city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 841 Spores

Chapter 841 Spores
"Hahaha!" Chris laughed, he licked his lips, and there was a trace of madness in his eyes, "Since you don't want to leave, then leave them here for me!"

As soon as the words fell, the two giant scorched hell beasts stepped forward at the same time, gradually accelerating towards the guild.

With a great sense of oppression brought by its huge body, the scorched hell beast started off at a very slow speed. After taking a few steps forward, it gradually accelerated until it entered a sprinting state, and even the entire ground vibrated following their footsteps. , Other things aside, just this kind of momentum is extremely shocking.

"Steady the formation! Focus fire attack! Attack!"

Several squad leaders of the Immortal Soul Squad had already started to order an attack, the players dispersed, and countless skills were thrown at the scorched hell beast.

The magic exploded on the scorched hell beasts, and layers of damage numbers emerged from the scorched hell beasts.

What the Immortal Souls players didn't expect was that the scorched hell beast was originally a hell creature used as a battle formation. Its defense ability was extremely strong, and the concentrated fire of five or six mage groups could not kill them in a short time.

In the blink of an eye, two scorched hell beasts rushed to the front of the formation.

"Brothers! Let's go together!"

Seeing the Hell Scorched Beast had already broken through the opponent's formation. Of course, Xuewu Wild Lion, who is extremely sensitive to the battle situation, would not let go of this excellent opportunity. He led the elite group behind him to find the opponent's weak point and charged forward. !
The two sides fell into a melee in an instant!

Glugelu also joined the battle in a timely manner. Compared with two years ago, Glugelu's strength has improved again. The chain arrows are constantly harvesting the lives of the opposing mages. None of the mages he is targeting can survive. More than five interest rates.

Hesna frowned unaccustomed to the aura from hell on Chris. She didn't choose to attack at the first moment, but followed Fang Tian closely, staying close at every step, and swung a few times from time to time. Dao Jianqi forced away those immortal soul players who wanted to approach and attack.

This position allowed Fang Tian to clearly see every change in the battle situation, and it also allowed him to have a better understanding of the strength of the entire guild.

The battle situation was not optimistic. After all, the Immortal Soul Guild had the absolute upper hand in numbers, and the two Hell Scorch Beasts also fell into weakness after enduring a large number of attacks.

I have to make a move, and I'm afraid I will suffer if this continues.

Fang Tian thought to himself, and slowly closed his eyes. He began to use his spirit to communicate with the hell-origin insect, and slowly stretched out his hand forward.

Both parties in the battle had already concentrated all their energy on each other, and few people would notice that there were traces of reddish light emerging from Fang Tian's arm standing not far away.

As if guided by Fang Tian, ​​the Hell Origin Insect floating in the sky had unknowingly floated towards the place where the battlefield took place.


The Hell Origin Worm in mid-air let out a deep roar.

Countless red spores sprinkled from the air with that low roar.

This kind of spores that ignore the enemy and the enemy sprinkled densely and fell on the players on both sides of the war below.

Immediately, players from the Immortal Soul Guild noticed something was wrong and shouted, "It's a negative effect! Dodge! Dodge quickly!"

However, it was already too late. The players below were all engaged in battle, and their attention was locked on the opposing player. In addition, the density of these spores was extremely high, and they fell like raindrops. How could they avoid it?Even if they wanted to dodge far away, they couldn't do it. They were entangled by the melee players of the Sunfall Guild and couldn't get away.

The spores spilled over a large area. Even standing not far from the battlefield, the Revenant Mask, who was protected by a small team, was hit by the red parasitic spores. The prompt swipes the screen, and there are more than ten negative states on the body at the same time, such as restlessness, parasitic, weakness, weakness, curse, slowness, condensation, mania, and incessant.

The levels of these negative states are high and low, and together they are a great weakening for each player.

Seeing this situation, there was a high-level dispersal of Holy Light on the Mask of the Revenant immediately. The dispersal technique can remove most of the negative effects on the Mask of the Revenant, but even so, the spores constantly falling from the sky Put Revenant Mask into various negative states again.

Unlike the Immortal Soul Guild players, those red spores landed on his body, Xue Wu Kuangshi suddenly felt a force surge out of his body from nowhere, and his spirit was lifted!
"Reminder: The player is affected by a special power and enters the spore-parasitic state. The effect of all skills is increased by 5%, the cooling time of all skills is shortened by 10%, all attributes are increased by 3%, the main attribute is increased by 10%, and the current value is reduced by 2% per second. blood."

Glancing at the game prompt, Snow Dance Wild Lion had a rough idea of ​​the buff effect of this skill, and when he looked up again, he couldn't help frowning slightly. Weird red, all of them became extremely excited in the spore parasitic state.

Not to mention those ordinary players, even a bloodthirsty impulse to fight hard appeared in his heart, and his fighting spirit was high.

Xuewu Kuangshi couldn't help thinking, could this kind of skill affect the mind?

Just as he was thinking, the two fighters in front of him rushed over one from the left and the other from the right. It was the time to fight the enemy desperately. go.

Weakening the enemy, strengthening the allies, one increase and one decrease, the powerful field skills released by the Hell Origin Insect directly changed the situation of the entire battlefield, and instantly reversed the entire battlefield!
Mask of the Revenant stared at the huge red giant worm in the sky, his teeth itching with hatred, and the spores were constantly sprinkled in the air, and these troublesome negative effects could not be dispelled by using the dispel technique alone.

He wanted to call all the players to deal with the hell-originated insects floating above the battlefield, but the hell-originated insects floated too high, far beyond the attack range of ordinary physical skills. They are entangled together, and they are fighting hard. There is no time to waste a lot of output on the Hell Origin Worm.

The situation on the court has changed so much in a blink of an eye, all because of that person.

Looking at Fang Tian and Hesna who were standing there not far away and hadn't joined the battlefield yet, the eyes of Revenant Mask revealed a strong color of fear.

Generally speaking, in such large-scale battles between guilds, the commanders of the guilds generally do not enter the battle directly. They all play a role in controlling the overall situation and commanding the battlefield. After all, anything is possible on the battlefield. It happened, and those ranged magic skills are even less eye-catching. If the commander accidentally goes up and gets dropped in seconds, not to mention losing face, the entire team will collapse because of this.

(End of this chapter)

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