Chapter 76
"Bai Jie, the Miancheng military has just sent us a set of communication requests. The other party wants to trade some materials with us and has sent a team of ten people over."

As soon as Bai Jie landed, Zhang Juan lowered her head and said to Bai Jie: "Miancheng is in chaos now, there are countless forces, big and small, and the survivors are almost crazy. Apart from venting madly, only a small number of people survived." Be sensible. Moreover, because the Miancheng military has no personnel to advance, it has become more and more unable to suppress the situation, and has given up rescue and rectification of most places, leaving it to fend for itself.”

"Trading? How did they come here? Now, isn't there no plane?"

Miancheng is located between Qiancheng and Wucheng. If the military controls this area, it will be beneficial to Bai Jie.At least, the code of conduct of military personnel is much better than others.Not to mention those moths, the soldiers in the army are worthy of his study.Of course, Bai Jie's consciousness is not that high yet, and he has no intention of sacrificing himself for others.

"Qiancheng and Miancheng belong to the hinterland of the Central China Plain, and there are no large mutated beasts in the air. The Mianyang military decided to send ten people to our side using hot air balloons. At the same time, they want to sign an alliance agreement with our first village to recognize us. The legal right of the first village."

Zhang Juan took out the draft agreement framework that had been recorded and said, "This is a tentative agreement between the Mianyang Military Region and us. Take a look."

"Mutual help, peaceful development, personnel exchanges in science and technology, bilateral trade communication..."

Bai Jie scanned around, handed back the draft agreement to Zhang Juan, and said, "You are responsible for these matters. I only ask you to develop and grow our No. 500 Village. Without harming our In the case of your own interests, you can help the military appropriately. In terms of development prospects, I am still very optimistic about the military. After all, our top priority now is to develop and strengthen ourselves, and clean up zombies, mutant plants, and mutants within a radius of [-] miles. animals and other dangerous species.”

"Congratulations to the host, the villages and towns have been upgraded. The first village is automatically promoted to the first town, and the qualifications of the townspeople are increased to 1. The territory's prosperity index and reproductive health index are turned on."

The system prompt sounded, and Bai Jie found that his own attributes had increased by nearly 20 points out of thin air, and his ability value had suddenly reached 206 points.There is a special atmosphere between every gesture.

"Congratulations to the first village for successfully upgrading the town. In three hours, a wave of alien beasts will attack the city!"

The voice of the evolutionary manager sounded in the minds of everyone in the world, and suddenly attracted the attention of many people.

"Okay, let's stop here for now. Now, order everyone to move, and we must stop this wave of alien beasts from attacking the city."

In the information processing room of the first village, Liu Cheng, who is responsible for answering the communication of surrounding information, will be the first and the second big.In the wireless broadcast channel, there are nearly a hundred low-frequency voice segments calling them all the time, trying to establish bilateral communication between the two places.

"The first village? Please reply if you hear it, this is the capital of magic!"

"The first village, the first village, please reply quickly!"

Bai Jie doesn't know Liu Cheng's troubles. He has too many things to do at the moment. Recently, he doesn't even have time to accompany his girlfriends and lovers. It's a lack of skills. Li Lu, Li Hui, and Li Yue three Not to mention how resentful people were towards him.

"I'm a busy man, it's been really hard to find you lately! I haven't been able to find you for a while, or for several hours! Look, it's been so long, and you're not going to take this opportunity to have a good time." Take a break? That one is over!"

Li Lu gave Bai Jie a wink, and the corners of her eyes narrowed.She didn't believe it, she had taken the initiative so much, Bai Jie didn't hurry to get her executed on the spot.

"Lulu, in three hours it will be the life and death of our town. I don't have the time to think about other things now. Come, accompany me to check the surrounding defenses, don't let our hard work go to waste."

Bai Jie pretended not to understand and stretched out his hand to pull Li Lu towards the patrolling soldiers. He didn't even look at Li Lu's angry face or Xiong Ying who was thinking of some unpleasant things.

As a man, if you plow the land frequently, you will be tired. Bai Jie needs to rest for a few days now.In this regard, it is natural to pretend that the innocent little boy did not understand the meaning.

"Your Majesty, don't worry about us, we guarantee there will be no problem."

The successful establishment of the first town caused the area of ​​the first village to expand ten times.Within this ten-fold area, with the help of the DaDa flower insects, the surrounding DaDa flowers have almost disappeared, and a circle of magic wheat seeds have been sown.

Li Lu, the leader of Baijie, walked around the first village and said to Li Lu: "Don't be angry, we will have a long life, and you can have sex as much as you want. I promise to make you feel excited and have fun. Now , as you have seen, as the king of the Daughter Kingdom, I am doing you a favor!"

"Hmph, can you stop talking so much? I still have another day today!"

Li Lu pushed Bai Jie and said, "I'm reminding you, don't ignore us women. Li Hui, this meeting is nothing but waiting for you on the second floor of your village chief!"

Bai Jie rubbed his nose, and said awkwardly: "I see, I'm busy! In that regard, I want to recharge my energy and do a good job with you!"

After understanding what Li Lu said, Bai Jie immediately froze.As long as you don't do it now, a few words of rhetoric seem to have no effect.

"Get out, who wants to do it to you? Don't talk about it, I'll go see my uncle and aunt. Remember to go home and have a meal together when you have time! Busy people."

"Bai Jie, come to the information processing room as soon as possible. The highest chief is looking for you in an emergency."

Inside the power channel, Liu Cheng's anxious voice came. Bai Jie glanced at the direction and immediately ran towards the information processing room where a large number of antennas were installed.

"Bai Jie, Wucheng is in turmoil. A king-level creature has evolved over there, and it has destroyed nearly seven large gathering points. The supreme leader asks you to help Wucheng. Calculated by distance, Wucheng is far away from us. The 500-mile area required to be cleaned is almost indirectly connected."

Liu Cheng handed the wireless earphone to Bai Jie, and replied to China Unicom's audio signal: "This is the information processing room of the First Village, please reply if you hear it."

"Hear, this is the Beijing Global Evolution Allocation Command Center."

In the wireless channel, the voice of the other party revealing his family came, Bai Jie pursed his lips, for some reason, he was still a little excited!In any case, the head on the other side might be the great man you saw every day in peacetime, the pioneer official who started the anti-corruption campaign.

"Bai Jie, hello, I'm XXX, nice to meet you. Now, I have an important matter, please do your best to help no matter what."

 Ask for a recommendation ticket, I am exhausted, go to bed, and continue tomorrow.I believe that my update speed should still be ok! ~

(End of this chapter)

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