Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 573 They Already Know Each Other's Goodness (Part 2)

Chapter 573 They Already Know Each Other's Goodness (Second More)
Chapter 582

Zhe Keshi looked at Wang Yang with a painful expression on his face. He was fooling around Liang Zuo with a serious face, but it wasn't really fooling.In the agreed strategy, if Liang Yibu can really lead his army back to the Song Dynasty, then a Marquis position is indispensable.

After all, Da Song really needs such a benchmark of dedication to Han. Even such an enemy who has been fighting with Da Song for more than ten years, Da Song can accept it with a tolerant and generous mind.Then, it will definitely make a lot of people think.

And in this way, there will naturally be a gap between Xixia and Beiliao for those Han officials, and it is very likely that some foreign ministers with Han family in mind will vote.

It is precisely because Wang Yang analyzed to everyone that if Liang Yibu really surrendered to the Song Dynasty, the benefits that the Song Dynasty can gain are not only the gains and losses of one city and one place, but will have a certain impact on the political system of the surrounding countries. This finally convinced those frontier generals who had too much blood feud with Liang Yibu.

Liang Zuo stared blankly at the food in front of him. At this moment, he had no intention of filling his stomach at all. Instead, he considered what Wang Yang said. In addition, he used his eyes to look at the three people in front of him to judge. Does Wang Yang have other plans?

"... Now, Mr. Wang has finished what should be said. The rest is up to you. By the way, Mr. Wang will give you this thing." He took a wooden box about one foot long and half a foot wide in his hand, and casually threw it on the table.

"This is..." Liang Zuo took a look and raised his head to look at Wang Yang.

"Here is a letter written by Master Su to Liang Xiangguo, Mr. Su Dongpo, a senior scholar of Longtuge University and Guanglu doctor, who was appeased by the Shaanxi Road Economic Strategy of the Great Song Dynasty."

After Mi Qinshunde filled his stomach hungrily and stayed for another two-quarters of an hour, someone came to lead him out of the room. Facing the flying snow flakes, he saw twenty Song Army cavalry ready to go. And a horse with an empty saddle.

"This is for you. They were ordered to send you to the Qingyuan military city of Jingsai Army Division. Naturally, there will be no danger along the way." The general who escorted Mi Qin Shunde out of the prison said angrily, But he still dutifully explained what he should have told this guy.

Mi Qinshunde was too lazy to talk. Being able to return to Xixia was definitely an unexpected joy for him. The words of Mr. Wang from the Song Dynasty still echoed in his mind.

He really couldn't figure out what that guy, or this group of people from the Song Dynasty wanted to do, but one thing, he was absolutely sure, that the people from the Song Dynasty definitely had some kind of conspiracy, or they were planning something that would not benefit Xixia. big event.

Just when Mi Qin Shunde turned over and jumped on the horse, and was about to withdraw the horse to go back, he saw Wang Yang with a friendly face personally sending out the most trusted Liang Zuo behind Xiao Liang.

In Liang Zuo's arms, it was obvious that there was a wooden box wrapped in the kind of letter delivery.And Liang Zuo didn't expect to meet Mi Qin Shunde here, and the smile on his face froze immediately.

On the contrary, Wang Yang, not only did nothing wrong, he even warmly greeted Nami Shunde. "General Mi Qin, walk slowly, I hope we will meet again next time."

"And you, General Liang, let's go too, Wang will not be far away." After Wang Yang said, he waved his hands to the people around him, and soon someone brought the bewildered Liang Zuo to a different place. In the distance, there were also twenty Great Song cavalrymen and an empty saddle horse waiting for him.

"Master Wang, where is that General Liang going?" Mi Qin Shunde asked casually.

"Oh, General Liang, of course he went to recruit the Xixia fugitives scattered in the countryside. He is not on the same page as you..." Wang Yang chuckled and replied casually.

Damn you, are you really a brother whose IQ can't reach 45?Mi Qin Shunde couldn't help but rolled his eyes covertly, said goodbye to Wang Yang hastily, and then galloped away quickly.

And Liang Zuo was also "escorted" out of Huanzhou City after that, but he went directly to Hongzhou.And Mi Qin Shunde was even able to see Liang Zuo passing by him, and in the end he didn't know where he was going.

Mi Qin Shunde was very disturbed in his heart. He really didn't understand why this Liang Zuo would be released. Compared with Wang Yang's attitude towards him, he could use the attitude of confiding in his heart to Liang Zuo as a confidant .

And who is this Liang Zuo?He was Xiaoliang Empress' confidant, and since he was also released, he didn't go with him, and the explanation that Mr. Wang from the Song Dynasty said was like fucking farting.

Since he was going to surrender, Wei's prestige as an old general and his familiarity in the Great Xia Army far surpassed that of Liang Chao, who was in his twenties.Why not let Wei Ming go?
This is obviously a problem, and it is a big problem. What will be inside that flat wooden box?

Mi Qin Shunde could swear to God that if it didn't contain a secret letter to some heavyweight, he would have swallowed that wooden box whole without chewing.

"Is this okay? I feel that Mi Qin Shunde's gaze just now is almost like wanting to pounce on Liang Zuo to eat him alive." Zhe Keshi watched the figures of the knights disappear into the distance, Can't help but say to Wang Yang with some dumbfounding.

This guy is really capable of tormenting people, but having said that, would it be okay to let Liang Zuo and Mi Qinshunde see each other's tricks like this?

"What's the matter, don't you think that in this way, they already know each other's goodness, ahem, they know each other's general whereabouts, and in the process of heading to their respective goals, they will definitely use all their strength to hurry, They must be eager to reach the destination first and complete their mission." Wang Yang chuckled, the smile looked so wretched and sinister.

"It's like playing cards, the three of them are playing a deck of poker, and the two of them have been forced to show their own cards to play the bright cards. At such a time, what they think about the most is definitely not to make a decision before making a move, Instead, they will make choices that they think are suitable according to their first reaction."

"That's true. No one knows that being the unluckiest loser will play the cards in his hand as quickly as possible." Ma Shang nodded approvingly.

Wang Yang felt someone poking his elbow, and when he turned his head, he saw Zhe Keshi looking at him cautiously. "Then what, Mr. Wang, what is this poker?"

"Oh, it's a board game. It's very simple, but it's very fun. If General Zhe has time, you can come to my place. It just so happens that the three of us can come and practice a few games." Wang Yang laughed and took the lead. Go in the direction of your own mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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