city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 8 Savage Clash

Chapter 8 Savage Clash

"Take it!"

Someone in the crowd immediately shouted.

The skill of ice ring is difficult to release, and it can only hit the target at a very small distance, which requires the releaser to have a good mentality and calculation ability.

Once hit by the ice ring, the target will be frozen, and then there will be a continuous deceleration state.

Tang Qian's timing was masterful, and the frost adhered to Liu He's feet, exactly.

Fang Tian's eyes also widened. He had never seen the ice ring skill before, but from the expressions of the crowd around the audience, he could tell that this skill was very strong.

However, what surprised Fang Tian was yet to come. The moment before the frost was about to come into contact with his body, Liu He's muscles suddenly inflated and emitted a strange scarlet color. At the same time, his speed increased three times, and he suddenly moved towards Tang Qian rushed over.

"This weird red! It's a barbaric charge!"

Fang Tian was very excited when he saw the advanced skill that others had mentioned for the first time.

When using Savage Charge, you can have a very short-term magic immunity, and at the same time, you will rush to the opponent at a speed of 300%, causing a short-term stun to the target.

too strong!This kind of secret technique of the barbarians is only known to the barbarians, and it will never be passed on to the outside world. Not only that, this trick has extremely high requirements for personal muscle control and strength, and ordinary people will definitely not be able to do this!Liu He is not a weak person either!
Fang Tian's breathing suddenly became a little short. He found that his blood was ignited, and his eyes were fixed on every detail on the screen. People in this world are so strong!
Tang Qian was also stunned. The ice ring didn't take effect, and all follow-up plans were reduced to empty talk. However, the only thing she can do now is to apply a magic shield to herself.

Tang Qian, who had exhausted her last bit of mana, watched Liu He roaring and rushing towards her, and then her body couldn't be controlled and was slammed into the air.

Tang Qian, who stood up from the spot, staggered, and a few spinning birds appeared above her head.

Fang Tian couldn't help being a little strange, what was on her head?
Luo Jianbin on the side finally realized it, and shouted, "Damn it! It's a fucking savage charge!"

"Amazing! He avoided this!"

"You can avoid the ice ring at such a close distance..."

The onlookers in the Internet cafe all expressed their admiration for Liu He's operation.

"The timing is so good! It actually escaped the ice ring at close range with a brutal charge!"

"His charge level is so high! The stun time is very long, that magician is going to be miserable."

"Jianbing, what should I do?" Seeing that Tang Qian was at a disadvantage, the cheerleaders in the physics class were a little anxious.

Luo Jianbin's palms were sweating, and he said to himself: "Don't worry, there is still a chance. Tang Qian activated the magic shield in advance, and the cooling time of this move is very long. That guy can't use it all the time. As long as he can withstand this It’s good to have a combo.”




Of course, Liu He would not give Tang Qian any chance. Taking advantage of the dizzy period, he used fatal skills to take away her health points one by one.

In the eyes of the onlookers, this kind of skill release angle and selection sequence is undoubtedly the most perfect.

"so amazing!"

"As expected of the school team."

This smooth performance-like movement made almost everyone intoxicated.

His actions... why are they like this...

Unlike the onlookers, Fang Tian's eyebrows were tightly furrowed.

Although Fang Tian had never trained as a fighter, nor had he ever had a formal fight with a fighter, Liu He's attack still left him with a particularly strange impression.

how to say?It's not that there is a problem with the order of his skills, each move is not flawed at all, it can even be called perfect, and the timing of his moves is well grasped, but the problem lies in the connection between moves and moves .

The connection between moves and moves gives people a particularly twisted feeling.

For example, when Fang Tian performed escort missions before, he also saw fellow fighters dealt with snakes and pythons. After using the basic move of slashing, Fang Tian would often withdraw their hands backwards so that the next move could be dealt with. It's better to exert force, but you can't see this from Liu He. After the end of a move, his movements will return to the previous reasoning movements, and then continue to release the next skill.

Although this time is very short, it is particularly conspicuous in Fang Tian's eyes.


That's right!It’s just extremely stiff!Although each move is accurate, there is an extremely strong sense of dissonance when connected together.

After two seconds of dizziness, Tang Qian, who recovered from the dizziness, immediately disappeared into the air, and Liu He's attack also failed.

she disappeared?

No, Tang Qian, who disappeared, appeared not far away in the next second, nearly ten meters away from where she was.

This is... a flash!
Advanced space magic!Only great magicians with LV: 35 and above can use magic!
Fang Tian's eyes widened, Tang Qian is actually such a high-level magician! ?

Every time the Association of Explorers evaluates a level, it is not as simple as adding one plus one. The higher the number represented, the geometrical increase in strength.

"What a risk! There is still a little blood left, there is a chance!"

"Tang Qian, come on, there is still a chance, hold on!"

Seeing Tang Qian get away, everyone in the physics class breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from the blood volume on the screen, Tang Qian who escaped from the attack just now had only a trace of blood left. Critical strike or maximum attack, I'm afraid the game has already been decided.

The key point is the magic shield Tang Qian used at the last second. Without the magic shield, Tang Qian might have died long ago.

Tang Qian gritted her teeth lightly. Fortunately, when choosing a skill, she selected a passive skill called Wrath of Vengeance. When she was attacked, she would gain a certain amount of mental power. Otherwise, if she couldn't release the flash, she would definitely be killed by his combo skills. of.

But it was still useless. The heavy slash just now had suffered critical damage, and he was in a state of bleeding, and his life value was constantly declining.

This is undoubtedly a nightmare for Tang Qian, who has only a trace of blood left. You must know that in the battle mode, you cannot use blood-boosting items, and a magician does not have any skills to restore life.

She has already lost, the only difference is that her death looks better.

Liu He put away the huge sword, and Tang Qian, who was opposite, lightened her foot and fell slowly.

Fang Tian watched Tang Qian on the screen fall backwards, turning into a piece of golden light and shining on the arena.

Is she all right?

Turning her head, she saw Tang Qian stood up from her seat intact and took off that silly helmet.

(End of this chapter)

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