master of the deep

Chapter 179 Virtual Trial Room

Chapter 179 Virtual Trial Room

But he didn't expect that Lin Fan would fuse the mysterious energy of the universe into his consciousness in a whimsical way, not to mention solving the problem of not being strong enough in his consciousness, and it also made his spiritual power much stronger.

"Captain, so you have finished weaving all the mazes of the God Seal? And your spiritual strength has reached the planetary level?"

An An asked in disbelief, she knew too well the horror of a strong man who successfully cultivated the God Seal Labyrinth, because she was originally the brain of a strong man like the Aliasai Empire, and she had followed him through most of the universe Civilizations, including those seventh-, eighth-, and even ninth-tier cosmic civilization empires.

"That's right, it's just that there is a cloud and mist shrouded in my God Seal Maze, and it still emits a faint blue-golden light. This is a bit different from what is said in the cultivation method. The reason why the mysterious energy is fused in consciousness."

As early as when Lin Fan successfully practiced the Da Yanyuan Code, An An knew that the energy he cultivated was not ordinary genetic energy, but a mysterious cosmic energy, an energy that An An had never seen before. It is certain that this mysterious energy is higher than ordinary genetic energy.

"It's also possible, why don't you try to see how strong you are now?" An An was also puzzled, she asked Lin Fan in a seductive tone.

"How do you try it? Is there a special trial room on the mothership?" Lin Fan asked, of course he also wanted to know what level his real combat power had reached.

"There is a virtual trial room, which contains related trials from the satellite level to the star field level. All your data will be virtualized, allowing you to constantly break through and fight, and experience the battle with different styles of practitioners of the same level. , and these trainees are all the most powerful at the same level in the history of the previous Alexei Empire, and their virtual data have all been preserved."

"In other words, if I enter such a test room, I will be able to fight against the most powerful fighters of all levels and levels in the history of the Aliase Empire, and I will also be able to challenge fighters of different styles?

Haha, where can I find such a good thing, if I want to survive in the universe civilization in the future, I have to have a super fighting ability. Go to the trial room. "Lin Fan felt that in his bones, he still had a warlike mentality.

"Then come with me." An An brought Lin Fan to the trial room, and said to him, "This is the trial room, but after entering, you must beat at least ten people of the same level. Only then can we come out, otherwise, the next entry will be restricted.”

"Ten people of the same level should be fine. Can you challenge a high-level opponent?" Lin Fan nodded, not paying attention to An An's words.

"Of course, as long as you can defeat ten opponents of the same level, you can freely challenge opponents of the same level. However, you have to be careful, captain. These fighters are all experienced and powerful. He is the most powerful fighter in every era, so don't take it lightly.

Moreover, you will die in the battle, but after death, you will appear at the gate, and the various states will be restored to the best, and then you can challenge again.Of course, as long as you beat ten people, you can stop the subsequent challenges at any time. "

After hearing An An's words, Lin Fan understood the specialness of this trial room. Once he entered, he had to occupy ten opponents of the same rank and level to have the opportunity to freely enter and exit, otherwise he would be trapped inside forever. Go on.

"Adversaries at the same level are not my goal, I want to try to challenge opponents of higher levels." Because he is practicing the Great Evolution Code, Lin Fan is quite confident in himself.

In addition, he has now successfully practiced several secret combat skills, and feels that his combat power has greatly increased, so he wants to try and test his real combat power at what level.

Afterwards, Lin Fan entered the trial room, and An An also accompanied him into the trial room.There is no special place in the test room, only a row of circular covers, each with a chair, and various lines connected to it.

"Do you want to go inside and sit down?" Lin Fan asked, because An An said before that he entered the virtual battlefield, so the trial room should be connected to a huge virtual database.

After An An nodded, Lin Fan chose a seat and sat on it. The connecting wires next to him were automatically attached to his body. Some helmets were put on his head, and some were connected to his wrists, ankles, etc. .

Lin Fan closed his eyes, and an inquiring voice came from his ear: "Do you want to enter the customs clearance test room? First-time entrants need to defeat ten fighters of the same level before they can enter and exit freely."

"Enter." Lin Fan chose to enter the trial room without hesitation.

