Chapter 78
Lin Fan's face changed slightly when he heard this, knowing that he was involved in a dangerous fight.However, he looked at Al Keqi who was joking with Zhong Huayan, but he couldn't tell them the specific situation, because it was difficult for him to explain what he knew.

"Since I need Al Keqi's help, I'll do him a favor. With me on board this fishing boat, protecting him and Zhong Huayan shouldn't be a problem." Lin Fan thought for a while and made up his mind, but he But I don't know if there are large weapons on the two cruise ships. If the fishing boat is sunk, even though he can escape, he won't be able to save so many people.

"Continue to monitor the two cruise ships to find out which one is carrying drugs, and check whether there are large and heavy weapons on the two cruise ships. If you find a cruise ship with a lot of cash on it, invade immediately and take all the cash away. The people above are dealt with directly, but the cruise ship is kept.

If the other cruise ship does not have large or heavy weapons, then leave it alone; if it is found to have large or heavy weapons, secretly destroy the weapon system. Leave other things alone and follow me around at any time. "

Lin Fan directly issued orders to the surrounding aircraft through his mind, and the guards and intelligent armed soldiers inside the aircraft immediately acted and began to follow Lin Fan's orders.

Lin Fan did not tell Alkoqi and Zhong Huayan about the matter. Instead, he chatted and laughed with them, discussing some international situations, while sipping the wine provided by the waitress, and headed for the high seas.

At this time, a medium-sized cruise ship was docked leisurely on the sea at a distance of 30 nautical miles in front of the fishing boat. There were [-] to [-] people on the cruise ship, mainly strong and strong men, and only a few blond beauties in swimsuits were seen. Shuttle through the crowd.

While smoking cigarettes, these big men in hardcover flirted with those beauties, saying some foul language and vulgar words, which attracted the beauties to roll their eyes or blow kisses, bursting out bursts of laughter from time to time.

"Hey, Peter, do you want to die? How dare you flirt with the boss's girl?" A bearded man pointed at the strong man next to him and laughed.

The strong man was over 1.8 meters tall and weighed over [-] kilograms. He was shirtless and had tattoos on his back and arms. He had a thick cigar in his mouth. He puffed out a large puff of smoke and said with a smile:

"The boss said that the drug deal was successful this time, and everyone randomly picked two girls to play with. I don't want two, but this girl from the boss. I believe the boss will agree to my request."

"Damn, if the boss can really agree, I don't want to find other girls. Hehe, speaking of it, the boss has a big tit and a big ass, and it must be very exciting to have sex with her. Just thinking about it makes people sleepless."

"Asshole, do you want to die? If the boss hears this, he might throw you into the sea to feed the fish. Don't you know how much the boss likes this girl? How dare you talk nonsense here." Another short red-haired man A man cursed next to him.

"Why are you nervous? The boss only cares about making money. As long as he makes money, no matter how many girls can be found, he won't kill us because of this girl. Kamov, don't you see this girl and don't want to fuck her?" The tattooed man smiled obscenely while doing hip-lifting movements.

"I heard that our boss is not only here to deal drugs this time, he also wants to do a big deal." The bearded man suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Do you know? The boss is the guy who trades drugs, he wants the boss to help kill his cousin Alcoci, and then become the first heir of the Kate family himself.

Moreover, that Alkochi is so immortal, he just went out to sea at this time, and I heard that he brought two friends from the Hua Kingdom to the sea, and he was brought by Radlake at a place dozens of nautical miles away from us. follow far behind.

In three hours at most, they'll pass by here, and then we'll flank Alcoch with Radlake, and when we kill Alcoche, we'll all get a lot of money and fly away to New York Go crazy for a while. "

"Crazy. Then let's go crazy once, Radlek." In the luxurious room of the cruise ship, a strong black man in his forties sat on a red leather sofa, his dark bald head was shiny, and he held his arms in one hand. The beautiful girl who made everyone talk about was laughing into the phone.

"Kotil, I'm asking you to help me with this matter. After the matter is completed, the benefits will be indispensable to you. And you can rest assured that I will create a scene where they encountered a typhoon, and the family will definitely not let it happen because of a dead Ladd Lake and embarrass me." A crazy voice came from the phone.

"Then there is no problem. Radlake, do you have enough goods? I brought 5000 million US dollars, don't tell me that I don't have that much goods. Recently, there is a shortage of goods in Europe." Black Ke While Teal reached into the bra of the blonde girl beside him and rubbed vigorously, he showed a mouthful of white teeth.

"Don't worry, my goods are guaranteed to be enough. This time, in order to meet your needs in Europe, I have taken out all the inventory at the bottom of the box. After giving them all to you, I will be out of stock for half a year. ’” Radlek answered loudly on the phone.

The two laughed and chatted loudly, and after agreeing on the time to attack Alkoqi, they each hung up the phone.But they didn't know at all that their conversations had been intercepted by two nearby stealth aircraft.

"Captain, we have detected it. The drugs they are trading are on the cruise ship behind you, and the cruise ship in front carries 5000 million US dollars in cash. Captain, please give instructions." Then, the aircraft immediately reported to Lin Fan Condition.

"Invade the cruise ship in front, take all the cash away, and kill any resisters, leaving a few people and a few weapons in the end. Large weapons and heavy weapons will either be destroyed or taken away." Lin Fan immediately ordered.

A few minutes later, Cotil was reclining on the sofa with his eyes closed, and the beautiful blonde girl buried her head between his legs, sucking his thick black genitals in her mouth, when suddenly there was a gunshot outside. rang out, and then the gunshots rang out non-stop.

"Who's shooting? What happened?"

Cotil opened his eyes instantly, pushed the blonde beauty away, stood up and picked up the AK47** next to the sofa, pointing the gun towards the direction of the cabin.

"Boss, it's not good, someone broke into our cruise ship." The cabin door opened suddenly, and a man with blood on his body ran in, yelling in panic. It was the short man with red hair, Kamov. .

"Kamov, what's going on?" Kotil frowned, pointed his submachine gun at Kamov and asked.

"Boss, a few people just came out of the sea suddenly. They jumped on our ferry and killed several people very quickly, including Peter. Now our brothers are attacking them with guns, but they The movement is too fast, and we are not afraid of bullets at all. We have already killed seven or eight people, and I am afraid they will break in here." Kamov said nervously.

At this time, the gunshots outside had already rang out, and a few big men ran up from the bottom of the cruise ship. They were all Cotil's subordinates, and they were sleeping below. After hearing the gunshots, they all ran up with weapons. .

"Boss, what happened?"

"Someone has touched our cruise ship. Kamov, you take them to support, no matter who comes, just kill them." Seeing his men coming, Kotil seemed relieved, and quickly ordered Those men went out to help.


However, just when Kamov and several big men had just run to the cabin door, there was a sudden loud noise, the cabin door was kicked open, and then several black figures rushed over.

"Bang bang bang-"

"Da da da--"

Everyone in the cabin raised their guns and fired a burst, turning the black shadows into a hornet's nest. They landed on the ground and rolled a few times before stopping, motionless.

The crowd stopped attacking and took a closer look, and found that those who were shot into honeycombs were their own people. Among them was Peter, a brawny man with tattoos on his bare upper body, but now his body was bloody and his upper body was covered with blood. After piercing through more than a dozen gun holes, he was already too dead.

(End of this chapter)

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