city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 667 Strange Statue

Chapter 667 Strange Statue
Jie had already asked for help at the first time, but it was a pity that the police hadn't arrived. Jie could only pray over there, and nothing would happen. They could steal whatever was inside, as long as no one died. just fine.

It has nothing to do with him if things are stolen, but if someone dies, then his conscience will feel bad.

Just as he was thinking, the siren of a police car came from afar.

"It's still in time, it seems that I don't need to take action."

Jie said to himself, heaving a sigh of relief.

Police cars surrounded the exit of the exhibition hall, and the police quickly evacuated nearby citizens.

Less than half a minute after blocking pedestrians nearby, the robbers wearing hoods rushed out of the exhibition hall.

When the robbers who rushed out of the exhibition hall saw the police outside, they didn't talk nonsense. They just picked up their weapons and swiped towards them. They had no intention of negotiating at all.

Such a powerful firepower...

Jie was stunned, thinking that luckily he didn't rush in just now. Although he is very powerful, he has no good way to deal with this kind of heavy firepower, and this kind of heavy firepower is most likely to hurt innocent people. civilians.

The firefight with the robbers lasted for nearly 2 minutes. What surprised Jie was that under the suppression of such heavy firepower, the robbers managed to escape from the police surrounded by a bloody path and fled towards the alley. past.


The police team leader who participated in this operation immediately issued a pursuit order and led the policemen to chase the gangsters.

This group of people are not ordinary robbers. They can obtain such high-quality weapons and have extremely strong personal qualities. They are probably a transnational criminal organization.

From the battle just now, Jie seemed to see something. He lowered his head and thought about it. He felt as if he had overlooked something.

Wait...could they be related to Yiyue! ?

I remember at the last weekly meeting that there was intelligence indicating that the Iraqi Moon Organization has recently recruited many international mercenaries and transported many advanced weapons from abroad to the country. It seems that they want to do something...

Could it really be related to Yiyue?
Jie's eyes lit up, no matter what he thought or not, since he caught up with him, he had to catch up and see!

This group of ordinary police officers cannot stop these mercenaries.

Thinking of this, Jie immediately chased after him.

At the same time, Fang Tian was hiding in an inconspicuous corner of the exhibition hall.

From just now, Fang Tian's perception has been locked on the leader of the group of kidnappers, that is, the one who snatched the statue of the weird warrior.

To Fang Tian's surprise, the leader did not choose to rush out of the siege with his subordinates at the beginning, but stayed here alone. Now, he has already taken off his coat after coming out of the toilet , put on new clothes, and look no different from ordinary tourists.

After the chaotic battle outside, he walked out of the exhibition hall in such a grand manner.

The gangster thought he could hide from everyone's sight, but he couldn't avoid the sensory tracking from Fang Tian.

After seeing the bandits leave, Fang Tian also squinted his eyes and immediately followed.

After the culprit left the exhibition hall, he walked in a completely different direction from the one pursued by the police just now.

After walking for a while, the culprit quickly disappeared into an uninhabited alley, and then started to run in big strides.

To be honest, the whole thing was strange, and Fang Tian didn't know why he followed him, he just found it strange, as if something was attracting Fang Tian.

Seeing the other party start running, Fang Tian couldn't help speeding up his feet.

The long and narrow alleys lead in all directions, Fang Tian has been closely following the bandit, after running for a while, the bandit suddenly turned a corner and stopped.

Appearing in front of the gangster was a young man.

The moment he saw the young man, Fang Tian felt alarmed. He reacted almost instantly, stopped, blocked his breath, and hid at the corner to cover his body.

After confirming that he was not locked by the breath, Fang Tian poked his head out slightly, and glanced at the boy from the corner of his eye.

That strange young man seemed to be waiting for the culprits here long ago. He was wearing a black coat, fair complexion, and distinct features. He didn't look like a pure-bred Chinese. He said coldly, "Did you get the stuff?"

"Hey." The gangster ran all the way before, panting a little, he laughed dryly first, and then said, "Don't worry about our work, when will the final payment be paid?"

"Don't worry about money, we won't miss you." The young man still said coldly: "Where is the thing I want? Show me first."

"I understand, let's inspect the goods first." The gangster smiled and took out the weird statue he had obtained from the exhibition hall from his pocket, and put it in his palm.

The boy stretched out his hand to check, but the gangster withdrew his hand in vain.

Facing the young man's suspicious gaze, the gangster showed a smile on his face, and he said, "Hey, young man, don't worry, you have read everything, and you have to pay first if you want to touch it."

"Yeah." The boy nodded and praised, "You did a great job. As a reward, I will give you two."

There was a look of surprise on the gangster's face, and then he suddenly felt great pain, his face turned purple, he stretched out his hands to hold his chest tightly, and looked at the young man in front of him in disbelief.

"One is the balance of the task reward, and the other is the money you buy your life." The young man said coldly, "Don't worry, I never owe money to the dead, and I will deposit the money into your account."

"what did you do to me……"

As soon as the words fell, the gangster fell to the ground with a bang.

The young man squatted down, picked up the weird sculpture from the gangster, with a smile on his face, and then looked towards Fang Tian's hiding place.

Fang Tian's heart moved, and he immediately retracted his head to cover his breath.

Has it been discovered?
Fang Tian wasn't sure, but Fang Tian was extremely afraid of the young man's killing method just now, he didn't understand how the young man made the move, the gangster was already dead.

How did he do that?Is it a curse?Or did he move too quickly and was blocked by the gangsters so he didn't catch it?

Fang Tian didn't dare to use perception to test the other party, because perceptual testing is a mutual process, as long as the other party's level is higher than his own or the same as his own, then the other party will definitely feel his existence.

"Come out." The young man looked coldly at Fang Tian's hiding place, "I saw you!"

Fang Tian's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, and he confirmed again that he was definitely not locked by the perception.

So how did the other party find themselves?
(End of this chapter)

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