"In the first round, the opponent is Tai Asheng, the scene is the forest. Please choose whether to enter immediately? The challenger can rest for up to six hours." As soon as Lin Fan entered, he appeared within a circle of light, and then a reminder came from his ear sound.

"Enter immediately." At this time, Lin Fan was at the peak of everything, and in the virtual scene, Lin Fan found that his two secret treasures could also be used, one turned into inner armor, and the other turned into a weapon. Because of fighting, he chose to enter immediately.

Immediately, his eyes went dark, and when the light appeared again, he fell into a primeval forest, surrounded by tall giant trees, and all kinds of miscellaneous trees, grasses, thorns, and even figures of animals and The chirping of birds.

And Lin Fan was in an open space, facing him was a human being, a young man in his twenties, with colorful patterns painted on his face, bare-chested, with special gloves on his hands, each with a Several sharp blades gleamed coldly.

"I'm Tai Asheng. After waiting for a long time, I finally got a challenger. Let me tear you into pieces." Tai Asheng shouted at Lin Fan with a ferocious expression, just like a real person.

"You should be the weakest one at the satellite level, otherwise I wouldn't have arranged for you to fight first. What I want to know is, if I defeat you, will you disappear forever?"

Lin Fan was not intimidated by Tai Asheng, he just looked at him and asked coldly, because since there is such a peculiar plan here, it means that at each level and each level, the data of the ten strongest people are reserved.

And once the challenger defeats ten people, it means that his strength has become the strongest among the top ten, and the data of the weakest one will naturally not be retained, which means that this person will disappear from here in the future up.

"Stop talking nonsense, I will definitely kill you."

But Tai Asheng was enraged, he roared and rushed over, his body was like a gust of wind, and shadows appeared, the sharp blades on his hands glowed with cold light, exuding a cold aura, and rushed towards Lin Fan's position come over.

Although he is only a set of data, he also understands that he is already dead, and this set of data is only the last record he left in this world. If he loses, the data will be erased, and all traces of himself Will not stay again.


However, facing Tai Asheng's crazy attack, Lin Fan just let out a loud roar, and then slapped out a palm. Huge star power poured out from his palm, forming a huge illusory palm image, and smashed Tai Asheng A Sheng photographed the ground.

The Star Palm can send out five times the attack power, but with Lin Fan's current strength, just a random palm, the attack power does not increase to five times, only about three times, it is not something that Tai Asheng can resist.

"What? I lost, and I lost with just one move." Tai Asheng was bloodied all over his body, with a pair of arms broken, and he fell into a pool of blood and muttered to himself, "Our Aliasai Empire, unexpectedly God blesses you for having such a monstrous genius."

In the end, Tai Asheng looked at Lin Fan without the slightest anger or unwillingness, but said to Lin Fan with a smile on his face: "Good boy, the future of our Aliasai Empire It depends on you, to see such a genius emerge from the empire, my task can be regarded as completed, and I can be considered to have done my last bit of strength."

Lin Fan didn't move. Seeing that Tai Asheng didn't speak, he didn't quite know what happened to the other party's last mentality change, and he didn't want to find out, because after all, he wasn't a real member of the Aliase Empire.

At this moment, Tai Asheng's body gradually turned into a burst of light, scattered little by little, and gradually disappeared into the forest, while Lin Fan was teleported back to the place where he entered the trial. under the hood.

"The first challenge is successful. Next, do you want to start the second challenge immediately, or challenge after a break?" The prompt sounded in his ears again, and Lin Fan chose to challenge immediately.

"The second challenge, the opponent Hua Rongxulan, the battle scene is in the valley." Following the reminder, Lin Fan appeared in a valley, and a young girl of seventeen or eighteen came across from him, holding a Holding a blue long sword.

"Challenger, I am Huarong Xulan. Although what you see now is when I was young, I have already died hundreds of thousands of years ago. I left a little data here to teach the younger generations and do my best for the empire. maximum capacity.

However, this time, it has been too long and no one has come in for a trial. I think something happened to the empire.But we, dead ghosts, can't control those things, so let me try your strength. "

Huarong Xulan actually smiled brightly, and then said to Lin Fan, but she hadn't finished speaking, the person had already floated over, and the three-foot green blade in her hand pierced Lin Fan's heart with a chilling air.

(End of this chapter)

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