Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 586 Let's just discuss peace with Xixia (Part 2)

Chapter 586 Let's just discuss peace with Xixia (second update)

Chapter 595

Could it be that my previous judgment was wrong, and that Mi Qin Shunde didn't add fuel to the picture?The eight ethnic groups with the strongest party ranks have always regarded themselves very highly, and they are not friendly to other ethnic groups in Xixia.

However, since the Liang family came to power, it can be said that the eight clans of Dangxiang have been suppressed in many ways. They have contacted the various clans in Xixia and the Han people, and have repeatedly suppressed the eight clans of Dangxiang. , the eight clans of Dangxiang are deeply rooted in the Xixia Kingdom, which can be said to be the foundation of the Xixia Kingdom.

Moreover, there are many outstanding talents of the eight Dangxiang clans, and the clan has a strong army. Therefore, no matter whether they are empresses, big or small, they have to leave a lot of positions for the eight Dangxiang clans in the court.

These years of exclusion and suppression have already made the eight Dangxiang clans hate the Liang clan after the birth of Xiaoliang.What's more, the Liang family is still Han Chinese, and the Wuzang family who controlled the government back then was at least a member of the party.

Nowadays, the Xixia Kingdom established by the Dangxiang people is being ridden by a group of Han people. How can they not fill their hearts with deep-seated hatred? They are just afraid of the tricks of Empress Liang and Liang Yibu and his father, and there are other things. The military power under control can only be tolerated.

Today, Empress Xiaoliang was defeated in Huanzhou and captured by the Song Dynasty. Xixia Guoyi's iron kite army was wiped out, and more than [-] of the [-] elite died in battle, and almost all the rest were captured by the Song Dynasty.

Even the patriarch of the Yeli family died in Huanzhou, and the patriarch of Fei Ting's family, Fei Tinsdie, also became the subordinate. Only Fangdang Nuoyan, the head of the Fang family, fled back to Xixia with injuries and less than [-] remnants.

It can be said that the entire Dangxiang Eight Clans have never suffered such a serious injury since the founding of the country. Now, according to the news that came back, if Li Qianshun had not sent the most elite garrison under strict orders, maybe the Liang family would have been killed. It has already been massacred by those eight clans who have experienced the loss of father, husband, and son.

"We can't just continue to procrastinate like this. If we procrastinate any longer, it is not suitable for me in the Song Dynasty. After all, when the time comes, only getting a prisoner of war like Liang Yibu, compared with being able to get You and Hongzhou, the latter is naturally the latter for me. Song Dynasty is the most beneficial."

"But Liang Yibu has been insisting on not loosening the conditions. What can we do?" Han Zhongyan couldn't help but rubbed his eyebrows worriedly.

"Let me think about it..." Mr. Wang began to take steps in the hall.My heart felt very painful, as if a dog had been bitten.The wedding of such a pure and beautiful man like brother was delayed by your old man Liang Yibu.

And seeing this posture, they will continue to delay, as the so-called hatred of killing the father and blocking the marriage are irreconcilable.Wang Yang felt that it was a normal greeting. Since the other party has a way to deal with it, how about we say something unconventional?
However, how can Da Song get the greatest benefit by not taking the usual way?
Wang Yang put his arms around his chest, and stood unsteadily in front of the map of Xixia, and began to talk to himself in a dazed manner.

The old general Zhe Kexing wanted to speak, but was stopped by Zhe Keshi. "Wait a moment, my father. This is how Mr. Xiao Wang thinks about issues. Last time, when he was planning to encircle and suppress [-] troops from Xixia, he looked like this..."

"This kid has always had a lot of bad ideas. I hope this time, he can also come up with a good strategy that can make me Da Song have the last laugh." Han Zhongyan stroked his beard and smiled deeply.

How could he not know the name of this golden idea king Wu Shan when he was in the court in the past.When he was in Bianliang, Tokyo, he, Wang Wushan, was absolutely successful, and there was no problem he couldn't solve.

Now, I am quite looking forward to him being able to come up with a ghost idea to solve the current deadlock.

"We Da Song, let's cooperate with Xixia." Wang Yang suddenly stopped, and then said an idea that made all the officials present eyeballs and jaws drop.

Everyone was stunned and looked at Wang Yang stupidly, as if they saw a mentally ill loyalist running naked, or as if they saw Wu Daozi who was writing wild grass in front of him. Write the Wei stele properly.

It's unscientific, it's so fucking unscientific, this guy's brain is broken, right?

"Then what is Mrs. Wang, it seems that you have really worked too hard during this time, why don't you go back and take a good rest for a few days?" Zhe Kexing looked at Wang Yang's slightly haggard face with pity. Face said.

"Yes, yes, Lord Xiao Wang, I also think that you have been weeping and weeping during this time, and you should take a good rest. Leave the rest to us."

"What are you doing?" Mr. Wang was so frightened by the expressions of these gangsters.

"If I, the Song Dynasty, wanted to shake hands and make peace with Xixia, wouldn't it be the best time before? Why should we shake hands with Xixia at this time?" Han Zhongyan couldn't help but said with a hint of anger.

"One moment is not the other. At that time, when I made peace with Xixia, there was no benefit other than the captured ones, but it is different now." Wang Yang suddenly showed a treacherous smile road.

"Is there any difference between now and before?" Zhong Shidao, Zhe Keshi and others looked at each other and asked Wang Yang.

"Of course it's different. Before, Liang Yibu was still Liang Xiangguo, and the Liang family had not been captured yet. But now, Liang Yibu has resisted the order several times and refused to obey the order. He has stationed troops in Youzhou and Hongzhou. His rebellion has already shown."

"At this time, if my Great Song is willing to make friends with Xixia and ask them to cede land for peace, and we don't want other territories, but this Jianing military commander, how do you think the Xixia king will react?"

Hearing this, all the civil and military personnel present were all brightened. Han Zhongyan narrowed his eyes, paused his beard-stroking hand, and slowly shook his head. "It's difficult. After this battle, Xixia's strength has been greatly damaged. However, with the support of Beiliao, they will definitely not give up the Jianing Army Commander to Song Dynasty easily."

Zhe Kexing narrowed his eyes and began to think and calculate. "However, if Xixia wants to launch an army to attack Liang Yibu, once the two sides start fighting, the entire Jianing Army Command may be destroyed. At that time, Xixia's strength may be even weaker."

"And if Beiliao sends troops to help, the conditions will probably not be too generous..." Zhong Shidao couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and his smile became treacherous.

"What's more, the Jianing Army is adjacent to the Song Dynasty. The Northern Liao army came to help from a thousand places away, and Liang Yibu is not a soft persimmon. The Northern Liao will naturally consider whether it is worth raising troops for Xixia. When the time comes, Maybe we, the Great Song Dynasty, will take advantage of it and sneak in."

"Actually, there are not only these benefits. We are going to negotiate a peace with Xixia, which is also a big bargaining chip for my Song Dynasty." Wang Yang smiled sinisterly, and the gloomy expression made everyone feel uncomfortable. He swallowed freely.

 Happy April Fool's Day dear readers
(End of this chapter)

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