Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 55 Auntie, I want to die with you! (Favorites and recommendations are both required)

Chapter 55 Auntie, I want to die with you! (Favorites and recommendations are both required)

Chapter 55

"Do you want to quibble? It's a pity that my aunt has already caught your incriminating evidence!" Liu Yiyi excitedly picked up the stack of plan books written by Wang Yang from the side and threw them on the desk.

"So it's this one. What's the point of this? Isn't it just a plan?" Wang Yang pretended to look through the book, his face was not red and his heart was beating.

Damn, after all the calculations, I didn't notice this, it was a fucking mistake.

"You still want to play rascal with me, don't you?" Seeing Wang Yang's thick-skinned face, Liu Yiyi couldn't help but put her hands on the desk again, and stared round her lovely watery eyes.

"Don't squint your eyes, you shameless apprentice!..." Only then could she manage to maintain this posture of blessing and coercion, Liu Yiyi felt that Wang Yang's gaze and expression were not right, and spat on the eyeball thief Xixi hooligan.

But the next moment, Wang Yang twisted his hips, turned his back to Liu Yiyi, and let out a long sigh with a sad tone. "Forget it, until now, I can only tell the truth. This is actually a sad and tender story from a long time ago..."

"Why are you talking with your back to me!" Liu Yiyi was so frantic that she was about to pick up the inkstone and slap this guy on the head.

"Miss, didn't you say that you want me to see no evil? Although I am a gentleman, but you are beautiful, beautiful and refined, like a flower, how can I not be willing to look at it? Helpless, I can only... uh." Wang Yang hadn't finished his flattery when he saw a pair of big eyes full of fire and fighting spirit, which were almost stuck on his nose.

"Surnamed Wang, can you be upright! Jing! One! Point!" Liu Yiyi grabbed Wang Yang's skirt with both hands, and every time he shook it, he yelled out a word.

"Really? If you give it to me again, I, my aunt, will die with you!" Liu Yiyi, who didn't know how to threaten Wang Yang, gritted her teeth and grabbed Wang Yang's front collar viciously.

"...Since you have lost your memory, why do you still know so much, and still be able to compose such lyrics?" After a long time, Liu Yiyi, who drained two cups of cold water, calmed down and asked Wang Yang seriously.

No wonder, no wonder that Dong Feng Po's libretto was a bit weird, but it was also extremely good. Unfortunately, at that time, I was too busy to be happy, and didn't bother to think about it at all.

It's no wonder that every time I ask Steward Niu to find that noble poet, it doesn't take too long to get a new work, as if that noble poet just waits for Manager Niu eagerly every day. Like to get his work.

If he didn't have great talent, how could he write such beautiful libretto? If he didn't have good self-cultivation and years of edification in art, how could he compose that poignant and melancholy Dong Feng Po, and how could he compose such a song? A dance song that amazes everyone.

How can it be possible to design countless refreshing new things, the source of everything is here, just in this person who looks not much older than himself, sometimes stupid, sometimes treacherous, sometimes upright, and sometimes so obscene. The hooligans all blush for him...

All the mysteries are on him. Liu Yiyi really can't understand what kind of hermit master he is at such an age. He can educate such an all-rounder in just 20 years. The Wizards of the World.

"Please, those are just instincts. If I could remember them, then how could I not know that a non-royal prince can't be the prefect of Kaifeng, and I don't even know whether the contract of sale can be torn off." Be able to find appropriate justifications to justify one's actions.

"Then why didn't you just tell me or my mother that you wrote that word?" Liu Yiyi quickly felt that she had caught a loophole.

"I want to jump out by myself and say that I am proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and know everything about astronomy and geography..."

"Don't talk nonsense to me, and answer my question honestly." Liu Yiyi almost made this rascal turn her nose.

Wang Yang spread his hands helplessly. "Look, this is what happens when I tell the truth. You don't even believe it. Do you think your mother can believe it?"

"..." Liu Yiyi looked at this meat that could not be chopped or chewed with a black line on her face, and shook her head heartbroken. "Isn't it okay for you to tell us directly later?"

"You also know that I've always been a low-key person. As the saying goes, doing things low-key and being a low-key person, this is in line with a gentle gentleman... Hey, I said Miss Liu, what are you doing?"

"You bastard, how can you exchange your talents for property?" Liu Yiyi said with a full face of indignation, as if wishing to pick up Wang Yang and beat him up violently, um... It seems that Miss Liu is violent today The features are very obvious.

"What can I do? I don't need to eat, I don't need to earn money to plan for my future, and if I don't come up with my lyrics, how can Yihonglou win the competition with those three companies?" Already?" Wang Yang didn't expect that Liu Yiyi was still a literary young woman at heart, so he could only patiently explain.

Looking at Wang Yang, thinking of such a great talent like him, but lost his memory, and ended up living in Yihong Building, Liu Yiyi's originally angry and puzzled eyes gradually softened.

Liu Yiyi sighed, looking at the handsome and chiseled Wang family brother with a pair of charming watery eyes, and said softly. "That's all, I won't tell my mother, but why would you risk yourself for the future of the sisters in Yihonglou?"

PS: Well, did you see it?Master Wang is definitely a gentleman full of positive energy. The scenery outside the car window is very poetic and picturesque. Passengers, don’t forget to vote when you get on the car, okay!
 Well, see?Master Wang is definitely a gentleman full of positive energy. The scenery outside the car window is very poetic and picturesque. Passengers, don’t forget to vote when you get on the car, okay!
(End of this chapter)

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