Chapter 150 Damn it!Old Yinbi!

"Is he really that powerful?"

It was the other two young girls who looked more stylishly dressed beside the youth who asked this question.

But this time Zheng Tao didn't say anything more, he just nodded his head as a polite answer.

The perspective switched back to Tang An's side again.

At this moment, the first wave of poisonous circles began to move closer to the edge of the safety zone, and the location of the safety zone was located near the bridge area on the right half of the map of the airport.

Now, Tang An, who has basically become the overlord of the airport, can't help but start thinking about his next actions after licking a set of all three-level defensive equipment from the corpse.

After all, in this foggy environment, sometimes the dense fog can be used as his protective color to cover the enemy's sight to a certain extent, but in more cases, it will create more Voldemort and those old shady people. ...

You know, in this kind of gunfight game, even if your marksmanship has just reached Stallone's level, if you have poor eyesight and let a Voldemort aim at your back and shoot a shuttle of bullets past, Stallone will not Tang An didn't dare to say if he would die, but he would definitely die.

More importantly, the current number of survivors on the entire island including himself is only 34 people left. If it wasn't because Tang An had seen the number of survivors before parachute, he would even have a feeling of this kind. Is there an illusion of several plug-ins?

Go block the bridge...

Soon, Tang An made such a decision. After all, the route to the airport starts from the shooting range, which means that at least two-thirds of the people have to pass the bridge or take a boat to come here.

So thinking of this, Tang An naturally stopped being idle. After all, he is also engaged in live broadcasting now. If he keeps going from beginning to end, although he himself will be very happy, the audience will definitely be bored Well, the point is that he has to care about Qi Mengshu's father's emotions in what he says.

People have put so much effort into promotion, so I can't do foreign work on the spot, can I?
Tang An thought so, and after just a moment of fugue, he came to the grassland around the bridge on the right side of the airport in such a safe and sound way, and then directly chose to act as Voldemort on the spot.

But God seems to be born to fight against him. He just got down on the front foot and didn't have time to enjoy the leisurely atmosphere of nature for a while. There were fierce gunshots from the front and back feet. Depending on the situation, it should be the gambling bridge over there. A few people from Lao Yinbi happened to meet and went together.

Maybe it was because the foggy weather could not clearly observe the situation over there. Tang An made sure that there was no Voldemort who also wanted to run over to persuade the fight in the surrounding grassland, so he decisively moved towards that side.

Soon, when he came to the back of the big trees around the small town in front, the fire in front undoubtedly attracted his attention immediately.

Judging from the kill prompt in the lower left corner, during the time when Tang An came over, the fight was obviously bloody and someone died.

However, I didn't expect that there would be so many old Yinbis hiding around the bridge trying to block the bridge. The gunshots from here had just resounded, and immediately there were a bunch of old Yinbis plus the Voldemort who couldn't help opening. Fired the gun, pulled the trigger.

Seeing the heads of the people in front of him falling to the ground one after another, Tang An obviously couldn't bear it any longer. He directly took out the VSS on his back, and with the help of the powerful subsonic effect and the cover of the foggy sky, Next, he quickly killed a guy who was lying on the ground with a single point, and seemed to want to sneak away from the range of the fire.

After getting the head, Tang An followed the gunshots and found another location near the cliff.

Although his visibility was greatly hindered under the cover of fog, the enemy over there was so brain-dead that he ran out and ran towards the center of the battlefield—it seemed that he couldn't wait to run licking the urn...

He didn't shoot immediately at the first moment. Here Tang An waited for a while, and after the guy finally lay down on the urn over there and started licking, he switched the VSS to the three-shot burst mode, and then decisively fired six shots. The bullet is taken away directly, and the ending basically has no suspense.

Of course, after all this is done, it is not over. After all, in this dense foggy environment, it is impossible for Tang An to see whether there will be one or two Voldemorts or old Yin in the surrounding grass. Than existed, so he decisively chose to continue lying on his stomach here.

And as time passed, even if a jeep suddenly came from the bridge midway, Tang An didn't have any thoughts of shooting, just wanted to test whether there were other people around.

Seeing that the jeep drove towards the main road towards the airport so smoothly, Tang An obviously thought that there should be no one around, and then he was just about to stand up and run to lick the bag, a car that was faster than him The figure ran over in an instant, and it was obvious that he had the urns in front of him in mind.

After seeing this scene, Tang An's face immediately darkened. After all, if he hadn't been more patient, wouldn't it be him who was bullied afterwards?
He thought so, and then decisively took out the SCAR-L full of accessories. At the moment the old cunt started licking, the sound of a hail of bullets almost didn't directly scare the man to the ground. There is no suspense in the ending.

"Fuck! Old Yinbi!"

Looking at his body, which had obviously cooled down, the player couldn't help but let out an unwilling roar.

And after taking this guy away, Tang An ran over in a hurry. If conditions allowed, he even wanted to give this guy a contemptuous look, and compare yourself to me?Brother, the title of interstellar old Yinbi is not for nothing!

He giggled, and then he quickly licked a muffler among the urns and installed it on the SCAR-L, then ran towards the nearest convertible jeep.

After all, not long ago, he heard the whizzing sound of planes from above, and he thought that the airdrop in the safe zone in front of him would fall soon.

He was planning this in his mind, and after seeing that the second-level safety zone was still in the surrounding area of ​​the bridge, he quickly got into the jeep, and then quickly drove towards the tail of the plane's engine.

Although in such a foggy environment, it is basically impossible for him to see the airdrop plane above the clouds, but if he follows the tail of the sound and chases forward, he will be far away from the airdrop when it falls. But it's just a matter of time.


I stayed up all night to take the train, I went to sleep, I couldn't hold it anymore
(End of this chapter)

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