Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 580 Let's see if the people of Song Dynasty are really sincere (Part 1)

Chapter 580 Let's see if the people of Song Dynasty are really sincere (first update)
Chapter 589

Just like today, Liang Yibu commanded nearly 16 troops and retreated to Hongzhou. In addition to the [-] well-equipped Han and Fan troops belonging to Liang's direct line, there are also [-] Zhuangzi under his control. Down.

The so-called bumping son is a kind of organization in the Xixia army. It actually means to drive the death squad, and it is an army composed of various ethnic groups who are not party members.

Their mission is, as the vanguard of the war, it is equivalent to the stormtrooper or the death squad, so as to reduce the casualties of the party warriors.

And when he heard the news that Xiao Lianghou was defeated and captured, Liang Yibu began to quietly change his attitude towards Zhuang Gongzi, and he even stepped up to win over the Han army among Zhuang Gongzi, especially the Han army among Zhuang Gongzi.

After such a period of time, the win over has still achieved considerable results.At least, Liang Yibu can guarantee that once something happens, nearly half of the sons will be willing to stand with the Han army under his command.

But the problem is that in Hongzhou, there are still more than [-] elite party soldiers. Even if they still obey me now, if something happens to me, I believe these guys will definitely turn their backs faster than turning the book.

Even if it seems that the number of people on my side seems to be superior, but don't forget, after all, hitting the son is just cannon fodder, and the combat effectiveness is really mediocre.

And what he relies on is only [-] elite Han soldiers and [-] Tibetan soldiers. If there is no foreign aid, he may not even be qualified to negotiate terms with Li Ganshun.

But now, the letter from Su Dongpo, the world-famous Privy Envoy of Song Ting, really made Liang Yibu's mind suddenly come alive.

However, after careful consideration, Liang Yibu couldn't help but find with some dismay that he really didn't have many cards in his cards, and he had little room to bargain.

"If I, Mrs. Liang, stand on my own, what do you think is my chance of winning?" After pondering for a long time, Liang Yibu cleared his throat, sat up straight, and asked Liang Shou.

Liang Shou looked at his scheming father in a daze, and after a while he slowly shook his head. "Father, the result of my child's self-reliance may not be any better than the result of you abandoning the military power and returning to Xingqing Mansion."

"Why? You have also seen this letter, and you must be very clear. The Song Dynasty must hope that Xixia will be as chaotic as possible." Liang Yibu raised his thick eyebrows mixed with silver hair, and said in a somewhat unhappy tone.

"But father, if you are self-reliant, even if Da Song wants to help me, the help will be limited. After all, we are not surrendering to Da Song. Under such circumstances, if my Liang family is in a critical situation, you Do you think Da Song will risk the consequences of losing tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to help with all his strength?"

"If the Song Dynasty came with tens of thousands of troops and defeated the invading enemies of Xixia, do you think the Song Dynasty would withdraw directly like a gentleman, or would it be more in their interests to take care of us as well?"

Today's Song Army Yuanyou Jiaqi has won three thousand iron kites from Xixia, and tens of thousands of war horses. With the quantity and quality of the Song Army, it took more than a month to equip tens of thousands of cavalry. There is really no problem at all. , How many conditions can we negotiate with each other?
Liang Yibu was not reconciled, but if he wanted to become king on his own, he would rely on Hongzhou, at most Youzhou, with just such a small amount of territory, not to mention that Da Song would just crush him to death with a single finger, even if he was a king. Xixia really doesn't care about others and wants to calm himself down, and that's only a matter of minutes.

After all, it wasn't because my own sister was too stupid, she insisted on returning from the same way stubbornly, and wanted to seek revenge for Zhe Keshi who attacked her back. I also took it in.

But now, even cursing and drawing circles are useless, what can be done now that things have come to this?
Thinking about it carefully, Xueshi Su, the appeasement envoy of Shaanxi Road Economics, also had a sincere tone in his letter, and the promise he made really moved Liang Yibu's heart.

As long as he is willing to dedicate Youzhou and Hongzhou, at least he can protect himself as a Marquis.

