Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 600 Time is tight and the task is heavy, hurry up! (Part 1)

Chapter 600 Time is tight and the task is heavy, hurry up! (first update)
Chapter 609

"General Zhong, old general Zhe, according to the two opinions, what should we do?" After pondering for a long time, Han Zhongyan took a deep breath, straightened his back, and asked the two famous Northwest frontier soldiers.

"Take Yanzhou first, and stop the Xixia army from attacking Hongzhou. Then break the siege of Hongzhou, that's the best strategy." Zhong Shidao and Zhe Kexing looked at each other before answering to Han Zhongyan.

"And Mr. Xiao Wang's words are very reasonable. We seized a large number of party members' armed equipment. It happened that a group of dead soldiers, pretending to be Xixia routs, entered Yanzhou. As long as we can capture a city gate, then Breaking Yanzhou is just around the corner."

Wang Yang said at this time. "We can use the more than a hundred cavalrymen brought by the Liang brothers as the vanguard. With these defeated cavalry who understand the Dangxiang language and are familiar with Yanzhou, it is inevitable that the Xia troops guarding the city do not believe their identities..."

"In addition, Qin Tuokou, the only pass between Dingbian Army Shentangbao and Yanzhou, is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but the problem is that the guard there is now a confidant who was stationed by Liang Yibu not long ago. General, therefore, there is no problem for our Song army, this pass is a one-man pass, and there is no way to open it."

"Now that Liang Yibu has rebelled, the Liang brothers are thinking about their own lives, and they will definitely not dare to disobey.

"Wang Wushan, Wang Wushan, why did you come up with some big problems? Before, I was lucky. Fortunately, it was Su Dongpo who was in charge of the overall situation in Qingzhou. But now, such a decision needs to be made by the old man. It's really... ..." Han Zhongyan smiled bitterly.

"Then do you agree, my lord?" Hearing this, Wang Yang couldn't help showing joy, and asked impatiently as he took a step forward.

"Hmm..." Han Zhongyan nodded slightly and glanced at Zhong Shidao, Zhe Kexing and Zhe Keshi, wondering which one was the suitable candidate.

"The old general, the general, are you two willing to go there?"

"We will definitely live up to the trust of Prime Minister Han." Zhe Kexing couldn't help but be overjoyed. This old general who was over fifty years old and looked like a strong and healthy old general stood up and said loudly towards Han Zhongyan.

"The truth is, I'll give you [-] fine cavalry and [-] infantry. If you can't take Yanzhou within three days, immediately send the infantry to retreat to Qin Tuokou and lead the cavalry to Hongzhou."

"As for General Zhong, you will be in charge of leading the main force to advance towards Hongzhou from the south. You and Hongzhou will be entrusted to you, General Zhong. There must be more contact between the two armies to prevent accidents."

Wang Daguan, who was standing next to him and listening excitedly, suddenly realized that he had no business to do after all the fucking orders had been given. "Han Xiang, where is the next official?"

"You?" The corner of Han Zhongyan's mouth twitched slightly, and he forced a smile. "Master Xiao Wang, this time the troops are going out of the Xia territory, the journey is difficult and dangerous, how about you sit down with the old man to calm the frontier army and do a good job of backup for the soldiers?"

What if I ask you to come forward again, what if you mess around again and something happens?As the saying goes, there is only a thousand days to catch a thief, but there is no reason to prevent a thief in a thousand days.

"Han Xiang, it's not that I don't want to understand your painstaking efforts, but that the attack on Yanzhou this time is a matter of great importance, and the cooperation with General Zhe was very harmonious before the dismissal, if there is any change, I can make a decision on the fly... ..."

These words made Zhe Keshi nod his head again and again, and the old driver Zhe Kexing narrowed his eyes, and after thinking for a while, he also stood up and saluted Han Zhongyan. "Han Xiang, Zhemou also thinks what Mr. Xiao Wang said is very reasonable."

Zhong Shidao also nodded in agreement. "My lord Xiao Wang has always been quick-witted. When things change suddenly, he can give some advice to the two generals. Besides, this trip to Yanzhou is out of the plan, and it is easy to change. It is good to have one more person to discuss it. of."

Seeing the unanimous agreement of the three generals he relied on the most, Han Zhongyan had no choice but to say, "You, that's all, since you are going, then go, but you must pay attention to safety."

"By the way, General Zhong, among the Liang brothers, I will take Liang Shou away, and Liang Zuo will stay." After Wang Yang heaved a sigh of relief, he rolled his eyes and discussed with that kind of teacher.

I don't mind being a teacher, but after Prime Minister Han agreed, the two Zhe generals and Wang Yang immediately started to move. If you want to do it, then do it quickly. Time is tight and the task is heavy. State opportunities are likely to be fleeting.

Wang Yang had promised Wan Bin, the old driver, to treat him to a roast whole lamb meal yesterday. Now this promise can only be fulfilled when the two get together next time.

Twenty thousand elite cavalry and ten thousand infantry took about an hour to complete the preparations. At this moment, Liang Shou had come to follow Wang Yang, and there were more than a hundred guards under his command.

As for Liang Zuo's [-] guards, they will accompany Zhong Shidao when he goes out to Hongzhou.For the sake of Yanzhou, naturally they can't take care of other things. Before noon, the army had already set off and went straight to Shentangbao.

Wang Yang, who was dressed brightly and extraordinarily dazzling in Song Yuan Youjia, also led his two personal soldiers, Wu Qilang and Ling Zong, to follow the large army.

The two people's favor has also been issued. Wu Qilang and Ling Zong are now both seventh-grade Yunqi Lieutenants, but they have not yet had actual duties. After all, the two brothers prefer to continue to follow Wang Yang, and maybe they can continue. Make great achievements.

It took most of the day to arrive at Shentang Fort. The army did not enter Shentang Fort, but buried pots and cooked food on the spot.

At this time, Zhe Kexing summoned Wang Yang and Zhe Keshi, and told them that the cavalry should go first, and the infantry should walk behind.

"The speed of the infantry is too slow. If we continue to ride slowly like this, we may not be able to reach Yanzhou before tomorrow morning. Therefore, the old man is going to lead the cavalry to open the way, and the infantry will be delayed. What do you two think?" Ke Xing took a hard bite of the pancake and asked as he ate it.

"General, it's better for me and Lord Xiao Wang to lead the cavalry first. We will try to seize Qin Tuoling together with Liang Shou. Then we will leave people to guard Sutong Tuoling. The army will continue to attack Yanzhou." Zhe Ke Shi shook his head and said.

Although Zheke was still in good health in his fifties, he was still inferior to young people, not to mention marching in a hurry at night, Zheke didn't want his uncle to take too many risks.

Seeing Zhe Keshi's gaze, Wang Yang nodded slightly. "Old General Zhe, the lower officials also agree with General Zhe, you should still sit in the middle army as the top, with a little effort, let us young people go and get it."

Hearing this, Zhe Kexing couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and cursed with a smile. "That's all nonsense, that's all. Since Prime Minister Han said that the matter of the military aircraft should be decided by the three of us through discussion, and since you both agree, then let's do it."

"Remember, Qin Tuokou, if you can't capture it, you must not attack by force until the infantry arrives."

 There is a problem with the update today, Khan, there will be more tonight
(End of this chapter)

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