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Chapter 416 Tearing the Line of Defense

Chapter 416 Tearing the Line of Defense
[All emails] Ling Xiao丨Tiance: Brothers, I believe you are exhausted physically and mentally after several days of high-intensity combat, but the importance of the Nanchong battlefield, I don’t need to say it, you all know it well.

Now the brothers in the alliance are fighting one against two to buy time for us, and Liangzhou Laotie is also desperately holding back Bingzhou, so that we can quickly open up the situation on the Nanchong battlefield.

I originally thought that the Nanchong battlefield should be stable and win. Unfortunately, looking at it now, it is impossible to focus on stability and win. Therefore, we have to change our tactics.

From now on, except for the king regiment who continues to be stationed in the front row, all the brothers of the Jiutian regiment, Menghe regiment, brothel regiment, and the three regiments (780.365) all focus on this one point!

In addition, everyone, all Spartan teams, all set fire (783.368) to confuse the audience and disrupt the opponent's defense!

At [-]:[-] a.m., all the staff focused their fire and pierced through the ghost hall in one wave, showing them what the real Crane League is!

At eleven o'clock sharp, Ling Xiao Tiance counted the time and finally issued the first official command email of the day.

In fact, Ling Xiao丨Tiance is also very clear that the key point of this wave of battles is not the concentrated fire of the Jiutian regiment, the Menghe regiment, and the brothel regiment, but the king regiment who is in charge of the garrison.

After all, the Hall of Ghosts is not the Shadow League, nor is it the Fate League. It has long dominated the existence of the T1-level strong alliance.

So it's not so much a single-point blast of focused fire that the Crane League is best at, it's more like a comparison of whose garrison will collapse faster.

The previous two alliances were obsessed with positional warfare, and they both paid great attention to the balance of offense and defense. Coupled with the fact that the strength of the two sides is highly similar, it is naturally difficult to tell the winner.

But this time is different. It can be said that Hemeng has concentrated most of its strength on offense. In comparison, Hemeng's defensive strength appears to be very weak.

Ling Xiao丨Tiance is betting that the ghost king will not dare to use most of his troops on offense like him, otherwise it will really become a game of luck between the two sides.

After all, the Ghost Palace is also a more defensive side on the battlefield, so when it comes to stability, the Ghost King must be more stable than Ling Xiao丨 Tiance.

Soon, the arrows fired by the Crane League towards the front position of the Ghost Hall immediately converged into two uniform red lines in the sight of the members of the Ghost Hall, split into two paths, and shot towards their own position!
"Fuck... is this going to fight me for my life?"

Seeing this round of concentrated fire from Crane League without warning, Ghost King also felt a bit puzzled, and to be honest, the number of arrows shot by Crane League in this wave of concentrated fire really scared Ghost King a bit.

But in the next second, the ghost king came to his senses, guessing that the Crane League must have gathered fire along the way, which was a suspicious strategy, and it was probably not a group of Spartans who came to trick the garrison.

But even so, even if only one side of the rocket head of Hemeng's attack is the real main force, then there are too many arrows!
"Could it be that...the Crane League directly suppressed all its troops?"

Although he had such doubts and was basically certain, since he didn't know which of the two the Crane League was really attacking, the Ghost King couldn't respond in time.

In desperation, he could only issue an email to divide the current strength of the ghost king's four regiments into two, and firmly garrison the point where the two rocket heads of the Crane League gathered.

Big deal, after determining which road of the Crane League is a feint, then withdraw all the troops stationed at that point and start attacking.

But what Phantom King never expected was that, although his arrangements seemed perfect, he just happened to fall into Ling Xiao丨Tiance's trap!

At exactly eleven o'clock, the main forces of the three regiments of the Crane League were almost stuck at the same time, and shot fiercely into the garrison group of the Ghost Hall!

This time, Yuliang didn't choose to be stuck a second earlier, but gathered together with the many arrows of the Crane League neatly.

In the next second, (780.365) the garrison of the Ghost Hall at this point was like a thin piece of paper, and was completely smashed by the Crane League in an instant!
You know, if we really compare the combat effectiveness of the 380 people in the alliance, it will naturally be difficult for the He League to defeat the Ghost Palace due to the weak combat effectiveness of the backbone.

But now the members of the Crane League are all the four ace groups!Moreover, since the upper limit of the number of people is only about 170, even if it is the four trump card regiments, this is the elite of the four trump card regiments!

It is no exaggeration to say that in terms of the depth of combat power of the current members of the Crane League, let alone a T1 alliance like the Ghost Hall, with the same number of people, even if it encounters a T0 level existence, the Crane League will definitely dare to go up and make gestures!

The reason why it is difficult to achieve a breakthrough in positional warfare is that the influencing factors are not only the strength of the lineup, but also many uncontrollable factors.

But this round of concentrated fire is completely different. Not only does the Crane League have an advantage in terms of numbers, but the strength of the troops also has an advantage.

It can be said that although the Ghost King's tactic of dividing troops into two groups is a helpless move, there is no doubt that it is tantamount to pushing the Ghost Palace into the abyss!
By the time the ghost king reacted and started to tell half of the members on the other side to hurry up and defend with all their strength, the trend of the entire Nanchong battlefield had already begun to develop in an uncontrollable direction.

Before the defense of the Ghost Palace arrived, the first fire point was successfully captured by the Crane League.

With the breakthrough of the first point, the morale of the Crane League and the Ghost Palace also began to be very different.

[All emails] Ling Xiao丨Tiance: Attention everyone!Everyone returns in seconds, the next fire point, (799.366)! All members of the king regiment gave up their garrison!As long as this wave of concentrated fire is taken down, the defense line at the pass of the ghost hall will be useless!Go, go, go!

Everyone stuck at [-]:[-], fuck it!

As an experienced commander, Ling Xiao丨Tiance's tactical sense is still very sensitive.

He knew that the reason why the Crane League had been difficult to successfully break through the defense of the Ghost Palace before was because the Ghost Palace firmly occupied the geographical advantage of the mountain pass, making it easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The entire Nanchong battlefield was straddled by two big mountains. If the Crane League wanted to expand the battlefield, it had to waste a lot of physical strength. It was hard to achieve any miracles by maintaining the battlefield in the area around the mountain pass.

So now after the Crane League successfully won the first point, it quickly organized a second fire, in order to completely tear through the defense line of the ghost palace mountain pass in the shortest possible time!

Similarly, the ghost king is also very aware of this, so when the rocket head of the crane alliance collection first appeared, the defense of the ghost hall was also quickly mobilized.

(End of this chapter)

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