"Well, you go first, no, tomorrow morning, you go and call Liang Zuo over..." Liang Yibu paused at this point, and slowly shook his head.

"It's still my son, you go with Liang Zuo to meet with the Song people first, see the situation, and then make a fuss."

When Liang Shou heard Liang Yibu's words, he couldn't help but feel relieved. Fortunately, at least his father didn't want to die with the stone, so that would be easy to handle. "Yes, I understand. I will go over and have a good chat with Liang Zuo. If possible, try to get in touch with the people in Song Ting to see if they are really sincere."

"It's just father, those [-] party soldiers in the city..."

"It doesn't matter, I'm here. If you want to deal with them, it can be done in a snap." Liang Yibu said with a confident smile.

In the early morning of the next day, Liang Shou was ordered by the general to go out of Hongzhou City to inspect the defense situation of the forts in various places in Hongzhou.Later, Liang Yibu ordered that in order to prevent the Song people from invading the Xia territory, [-] Gongzi, [-] Han troops, and [-] Fan soldiers were assigned to garrison in the villages of Hongzhou and Yuzhou.

Assist the defenders of Yuanzhaibao to resist the possible invasion of the Song army.In addition, he ordered his general Li Mao to lead [-] Han troops to station in Yuzhou to strengthen the defense of Yuzhou.

And Liang Yibu himself led [-] Han troops and [-] Tibetan troops to station in Hongzhou.As for the [-] Xixia party elites, Liang Yibu sent [-] soldiers and horses belonging to various small tribes of the party to garrison in Yinzhou and other places, in the name of guarding against retaliatory attacks from the Song Dynasty.

Among the remaining [-] soldiers and horses, [-] were transferred to the city to garrison with the [-] Han troops, and the remaining [-] were stationed in the camp outside the city with the [-] foreign troops and [-] Zhuang Gongzi.

Due to Liang Yibu's intentional and unintentional connivance with the propaganda, the entire Jianing Military Division became noisy, as if a war would break out at any time, disturbing the local Dangxiang tribes three times a day. Many small tribes were worried that the Song Dynasty would really attack this place. Begin to evacuate the Jianing Military Division area.

Xixia was originally sparsely populated, and most of the population was concentrated in Xingqing Prefecture and Hetao further north. However, the total population of the entire Jianing Military Division did not exceed 50. As a soldier, to defend Yuzhou and Hongzhou.

However, these soldiers and horses similar to Song Junxiangyong, and with the withdrawal of the tribes, under the benevolent connivance of Liang Yibu and Liang Xiangguo, those soldiers and horses belonging to the tribes also withdrew from the forts one after another. away from his own tribe.

Therefore, the important task of defending Hongzhou and Youzhou City was naturally taken over by Liang Yibu's army.As for the defenders of Zhuzhaibao, the Han army and Zhuangzi accounted for at least [-]% of the number, and in some places, only the Han army controlled by Liang Yibu or the Zhuangzi and Fanjun remained.

After Liang Shou led Liang Zuo out of Hongzhou City, he rushed directly to the previously determined joint location, and then headed directly south to the Dingbian Army area controlled by the Song Army. Tao has quietly led an army of [-] troops to station.

Traveling non-stop, it took less than a day to reach Song Dynasty.I met Zhong Shidao, a general in the Western Army of the Song Dynasty.

"General Liang, please hurry up. He is indeed the son of Liang Xiangguo. He is mighty and majestic, just like your father." Zhong Shidao kindly helped Liang Shou who was saluting to him, and said with a smile.

In Zhong Shidao's heart, he was so happy that he almost hummed a Shaanxi tune. The arrival of Liang Shou and Liang Zuo proved something. It proved that Liang Xiangguo of Xixia must have been attracted by the conditions offered by the Song Dynasty. .

When he thought that Youzhou and Hongzhou would probably become territories controlled by the Song Dynasty, Zhong Shidao looked at Liang Shou with more kindness.

It's like the old farmers in that kind of land are in a happy mood looking at the crops that are about to have a bumper harvest.

(End of this chapter)

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