Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 989 Liu Zhi, Mr. Liu, who has many troubles in his heart (Part 1)

Chapter 989 Liu Zhi, Mr. Liu, who has many worries in his heart (first update)
Chapter 998

"Furthermore, Wang Yang and Wang Wushan have already put on such winter clothes for the soldiers and horses in the three prefectures of Yan, You, and Hong. It is said that the effect of keeping out the cold is quite good."

"Su Xiang means that these cotton equipment should make the winter of our soldiers in the Great Song Dynasty much easier. I suggest that the court can say hello to Wang Wushan in advance."

"If you can order at the cost price, I am afraid that the price can be nearly tens of dollars lower."

Emperor Zhao Xu thought about it, and nodded in agreement. "It's feasible. Even if the purchase price is three or four hundred yuan, it is much cheaper than the purchase price of linen winter clothes. And it seems that this kind of cotton coat has excellent thermal performance. My grandson will personally greet Wang Wushan, At that time, let the military department connect with it."

" are you going to deal with this memorial of Bachelor Su?" Gao Taotao's eyes fell on the case table, which was specially brought by Zhao Xu for himself to read.

It was mentioned in it that I hope the court can grant permission to designate the newly occupied land of six states as North Shaanxi Road, and Wang Yang Wang Wushan, who has made great contributions to the economic strategy of the three states, will be the chief officer.

"Northern Shaanxi Road Economic and Appeasement Envoy, this opinion is naturally the best, and my grandson will naturally not object, but now many ministers in the court have very strong opinions." Emperor Zhao Xu smiled helplessly.

"It's strange that they don't have any opinions." The Empress Dowager smiled eloquently. "Now the Song Dynasty is rare in opening up new territories. This was originally a great achievement, but it has been taken away by the civil and military officials of Shaanxi Road."

"The next step will naturally be the merits of governance. Unfortunately, it will all be thrown to Wang Yang and Wang Wushan. In case, one of the important ministers in the court is lucky enough to be appointed by the officials as the appeasement envoy for the Shaanxi Road Strategy. "

"However, the six states are no longer under their control, so they will naturally be unhappy."

Emperor Zhao Xu nodded, then shook his head again. "As far as the gang of subordinates and ministers are concerned, it's not that grandson doesn't like them, but even if they are really handed over to them, can they do better than Wang Wushan?"

"Wang Wushan manages the lands of Yan, You, and Hong prefectures. He doesn't ask the court for a share of money and food. He relies on selling wasteland and various cottons. He invented the Yuan Er cotton gin, which provided the possibility for large-scale production of cotton products. That makes the land of the three states prosperous."

"But now, the three states of Yin, Shi, and Long are located on the south bank of the Wuding River. There are many mountains and few lands. If they are handed over to them, they will not allow the king of Sancha to cry poorly to the court, and they may feel that the court has moved. There are too many people from the Xiang army..."

The emperor Zhao Xu is not complaining, but telling the reality.He is well aware of the thoughts and calculations of those big shots in the court.

"So, no matter what, I will stand by Su Xueshi and Wang Wushan."

The emperor Zhao Xu is naturally not a person who just talks but doesn't practice. He will naturally do what he said, and despite the ups and downs of the ministers in the court, he finally promulgated the plan to designate six prefectures as North Shaanxi Road. At the same time, the imperial decree appointed Wang Yangjin, the economical appeasement envoy of the Three States, as the economical appeasement envoy of North Shaanxi Road.

Although the Shaanxi North Road Economic Strategy Appeasement Envoy will still be restrained by the Shaanxi Road Economic Strategy Appeasement Envoy, after all, the other party cannot reach out to the Shaanxi North Road Economic Strategy Appeasement Envoy's territory to mess around.

In other words, Wang said that he has gained a great deal of autonomy. Even if someone else is appointed to appease the Shaanxi Road Economic Strategy and wants to intervene, it will only be possible if he, Wang Yang, is willing to back down.

However, the ministers in the DPRK are still recommending themselves or recommending candidates to take over the post of comfort envoy of the Shaanxi Road Economic Strategy.However, candidates always fail to pass.

Similarly, it also caused Liu Zhi, Prime Minister of Song Dynasty, a very headache. After all, as the prime minister, he must express his opinions on many government affairs. , can not advance or retreat.

If you continue to delay, your colleagues may begin to doubt your ability.But the problem is, Liu Zhi is also helpless, but the emperor is so determined to fight with the bastard, no matter who he is, he will always have a reason to push him back.

After thinking hard, Liu Zhi finally had to bite the bullet and go to the palace to see Gao Taotao, the Queen Mother, hoping to get some useful information from her.

"Liu Qing's house, it's such a cold day, hurry up and sit down to warm up. This year I feel that the weather is colder than previous years." Gao Taotao raised his hand to signal Liu Zhi to excuse him, and let him sit on the warm copper chair. On the side of the stove, he smiled.

"That's right, this winter is indeed a little bit colder than in previous years, the empress must take care of her health." Liu Zhi replied with a nod.

"By the way, I heard that the cement straight road from Bianliang, Tokyo to Chang'an is about to be fully opened to traffic?" Gao Taotao said with a smile as he sized up the prime minister who was hesitating to speak.

"Yes, the news from the Ministry of Industry is that there are still more than [-] miles to go, and the construction will start after the spring is warm next year and the frost is thawed. It is estimated that the whole line will be open to traffic in two months at most.

At that time, the road from Bianliang, Tokyo to Chang'an will be much smoother and more convenient than it is now, speaking of it, it is thanks to the contribution of Mr. Xiao Wang..."

Although Liu Zhi was the leader of the old party, although he hated Wang Yang so much, he couldn't deny that it was the other party's credit. What's more, as the prime minister of the Great Song Dynasty, he naturally had to show his generosity in front of others.

What's more, the favor that the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao and the Emperor Zhao Xu have for Wang Wushan is very unusual. Therefore, Liu Zhi's words seemed to show his goodwill towards Gao Taotao.

"That's true. Without that boy Wang Yang vacating this Yuanyou cement, these cement straight roads would not be like this at all. This kind of road, but flooded and soiled, is very strong, and it is very easy to repair. If it can be promoted across the country , for my Great Song Dynasty, it is a blessing for the common people."

"What your lady said is that the Ministry of Industry has now inspected all roads, and plans to build a large Yuanyou cement stone on each road, so that in the future, the construction of cement straight roads will be fully implemented within the territory of the Great Song Dynasty."

"Well, this is really a good thing. The Shaanxi Road side is already ahead of the Song Dynasty roads. Now I heard that Qingzhou, Huanzhou, Yanzhou, Hongzhou and the Yan'an Prefecture are already dependent on each other. They are connected by a concrete straight road."

"Not only is the road much wider than in the past, but it is also very convenient for business travelers to walk. The important thing is that such a straight cement road is very conducive to the mobilization of our Song Dynasty frontier army. Compared with crossing mountains and ridges, but It is much faster and smoother, and it is also convenient for the transportation of baggage.”

"I heard that nowadays, on Shaanxi Road, human transportation is becoming less and less common, but animal power, especially horse-drawn carts and donkey carts, are very popular. As a result, the speed of transportation is much faster than before... "

Liu Zhi listened to the empress dowager in front of him talking about the Shaanxi Road, but he could only bite the bullet and listen.

(End of this chapter)

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