the vocal organs that do not exist in the guardian angels.


Then there was another sound!
The voice is greater than all power.

And it’s just as easy as saying it!
The seemingly impossible-to-conquer evil giant god was blown apart with two expulsions, and the body part protruding out of the gate of heaven was shattered!
The smelly flesh and blood fell like a heavy rain.

(End of this chapter)

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