Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 887 Tonight sub-hour, carry out attack drill (1st more)

Chapter 887 Tonight sub-hour, carry out attack drill (first change)
Chapter 896

And Yelu Jinping is very troubled at the moment, as a famous general of the Liao Kingdom, he failed to become the commander after His Royal Highness was deprived of the commander-in-chief, instead he watched Xiao Shen, who was much younger than himself, become the commander-in-chief of the army .

This made him feel very uncomfortable, but Xiao Shen is also very good at being a man, at least he is very respectful to himself, but what he did next made Yelu Jinping very uncomfortable, that is, Xiao Shen decided to lead an army south .

But he threw the mess to himself.Think about it, although the coalition forces staying outside the city of Yuzhou claim to be [-], in fact there are only [-].

However, besides the 8 people, there are still a considerable part, that is, [-] wounded soldiers lying there, grumbling and unable to fight.

This made Yelu Jinping very dissatisfied and expressed his opposition many times.But in the end, he had to accept his fate, after all Xiao Shen was the commander of the first army.

The military order Xiao Shen gave him was, no matter what, make good use of the [-] troops, and don't let the Song army in the city have a chance to go out of the city to attack the army's rear.

After Xiao Shen led the army to leave, Yelu Jinping thought for a long time and decided to take the initiative and continue the offensive towards Youzhou City, maintaining a certain amount of pressure on the defenders in the city. Only in this way can the defenders in the city have difficulty. Opportunity strikes.

If Yelu Jinping's opponents were other generals of the Song Army, or if his opponents were just the defenders of a city, his move would indeed be very effective.

But the problem is that what he is facing is Wang Yang, the veteran of the Three States Economic Strategy and Comfort Envoy.He controls not only Youzhou, but also tens of thousands of soldiers and horses roaming the three states under his remote control.

However, this elite Song army with a number of [-] is currently cruising wretchedly outside the alert range of the defenders outside Youzhou City.

However, even though Yelu Jinping was very annoyed at Xiao Shen, he still did everything an excellent general should do.Among the [-] wounded soldiers, in addition to about [-] disabled soldiers who could not move, the remaining [-] were distributed among the other three gates. In this way, the number of Liao soldiers and horses outside each gate was almost the same. In the number of twenty thousand.

If the entire army of the Song army concentrates on attacking an abandoned city and relies on the walls of the camp to defend it, it will be able to sustain the reinforcements of the other three armies.

However, as a general, he was supposed to command thousands of troops across the battlefield, but now he has to continue to besiege this city that seems to have no hope of falling forever, which is really painful.

The collision between the Liaoxia Allied Forces and the Great Song Huben in the ancient city of Wuyan almost attracted all the eyes of the world to focus on it.Even the emperor of the Song Dynasty who was far away in Bianliang, the capital, or Yelu Hongji, the emperor of the Liao Kingdom who was far away in Shangjing of the Liao Kingdom in the north, had trouble sleeping and eating every day...

Compared with the Liao army that took the initiative to attack, although the Song army was in a passive position to fight, but with the support of the ancient city of Wuyan, coupled with strong morale, they stopped the superior army of the Liao army in the ancient city of Wuyan. There is no way to advance.

But at this time, Han Zhongyan finally suppressed the movement of the Liao army on the Hedong Road, and with difficulty, he mobilized [-] elite troops to send troops to Linzhou. The soldiers pointed directly at the commander of the brave army in the left wing, restraining Xiao Wuna's commander. Soldiers and horses, as well as the brave army in the left wing.

In the south, the arrival of Renduo Zongbao finally forced the Song army, which originally wanted to take advantage of Shizhou, to retreat to Yinzhou.However, Renduo Zongbao did not have the extra troops to go south to relieve the crisis in Longzhou.

At this moment, the entire battle situation has formed a stalemate that is similar to calm but undercurrents. No one knows whether the Liaoxia coalition forces first found the breakthrough, or the Song army first found the Liaoxia coalition forces' flaws, breaking this depression and affecting this world. The mainland is the balance of all the minds of the most powerful countries.

"Su Xueshi has been fighting with the Liaoxia coalition army under the ancient city of Wuyan for several days. Although he has firmly blocked the Liaoxia coalition army, he is still on the defensive after all, and the opponent's army is stronger than our army. Will worry about..."

"It won't last long. What's more, the Liao army is eager to make achievements, and its military strength is stronger than our army..." Wang Yang frowned, and slowly said this classic saying. Of course, this sentence is only applicable to ordinary people. It is not suitable for a strong city like Youzhou.

"However, Yelu Jinping outside the city is also very cunning. He harassed our army day and night. First, it can make it difficult for us to figure out his reality. Second, it will make our army tired, and it is difficult to organize enough troops. Attack out of the city."

"So...the only plan now is to prepare for the dispatch of General Zhong Shidao and General Zhe Keshi..." Wang Yang slapped his hands and signaled the people in the hall to quiet down, then said his own words in a deep voice. idea.

"Is this too early?" Zhong Shihe hesitated.

"It's getting late. Although Xueshi Su stopped the Liaoxia coalition army, our army is far inferior to our opponents after all. We can't let the momentum of our soldiers and horses in the Song Dynasty be exhausted. After all, it was so easy. It took recent years of hard work to boost our strength." The courage and morale that has been raised up cannot just be dissipated like this.”

"Starting at midnight tonight, carry out the attack drill according to the previous plan..."

"Generals, I hope you all remember that this attack is not the other's attack, and you must not act rashly, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless in military law."

A group of generals got up and promised with strange expressions.They went down one after another and began to prepare. The Xixia people once again set off a wave of offensive after dusk. After fighting for nearly two quarters of an hour, the exhausted besiegers finally retreated exhausted.

However, just as Yelu Jinping ordered the troops to retreat back to the camp, and was about to take a good night's sleep, he suddenly heard the sound of war drums coming from the direction of Youzhou City, which should have been quiet as well.

There was a shock in an instant, and he hurriedly got up, ordered the soldiers to put on armor for himself, and ordered the soldiers to leave the camp...

Soon, Yelu Jinping, who had finished putting on his clothes, rushed to the wall, and saw that the gate of Yuzhou City, which had been closed for more than a month, had been opened. With the sound of war drums, the Song army with torches began to walk along the wall. Line up the city wall.

Yelu Jinping's heart sank, and he immediately ordered the soldiers to prepare for the battle, and sent out a signal for other troops to come to help.

And at this time, Yelu Jinping suddenly heard the signal of encountering the enemy from the north and the south first from his camp.

"What's going on? Are the Song people crazy? Attacking from three sides, does he really think that the [-] soldiers and horses of my Daliao are just made of paper?" Yelu Jinping was almost driven mad by Song Jun's audacity.

But at this moment, there were still groups of Song troops leaving Wengcheng, numbering at least over [-]. Apart from yelling in his heart, Yelu Jinping needed to stay calm and sent someone to summon the troops to strictly guard their camps and not to rush for reinforcements indiscriminately.

Just after the Song army began to march out of Wengcheng, within about two sticks of incense, the torches originally held high were almost completely extinguished in a uniform manner.

However, the sound of the Song Army's victory reached the ears of the Liao-Xia Allied Forces, making the Liao-Xia Allied Forces more and more nervous. Yelu Jinping even loudly ordered the entire army to prepare for war and wait for those who deliberately extinguished their torches in order to The arrival of the Song Army, which makes people confused about the direction or method of their attack...

(End of this chapter)

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