city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 931 The Queen’s Disappearance

Chapter 931 The Queen’s Disappearance


Emerging from the shadows, the master craftsman who was studying machinery, Kai Keriback, was so startled that he almost jumped out of his chair.

"Fang Tian!?" Seeing Fang Tian appearing behind him, the goblin master craftsman was surprised and speechless, "Didn't you be..."

"Teacher, long time no see, how are you?"

"Damn it!" Keriback quickly stepped forward like a thief, and closed the door behind Fang Tian, ​​"Damn it, why haven't you escaped yet, what are you still doing here?"

"Run away? Why should I run away?"

Fang Tian looked blank, even if he was afraid of revenge from the Holy Cross Church, it wouldn't be like this.

"Huh?" Keriback looked at Fang Tian suspiciously, "Where's the girl from the Holy Cross Church? Didn't you run out with him?"

Fang Tian was even more startled, "You mean Hesna, have you seen her? Where is she?"

"What? You're not together?" Keriback was also a little confused, stretched out a wrench and scratched his back, "Didn't you get caught for breaking into the palace? Didn't you escape from the palace?"

Fang Tianting frowned, "Teacher, I just came here, what happened to Hesna?"

"Oh, that's it..." Keriback understood, and put down the wrench in his hand, "I heard that someone broke into the palace yesterday and was captured by Prince Leonidas himself, the girl doll from the Church of the Holy Cross It’s also inside, the Holy Cross Church will come to pick you up tomorrow, I thought you were also arrested.”

"Prince Leonidas? Who is he? Where is Princess Anya?" Fang Tian felt that he hadn't been to the imperial city for a long time, and everything became strange.

Carey Barker secretly pulled Fang Tian aside, and whispered in his ear: "Let me tell you secretly, this news has not been announced to the public, you must keep it secret."

Fang Tian nodded.

"Actually, Princess Anya has been missing for more than half a month."

"What? More than half a month?" Fang Tian clenched his fists, "What about the details?"

"I don't know the details, but one day Princess Anya suddenly wanted to go to a certain city in the west, called Agandalin, and then lost the news halfway." Keriback lowered her voice and said furtively. : "I heard that Prince Leonidas happened to be in Dragon City at that time. After Princess Anya disappeared, he temporarily controlled the situation in Dragon City. He temporarily acted on behalf of Dragon City to exercise authority and kept the matter of Princess Anya's disappearance strictly confidential. At the same time, a large number of people were sent to search for it.”

"Prince Leonidas?" Fang Tian repeated in a low voice, his eyes flickering brightly, "What a coincidence? The missing prince appeared immediately, he did it?"

"I don't know, that guy looks a little gloomy and doesn't feel like a good thing." Keriback smacked his mouth, "As for whether he did it, it's hard to say, and I don't know."

"What about Hesna? What happened when they were caught?"

"I don't even know about it. You know, apart from the latest mechanical technology, I don't care much about this kind of thing. I also heard about this by accident. I think that girl doll is always stuck to you. I thought you were caught together with her, I thought you must have a way to escape because you are so excited, so I didn't ask any more questions."

Fang Tian took a deep breath, "Where are they locked up?"

"The dungeon, probably, people from the Church of the Holy Cross will come here tomorrow to take away the girl doll, so if you want to act, you'd better hurry up." Keri Buck took a last look at Fang Tian and coughed lightly, "Yes Be careful, maybe they are just waiting for you to go there on purpose to catch you, and if you are caught, it has nothing to do with me."

After the initial surprise, Fang Tian began to calm down.

What is certain is that Hesna is in danger now, and he needs to go there to rescue her. Is all this a trap?

Prince Leonidas chose to give Hesna to the Church of the Holy Cross, which means that he belongs to the Church of the Holy Cross?
And Princess Anya, what was the reason for her disappearance?Something to do with Prince Leonidas?

Coming to Dragon City this time, it seems that things are more troublesome than expected.

"Mentor, I..."

After thinking for a while, Fang Tian was rudely interrupted by the master craftsman before he could speak, "No! Damn it! I will never allow wanted criminals to hide here, my reputation will be ruined by you! Get out of here as soon as you find that girl doll! I just want to finish my new invention! No visitors! Do you understand me!"


In the dungeon, Cheng Xue went online again.

It can be said that the progress of the mission was beyond her expectation. As soon as she entered the Holy Capital Palace, she was surrounded by guards and then thrown into an underground prison. This was the first time that Cheng Xue felt the treatment of being in prison. .

The dungeons in Dragon City are specially constructed, shielding various perception and communication systems.

Even so, players still have their special advantages. After Cheng Xue went offline, she had already figured out a solution as soon as possible, but it took a little time to wait for the feedback of the news.

"If prayer is useful, we won't be trapped here, so we should save some energy and wait for Fang Tian to rescue us." Chris breathed out very casually, "Damn it, this is already I’m in prison for the third time, why didn’t you let me do it? The strength of the two of us doesn’t mean killing them, at least it’s not a problem to escape, right?”

Hesna finished her daily prayer and stood up with a calm expression. She replied, "Princess Anya will not do us any harm. I believe her."

"I believe there is a fart. Now the facts are in front of us. We put down our weapons and surrendered, and she sent people to lock us up here. We haven't even seen each other for so long. Do you still think she is a good person?" Chris With a look of disdain, "Oh, you know people and face but don't know your heart! Simple girl!"

Hesna didn't speak, and stared at the passage outside the prison leading to the outside world.

A shadow gradually emerged.


Chris also discovered something excitedly and looked over there.

Fang Tian revealed his figure from the stealth state, walked up and started to unlock the prison.

"Fang Tian? Did you sneak in?" Cheng Xue was startled when she saw Fang Tian. She thought she was caught in some special mission and was trying to figure out a way, but she didn't expect to see Fang Tian here.

He is too courageous!
"Hurry up, get the others online, and I'll take you away." Fang Tian urged in a low voice, not the first or second time doing this kind of thing.

Cheng Xue was a little hesitant. She didn't know whether she should leave with Fang Tian. After all, this mission was full of strangeness. Once she left here, would she enter a state of hostility with the Human Empire?
(End of this chapter)

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