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Chapter 110 Draw Cards, Painful and Happy

Chapter 110 Draw Cards, Painful and Happy
Click to enter the game, and choose Bingzhou as the birth state of the new season.

After entering the game, the first thing that catches the eye is a piece of snow, which is also a major feature of the game. The map will change according to the seasons of the year.

Since it is winter, Bingzhou is still white.

Yuliang was not in a hurry to draw cards, but planned to prepare the land reclamation generals first. Many people would draw all the conquest card packs before land reclamation. If Lu Bu was released, many would directly choose Lu Bu as the land reclamation generals.

But Yuliang didn't think so. If Lu Bu paddled the water, he would be comparable to Tai Shici. This was absolutely unacceptable to Yuliang who was opening up wasteland and seeking stability.

The land reclamation generals Shang Yuliang thought about it, Guan Mei and Zhen Luo would definitely be the first to play, and then Huang Yueying would be the first to play. Guan Mei and Yueying are two generals that many people would not choose to use. The two of them opened up wasteland.

The main reason is actually that the speed of an infantry is not enough, but the so-called attributes are not enough, and the redness is used to make up for it. There is no such thing as speed or speed in front of Man Hong.

Originally, Yuliang did not plan to use Huang Yueying, but Ma Yunlu, but considering the follow-up transformation, he could only choose Yueying, so as to avoid the slow transformation of the second team.

I clicked on the email, and received some Tiger Talismans for season settlement rewards, and randomly clicked on the email to receive sp generals.

The so-called selection of SP generals is a unique reward from the end of the first season to the second season. In the next three seasons, you can only rely on drawing instead of receiving it.

The received sp generals are linked to the settlement rewards of the alliance in the previous season. For example, Yuliang, as the leader of the conquest alliance, will receive four five-star sp generals and four four-star sp generals.

Leaving aside the four-star sp generals, the five-star sp generals here are pretty good, including sp Zhao Yun, sp Xia Houyuan, sp Zhen Luo, sp Tai Shici, and sp Lu Zhi.

sp Zhao Yun is better at bursts than ordinary Zhao Yun, but with a [-] probability, he has to prepare a round of active tactics, which is obviously not as stable as ordinary Zhao Yun.

In addition, sp Zhen Luo and sp Tai Shi Ci, especially Tai Shi Ci, are a very good choice for land reclamation for those who have not drawn suitable generals for land reclamation in the season.

The remaining sp Xia Houyuan and sp Lu Zhi basically just made up the numbers, so there is nothing to say.

As for the four-star sp generals, at least in Yuliang's eyes, apart from sp Zhang Huan, whether it's Mrs. Wu who made up the wasteland for the season, or the sp Yuan Shu who formed the mentally handicapped version of the porcelain team, they are all soy saucers.

Combining Guan Mei with the four-star Zhu Jun, shoot at the level [-] and level [-] grounds right outside the door to level up, and after reaching level [-], bring the tactics and then go to land reclamation, this is for Yu Liang who is experienced in land reclamation Said it is already common sense.

As for why four-star Zhu Jun is used to level up, it is mainly because Zhu Jun's own combat method, Jiezhen Guandong, can give our side the advantage in the first two rounds during the battle.

As we all know, the experience obtained by hitting the ground is linked to the level, quality and number of defenders, so as long as the damage is caused in the first two rounds, there will be experience, and it will be much higher than that of the first and second levels.

Coupled with the novice protection, it only takes 1 minute to recover from serious injuries, so basically anyone with a little experience will choose to use Lao Zhu to upgrade the wasteland general.

"Well, Sister Guan is going to level up first, so you can feel free to draw cards for a while."

At this point, Yu Liangcai finally opened the recruitment page full of interest, and the conquest card pack and the season's star card pack on the side were vividly remembered.

The so-called season star card pack, which includes the conquest card pack generals and other famous general card packs, is basically specially prepared for krypton gold bosses.

Generally, if you want to chase the conquest card pack to the full red, it is definitely not enough to rely on [-] conquest card packs alone. At this time, you can only draw the famous generals of the season or wait for the general trend of the world to complete the task and launch a new card pack.

He lit three cigarettes very skillfully, and put on a card-drawing Divine Comedy for good luck. Yuliang first closed his eyes and pretended to pray, and then he yelled strangely: Give it to me!
I manipulated the mouse and clicked on the recruitment option to start the card drawing journey, but the first round was not shipped, but Qu Yi was recruited.

But Yuliang was not discouraged. As early as nine o'clock today, when he was about to stop the service for an update, Yuliang had already recharged hundreds of thousands of jade charms, just waiting for today to have a good time.


After 2 minutes, after the last conquest card pack was drawn, Yuliang looked at his card pool. The conquest card pack was not drawn as expected. The five-star generals only produced two Continental inferiors, and the eight knights did not. a bunch.

The so-called Eight Cavalry, also known as BMW, as the name suggests, these eight cavalry generals can form a bond with each other called the Hatamoto Eight Cavalry, which will provide a speed of [-]%. In addition, they themselves are cavalry, and generally the enclaves behind them will be paved. Use them to form a team, and the speed can easily exceed [-].

"Two times out of twenty conquest cards, that's not a good sign..."

Yuliang took a deep breath, first clicked on the tactics experience page, and disassembled most of the four-star military tiger charms that were full of inventory, leaving only a part of the materials for studying tactics.

Then I clicked on the season's star card pack, but the first five in a row still didn't ship.

As we all know, the season famous generals card pack is said to exist to satisfy the wishes of the Krypton Gold bosses who are full of red and high red. It not only contains the generals in the conquest card pack, but also some other five-star generals.

But in fact, this is definitely a big pit, and its shipment probability is even pitifully low compared to the world's trending card packs.

Finally, during the third round of five rounds, a burst of purple five-star special effects filled the entire screen with a bang.

"Damn! What the fuck!"

When the special effects dissipated, a green figure with a fan in his hand and a rebellious expression appeared in front of Yu Liang.

Yes, it is the wheelchair boy Zhuge Liang!

In desperation, Yuliang had no choice but to continue five consecutive, five consecutive, five consecutive!


"Something's wrong! I bought Bao Huazi and plugged it into the keyboard to draw cards. Even if I was lucky, I played the highest quality sound. Why is it so dark..."

After a long time, Yuliang watched helplessly as the hundreds of thousands of jade talismans he had just filled up not long ago were about to be cleared, but there were still only three red ghosts Lu and Dong Zhuo in the card pool, and fell into deep thought.

"Why are you two looking for Diao Chan? What the hell, I don't believe in this evil anymore."

Yuliang angrily clicked on the recharge option, while secretly praying in his heart to get the remaining two Gui Lu and Dong Zhuo.

"Nimma, the last 648 [-], if you don't come out again, grandpa just won't smoke you two! Give it to me!!"

(End of this chapter)

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