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Chapter 365 The Battle of Hongnong

Chapter 365 The Battle of Hongnong

According to Ling Xiao丨Tiance's original estimate, the first round of the Crane League's concentrated fire would not only kill Yuxiao Palace directly, but at least hit them until they were half-skinned.

But obviously, after this whole round of concentrated fire, although the garrison troops of Yuxiao Palace have been reduced from the previous thousands to less than one-eighth now, this is far from reaching the level of Lingxiao.丨 Tiance's expectation.

And as we all know, when both sides attack and defend, it is often the offensive side that can take advantage of the greater advantage. After all, the offensive side's troops often only encounter one troop at a time. Encountered within the second army.

But the defenders are different, especially when facing the tens of thousands of teams of the Crane League, every defensive team will be attacked by multiple attacks at almost the same time.

Therefore, the pressure often faced by the defensive side will be far greater than that of the offensive side, and the defensive side will often be the first to fail to stabilize the situation and go to collapse under the normal situation of two [-]-[-] splits.

But Yuxiao Palace still has a three-figure army standing still after a whole round of concentrated fire against the Crane League. This is not good news for the Crane League or Ling Xiao丨Tiance .

It seems that the Crane League's concentrated fire completely destroyed the [-] or [-] teams stationed in Yuxiao Palace, but at the same time, the Crane League also paid a whole wave of offensive firepower.

Of course, Ling Xiao丨Tiance was extremely dissatisfied with this, but the commander of Yuxiao Palace, Qing Tian, ​​was greatly shocked by this. In his initial understanding of the Crane League, he just defeated the unpopular Fate League. Later, relying on the superiority of numbers, they just penetrated the main alliance.

Such a record may indeed be a shocking record in the eyes of the people who eat melons on Tieba, but in his eyes, Qingtian, it is just barely justified.

Being attacked by such an alliance with a concentrated fire that penetrated the garrison of eight or nine hundred troops, Qingtian began to feel a little embarrassed for a while.

And soon, the troops of Yuxiao Palace had just started shooting from the fortress to the pier to prepare to garrison, and the second wave of fire from the Crane League had also been reorganized!
This time, Yuliang didn't take the lead to enter the stage a few seconds earlier than most people like last time, but mixed into the crowd, forming the second uniform arrow with many members of the Crane League.

In the eyes of the members of Yuxiao Palace, the thousands of arrows formed by the second round of the Crane League's concentrated fire were like a blood-red giant dragon, and it shot towards the pier with an unstoppable momentum. !
Soon, the second wave of collision between the two sides began in full swing.

Indeed, after the first round of concentrated fire, it was difficult for many troops of the Crane League to maintain their state, but after the last wave of attacks in Yuxiao Palace, their state did not improve at all.

The number of arrows and garrison troops on both sides ended in a second. Starting from the moment when the two sides came into contact, they rapidly decreased at a terrifying speed!

Five hundred teams...

Four hundred teams...

Three hundred teams...

Two hundred teams...

One hundred teams...

Fifty teams...

Fifteen teams!
Under the watchful eyes of Yuliang, Ling Xiao丨Tiance and others, the second round of Hemeng's concentrated fire finally had an effect!

In just an instant, the more than a thousand teams that Yuxiao Palace had piled up with great difficulty had been reduced to the last dozen or so teams!

It's just that at this time, there are very few remaining arrows for the second wave of the Crane League's fire.

Looking at the tense battle situation in front of him, Yu Liang couldn't help clenching his teeth. He knew very well that if the second wave of concentrated fire still failed to break through the defense of Yuxiao Palace and take down the pier, the development of the subsequent battle situation would affect He The alliance is extremely disadvantageous!

But similarly, if the dock is successfully captured by the Hemeng, as the battlefield gradually expands, the Hemeng's attacks will become increasingly difficult for the Jade Sky Palace to resist.

It can be said that since the two sides unanimously decided to use this pier as the starting point of the decisive battle, they are very aware of the importance of the ownership of the pier in this battle.

Similarly, this also represents their absolute confidence in their allies.

Soon, under the watchful eyes of Yu Liang, Ling Xiao Tiance and others, among the last few arrows in the He League's second round of fire, a unit from Tuba Tianxia took the lead and rushed into Yuxiao. Only the last thirteen teams are left in Miyana!

In the next second, Tuba Tianxia returned the same way, and similarly, only the last nine teams remained in Yuxiao Palace's garrison!

Clicking on the details of the battle report, Yuliang saw that in this wave, Tuba Tianxia used his semi-disabled hooligan team to defeat four teams in a row, and among them, there was even a team full of magic knives!

"Good guy... is this a passive skill with a cooldown that lasts for a season?"

Recalling what the Hejian New Army had said when they first started fighting, Yu Liang couldn't help but laugh.

Just two seconds later, several other arrows of the Crane League started their return journey one after another. At this time, there were still as many as four teams of Yuxiao Palace stationed on the pier!

But at this moment, the Crane League is still shooting arrows towards the pier, and there is only the last one left!

And the owner of this arrow, Yu Liang is very familiar with, is none other than someone who has not been active for a long time: Yunmeng!

Crane丨Let's talk about wine and talk about the alliance channel.

Wuye: dnm!Meng always come on!The hope of the whole village, let them go!
Realgar Wine: No way, brothers, where is Suxiao Jiuxin Pill?My heart is going to stop and I feel it!
Truth: Fog grass, this is too exciting, can you successfully wear it off?

Kyushu丨Mingyueguang: Come on, Mr. Meng, I will give you a whole season of dog licking after taking down the pier!
Crossing the River in White: Huh?I feel that Uncle Huang has been humiliated...


As we all know, the fourth-level wharf only has a durability of [-]. At this time, as long as Yunmeng can successfully break through the remaining four teams stationed on the wharf, it is almost impossible not to take down the wharf.

What's more, according to the marching speed of Yunmeng's army, even if it is not a group of infantry, it is at least similar to a magic knife.

In order to protect the situation, Yuliang still took time to shoot a team of cavalry from the fortress, and the arrival time of the cavalry was just two seconds after Yunmeng arrived at the battlefield.

"Come on..."

Finally, Yunmeng's main force crashed into the last garrison of Yuxiao Palace on the pier!
In the next second, under the watchful eyes of more than [-] people from both alliances, Yunmeng's main force suddenly turned their guns and began to return the same way, but the word "free" that everyone in the Crane Alliance expected did not appear at the pier!
But then, the four teams stationed above the pier, at this moment, began to return the same long way!
In the next second, Yu Liangqi arrived, and the pier had successfully changed hands in just a split second. Above the pier, there also appeared that big word for free!

(End of this chapter)

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