master of the deep

Chapter 291 The Vast Cosmic Scroll

Chapter 291 The Vast Cosmic Scroll

As the distance got closer, the huge fleet that had maintained a certain formation began to have some commotion. It turned out that they saw that Lin Fan's fleet did not respond at all, neither launched an attack nor escaped, and felt that the other side must want to give up resistance. , so the fleets of different cosmic civilizations began to compete for favorable positions, all wanting to get close to Lin Fan's fleet as soon as possible.

Especially the fleets of some small forces. They were originally arranged at the back. If they kept waiting, they might not even be able to take a sip of the soup in the end.

Now, most of the powerhouses of the fourth-tier cosmic civilization have gone to distant battlefields, so the powerhouses left in the fleet are not outstanding. strong.

Therefore, seeing that the victory is about to be won, the fleets of those small civilizations quickly interspersed towards the middle of the large fleet, wanting to rush to the front to grab a favorable position, so the order of the fleet was confused, and even some small civilizations Civilization also clashed with the fleets of great civilizations.




At this moment, Lin Fan's fleet, which was surrounded in the middle, suddenly started to move. The hundreds of warships and transport spaceships on the outermost edge accelerated to a speed close to the speed of light in the shortest time, and rushed towards the huge fleet around them. Come over.

These warships and transport spaceships did not take the initiative to attack, because if they attacked, there would be so many warships on the other side, and a random round of counterattack would be able to blow up all these hundreds of warships.

However, Lin Fan's fleet did not take the initiative to launch an attack, and the surrounding fleet did not attack either, including seeing some battleships and transport spaceships rushing outward, the surrounding fleet did not attack either, because they were afraid of destroying the transport spaceship. The precious materials inside.

In the starry sky, it is three-dimensional, not a plan view, so although there are nearly [-] battleships outside, they are scattered within a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers. There were many gaps, and Lin Fan's fleet rushed into these gaps.

As the first batch of warships and transport spaceships rushed into the opponent's battleship group, the following battleships and spaceships also rushed out in batches, and soon rushed into the [-] battleship group, although they could not rush out, But he rushed left and right, and soon mixed into the entire fleet.

Of course, many warships and transport spaceships were forced to stop by some warships, but the opponents were unable to enter the interior of the battleships and transport spaceships for a short period of time, so they only blocked those warships and spaceships in all directions, and did not directly attack the transport spaceships and warships. .


Suddenly, in the middle of the entire fleet, a transport spacecraft exploded when some mecha warriors forcibly destroyed the bulkhead. A violent explosion sounded from the inside of the transport spacecraft, and then suddenly formed a ball of raging fire, which suddenly shot towards the ship. It spread around and affected all five or six nearby warships.




The self-detonation of the first transport spacecraft was like a fuse, and then there were continuous loud explosions in the fleet of the combined forces.

Looking at this starry sky from the extremely distant starry sky, one can see that fireworks like fireworks burst out one after another, forming huge fireballs one by one, and spreading in all directions.

And such fireballs appeared in more than 500 places in a very short period of time. They were caused by the self-destruction of more than 500 warships and transport spacecraft in Lin Fan's fleet.

However, the excitement didn't end there. After all the warships and transport spaceships in Lin Fan's fleet exploded, it didn't take long for loud bangs to be heard in the starry sky.

Because, the battleships around the self-destructing battleship and the transport spaceship received a huge impact, and were even surrounded by flames, which then caused an explosion.

Just like a relay race, one battleship after another exploded, and the huge shock wave and huge fireball spread to the surroundings again, and more and more battleships were affected.

Finally, looking at the starry sky in the distance, you can see that the starry sky is full of fiery red fireworks, as if it is full of bright red peonies, and the scene is extremely spectacular.

Moreover, although the fleet of the combined forces is large in number, it lacks unified command. Especially in this chaotic moment, all the warships want to escape as soon as possible. Therefore, the situation on the entire battlefield was completely changed when Lin Fan's fleet self-destructed. Messed up.

In addition to the chain reaction caused by the self-detonation of Lin Fan's fleet, which caused the explosion of many warships of the coalition forces, the warships of various forces did not know who fired first in the chaos, and finally attacked each other, and they attacked randomly without any target. , Attacking the battleship in front of him, no matter which faction's warship it is, he only thinks that he can rush out of this place quickly.


In the battlefield of the strong, it has become a one-sided massacre. Almost all the strong at the star level have died, and dozens of strong at the galaxy level have also died, and the rest are gathered together. They were struggling together, but they couldn't break through the boundary set by the two star-level powerhouses.

"Old Patriarch, is there nothing we can do? If this continues, we will all die here, and our Balrog Clan will be finished." During the fierce battle, seven or eight galaxy-level powerhouses of the Balrog Clan gathered together, Cooperating with the old man of the Flame Demon Clan to form a battlefield, struggling to resist Lin Shier's attack.

Seeing thousands of warships exploding continuously in the starry sky in the distance, the patriarch of the Flame Demon Clan urgently said to the old man, he did not expect that the old man would be the patriarch of the Balrog Clan two generations ago.

After hearing Yan Gufeng's words, the old Balrog's face changed, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "Yan Gufeng, I'll explode their boundaries immediately, and you leave immediately with your clansmen. Don't worry about those battleships, immediately Go back to the clan and don't get involved in the affairs here anymore."

"Please don't worry, my ancestors. I, Yan Gufeng, will definitely rush out with my tribe and never let our Yanmo tribe be harmed." Yan Gufeng said gratefully immediately.


Just when there was a gap in the opponent's attack, the old Balrog suddenly rushed out of the battle formation and slammed into the next realm. A star exploded like the sun, and the energy it set off tore a gap in the surrounding realm, causing the entire realm to shatter.

At the same time, the powerhouses trapped in the realm also staggered under the impact of this huge and incomparable energy, one by one hastily used methods to protect themselves, and no one fought against them for a while.

  On a business trip for a week, code words are inconvenient, and I strive to guarantee a minimum of [-] words per day.

(End of this chapter)

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