Super template lottery system

Chapter 63 Minute Synchronization

Chapter 63 100% Synchronization

At the top of a clock tower, a man in white assassin clothes stood.

The white hood covered half of his face, exuding a mysterious aura from his whole body.

"Boom." The bell on the clock tower rang, but the assassin in white disappeared without a trace.

"Da." The sound of shoes stepping on the wooden board sounded, and the white-clothed assassin kept moving on the clock tower, and the nimble figure kept jumping from the top of the clock tower to the bottom.

His movements are so proficient and fast, and his superb skills are vividly displayed on his body. Every time he unloads and borrows force, it is so smooth, which looks pleasing to the eye.

With constant maneuvering, this figure was finally discovered by the people walking below. They were either surprised or confused watching this figure keep going down, watching his smooth movements.

What happened here quickly spread to the ears of the soldiers. They drove away the people around them, and when they saw the fallen figure above, they all recognized that it was an assassin from the Brotherhood.

One of the people who resembled the leader shouted: "There is an assassin! Hurry up and call the archer over here, and shoot this assassin down for me. The rest of the people, those who can throw knives and those who can't throw knives, follow me. !"

However, just halfway through his words, a throwing knife pierced his throat with a flashing cold light. He covered his neck with horror on his face, and finally fell to the ground because of his injuries.

The rest of the soldiers were shocked, they ran towards the assassin in white and chased him.

The speed of the assassin in white was very fast, he kept running on the roofs, crossing one obstacle after another, running from one roof to the other, and soon, amidst the panting sounds of these soldiers, the assassin in white successfully overwhelmed him. They were left far behind.

With a jump, the assassin in white fell to the ground.

Lu Fang looked at the execution platform in front of him, his eyes were constantly shining with excitement.

He didn't know how many times he repeated it, and there were always many reasons for each failure. The soldier modified by the system magic is very powerful. When Lu Fang didn't use a knife, he was no match for the heavily armored soldier at all. No, Lu Fang has rich combat experience after failing many times, so he can be dealt with easily, but it takes a lot of time.

And even if it is solved, it will be surrounded by the remaining soldiers, which will cause the assassination target to escape, or the synchronization time will exceed.

"Huh." Lu Fang took a deep breath, adjusted his breathing to the lowest level, and walked slowly towards the execution platform.

100 meters, 90 meters, 50 meters, 30 meters, ten meters!
This is the limit distance, if you go forward, you will definitely be found, but Lu Fang doesn't care, ten meters is enough for him.

In fact, he was able to complete it long ago, but he just wanted to practice more. After all, it is always good to practice some skills, such as throwing knives.

Lu Fang suddenly burst into flames, rushed out from the crowd, and quickly rushed towards the execution platform!

"There's an assassin!" The target of the assassination screamed immediately after seeing Lu Fang, telling the guards around him to kill Lu Fang quickly, but is Lu Fang so easy to kill?Of course that was impossible, he chose the same method as Altaïr in the CG, throwing the crossbow behind him, directly crushing a soldier who was approaching him to death, and then quickly rushed to the assassination target.

"Zeng!" The Hidden Sword popped out of Lu Fang's left hand, and passed the place where the ring finger was originally. (In Assassin's Creed 1, the Hidden Blade has not been improved, and it can only be used by cutting off the ring finger, so in 1, every assassin will only carry a Hidden Blade.).

Lu Fang jumped up high, the Hidden Sword in his hand pointed straight at his neck!

And that Templar knight had just reacted, and quickly wanted to pull out the long sword at his waist, but just halfway out, the Hidden Sword in Lu Fang's hand had already pierced his neck.

"Rest in peace." Lu Fang closed the temple knight's eyes with his ring fingerless hand. He knew that the other party was dead, but he was killed by himself, so he had to respect the dead, at least Let his eyes close.

At this time, he learned in Assassin's Creed 2 that he has never played Assassin 1, but only knows the general plot, so it may be a little troublesome when he enters Assassin 1.

But these are not important anymore, Lu Fang got up quickly, and quickly ran towards the predetermined direction, and at this moment, a group of panting soldiers appeared in front of the execution platform.

These soldiers are the team that was attracted by Lu Fang before. Lu Fang did it on purpose. He intentionally drew people's attention to him, so as to attract these soldiers away, and then let them go. The next thing is very simple .

Lu Fang kept running, "Deng Deng Deng" three times, Lu Fang stepped on the wooden stakes on the ground, and jumped to the top of the house.

And the group of soldiers behind was exhaustedly chasing.

Lu Fang ignored them, he just ran fast at his own pace, and soon he came to a gate, and in front of the gate was a soldier guarding him.

Lu Fang jumped down from the roof, and the Hidden Blade popped out in mid-air, stabbing the soldier's neck with a sword. Lu Fang stepped on his corpse and smiled as he watched the soldiers approaching from behind.


The door was opened without warning, and countless scholars walked out of it, and Lu Fang's figure disappeared in the blood disorder, and he could never be found again.

Those chasing soldiers watched this scene panting, constantly trying to find the name from the scholars at this moment, however. . .

They can no longer be found.

drop! 100% synchronization is successful, and rewards are being issued.

Lu Fang appeared in a white space, and the style of the space seemed to be similar to when it was loaded in Animus, but it would not be loaded here.

drop!Ask the host to choose the assassin service style.

A light white translucent box appeared in front of Lu Fang, and the assassins in all versions of Assassin's Creed appeared in front of Lu Fang.

Altaïr, Ezio, Brotherhood, Apocalypse, Betrayal, Black Flag, Origins, Odyssey, Syndicate, Revolution, Liberty Cry, Liberation, Chronicles All the assassins in Assassin's Creed are here, that's all Putting it in front of Lu Fang, Lu Fang was dazzled. After all, no matter which version it is, there is something called a tailor shop. . .

And Lu Fang can only choose two of these, which makes Lu Fang feel angina pectoris.

"Huh? What is this?" Lu Fang suddenly found that there was another box under this box, and the words "custom clothing" were written on it, which made Lu Fang feel very excited.

Basically, each version of the assassin team is different. If Lu Fang can make his own assassin team, he will be very happy.

Lu Fang clicked on Customize, and a three-dimensional graphic appeared in front of him, and the three-dimensional graphic displayed the appearance of Lu Fang.

When Lu Fang moved his mind, the three-dimensional map changed.

"Well, interesting."

Lu Fang likes the style of the Assassin’s team in the Great Revolution, so he designed the overall Assassin’s customer service as the style in the Great Revolution. Lu Fang likes the shoulder armor in Apocalypse, but the cloak is fine, and the chest is black. For the flag, the hem is made according to the fraternity.

Well, Connor's hood has patterns on it. Lu Fang thought about it and made an assassin's hidden sword pattern on the top of the hood.

The overall color is black. After all, white is too flamboyant, so Lu Fang chooses to be low-key. (The black one is also very coquettish, but it’s just a sneer)
"Well, why does it feel like four different things?" Lu Fang looked at the finished product and said with a bit of pain.

After looking at it, Lu Fang clicked a button he had just discovered that said "system improvement plan". After Lu Fang pressed this button, the assassin's customer service underwent a huge change, and the overall look was very reasonable. , obviously blending the styles of different eras, but it does seem that there is no sense of disobedience.

"Well, not bad." Lu Fang nodded, and began to choose clothes for his apprentice Lan Yuxuan.

After looking at it, Lu Fang directly chose Shao Yunchuan's assassin customer service in Chronicle China, and then there were other rewards.

drop!Assassin master training starts.

 The collection has broken 200, Nice
(End of this chapter)

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