Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 491 I wish you to catch that trabecula and bring tea and water to His Majesty (Part 1)

Chapter 491 I wish you to bring tea and water to His Majesty after catching that trabecula (first change)
Chapter 490

When Wang Yang was bored, he used these books to pass the time, but he never thought that he would find a lot of physics knowledge and techniques that are still widely used in later generations.

However, Wang Yang asked the entire Military Weapons Supervision, and these guys didn't seem to be interested in this kind of thing, thinking that these things had nothing to do with the work they were doing.

This made Wang Yang very indignant. At the same time, he also considered that the military production of the Song Dynasty really needed this thing. More importantly, the bows and crossbows of later generations all used a large number of pulley blocks.

So since Wang Yang had this idea, he asked someone to build a pulley block first, but he was about to leave before he had time to start making inventions.

The appearance of Zhao Ji made Wang Yang feel that this might be a good opportunity.So I decided to use it to lure Zhao Ji. Now that I saw this guy with staring eyes, he was really interested in these novelties.

"Unexpectedly, the ancient sages would have invented such a miraculous object. This, this is really admirable." After reading the description about the pulley and the pulley block, Zhao Ji couldn't help feeling full of emotion.

Wang Yang said slowly after exhaling the turbid air in his chest. "Think about it, the bed crossbow of my Great Song Dynasty requires the strength of nine oxen to pull it once, and if there is a suitable pulley block, an ox may be able to string the bed crossbow..."

"That's right!" Zhao Ji's eyes had changed from glowing to green, and he subconsciously pulled the rope again. "By the way, sir, can you make this thing lighter?"

"Of course, because the effort saving of the pulley set is determined by the number of rope strands, and its mechanical efficiency is determined by the gravity of the object being pulled, the gravity of the moving pulley, and friction." Wang Yang nodded and replied.

"That is to say, when there are ten strands of rope, then if you want to lift the weight of three hundred catties, you only need to expend thirty catties of strength."

"However, the number of strands of the rope is not the more the better, after all, the more ropes, the longer the distance you need to pull..."

"Sir, I still don't quite understand what, why don't you tell me from the beginning?" Zhao Ji looked at Wang Yang eagerly. "I really want to know the principle here."

"In this case, let me explain it to you. First of all, let's start with the most basic things..." Wang Yang didn't expect Zhao Ji to be so fond of learning. In desperation, he could only bite the bullet I became a physics teacher for a while.

Fortunately, his physics knowledge was finally not returned to the teacher, and although Zhao Ji was not a good emperor, he was indeed smart enough to draw inferences about other cases from one instance.

Even the physical formulas that Wang Yang wrote down for him, he was able to learn and apply them quickly.This really made Wang Yang slap his tongue secretly. If this Zhao Ji was thrown into the later generations, he would definitely be a typical academic master.

"So, I understand. It turns out that the reason is so simple. As long as you use this formula, you can easily get the result you need." After Zhao Ji understood those formulas, he was able to calculate the result independently.

Then, in order to prove that there was no problem with his result, he even changed the number of strands of the pulley block rope by himself under Wang Yang's guidance. Sure enough, the change in the number of rope strands passed.

The amount of force used also changed, and the length of the rope that was pulled also changed. Zhao Ji bowed deeply to Wang Yang again with an adoring expression on his face. "The ancients said that if you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening. The things taught by Mr. today really make me feel lonely, like opening a brand new door."

"That's not necessary. This knowledge actually comes from the ancient sages. I just sorted it out a little bit." Wang Yang said humbly.

"But I'm afraid that only you, sir, will notice the combination of these things and reality. If it weren't for you, how could the knowledge of these ancients be seen again." Zhao Ji continued to worship authentically.

Seeing his shining adoring eyes, he almost knelt down and called him dad. As an unmarried boy, Wang Yang certainly would not allow him to do this. The important thing is that Wang Yang was very worried about that. He just died less than ten years ago. It is very likely that the coffin board of Emperor Shenzong will not be able to hold it down.

After Wang Yang comforted the overly excited His Royal Highness Duan Wang, he began to talk to him about his own thoughts and ideas, and Zhao Ji listened very seriously, and even took out a pen and paper to express Wang Yang's words. Everything is recorded in detail on paper.

Most of what Wang Yang said was related to the concepts and ideas about the combination of pulleys and crossbows. It was not until the lanterns came on that Zhao Ji handed over the notes he had recorded to Wang Yang for review, that Zhao Ji looked reluctant to leave. With this note in hand, they left the Arms Supervision together.

Only then did he leave the office, and outside the office, Gao Qiu and Li Yu, who were already dressed in green official uniforms, were bragging with Wu Qilang there.

"When did you come here?" Zhao Ji raised his head and glanced at the sky. Only today, he felt that the time passed too fast. He was immersed in the ocean of knowledge, and he really didn't want to go ashore. .

"It's been almost half an hour since you came here, but Lao Wu said that you were studying something important inside, so we didn't go in to disturb you, and we just waited here." Li Yu explained with a smile towards this side.

"By the way, brother Qingjun, why didn't he come?"

"That guy has rushed to Su Xueshi's residence since the afternoon, and he hasn't returned yet..." Li Yu said helplessly.

"He really wants to go to the border town." Wang Yang couldn't help but rolled his eyes, well, as the saying goes, Yu Niang wants to marry someone, so let him do it himself.

A group of people rushed to the restaurant to eat and drink again, and Zhao Ji, the young prince of Dese, recounted the scene when he issued the imperial edict to Wang Yang today.

"Sir, you don't know yet. This time, when you are promoted, almost none of the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty stood up to oppose it. It seems that they just hope that you can leave Bianliang and leave the court."

"When they do this, they can only do it for a while at most. You are so young and have made such outstanding achievements. If you go to the border town, you can make some more contributions. At that time, if you go back to the court, I'm afraid it will be them." I will definitely regret what I did today." The scheming Gao Qiu was in a great mood, so he talked more.

Zhao Ji jumped up immediately again, raised his wine glass and shouted loudly. "That's right, I'll wish Mr. Ma Gong success in advance, make contributions in that Shaanxi border town, and strive to defeat Xixia Xiaoxiao, even if he can't catch the Xixia king, at least his old lady, the old woman who betrayed me in Song Dynasty Catch him and offer him a prisoner."

"That's right, that's right, that's what we want to do. Let's congratulate you, dear brother, on your return after capturing Xiao Liang, and let the Empress Xiao Liang serve tea and water to His Majesty... and you, dear brother, will definitely be able to worship the general and seal you a marquis."

Wang Yang reluctantly accepted the blessings of these bad friends. After tens of 10 people went to catch a trabecula, you really think that I, Mr. Wang, are omnipotent. Can't you be a superman in underwear?

(End of this chapter)

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